Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Mello scowled, sitting up and wiping a hand over his face. "... What did you guys do?!" He jumped up, running over to a mirror in the corner of the main room. "What the hell, guys?!"

Sakura looked over at Matt and continued laughing hysterically.

"I have work to do and I'm not in the mood," Light explained simply.

"We didn't do anything, Melanie," Matt said, snorting with laughter.

"But work can wait," Misa whined, widening her eyes and pressing herself against Light as if it would make her more appealing. In response to his other reason, she simply giggled and leaned in to kiss him.

Sakura walked into the main room, her hands over her stomach. "I'm going to be huge soon."

Mello looked over at Sakura and grinned. "You know it" Mello grabbed his chocolate bar, taking a bite.

Aya glanced over at Sakura, but didn't say anything, her gaze fixed on Matt.

Light sat in his seat in front of the monitors, not really doing anything.

Matsuda was somewhere... Being Matsuda...

Matt grinned and looked up as Sakura walked in. "Are you sure you're actually pregnant? It might just be you getting fat."

L didn't look up from his coffee as Sakura walked in, opting instead to dip some chocolate in it.

"Light!" Misa squealed, running up and hugging Light tightly from behind.

Sakura scowled at Matt, lightly punching him as she walked past. She sat in her seat next to L and looked over at him, smiling slightly.

Mello snickered. "Tala, you should lay off the sweets just in case."

Light tensed, not expecting the sudden hug. He then turned and relaxed slightly. "Oh, hello Misa."

Matt's only reaction was to smirk slightly, looking back down at his game. "Maybe you should start exercising."

L glanced up at Sakura, tilting his head slightly. "Yes?"

Misa continued to cling to Light, smiling. "Have you finished working?"

Sakura glared back at Mello and Matt. "Shut up," she then turned back to L. "Oh, nothing..." she muttered, still smiling slightly.

Aya was silent, her gaze still fixated on Matt.

Light turned back to the monitors, "No, not quite yet," he lied.

Matt grinned, focusing comple on his game again.

L tilted his head further. "You seem quite happy that you're showing," he said, looking back down at his cup and swirling the chocolate around in it.

Misa glanced over at the screen quickly, then hugged Light tighter. "But that's loads! You have to be done!"

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Sakura shrugged. "Well, is it wrong to be happy?"

Aya finally stood and began walking out of the main room. "I need a smoke." she muttered.

"Well, I'm not done." Light told Misa.

"No," L said, taking the chocolate out of the coffee and licking it. "It's natural."

Matt glanced up when Aya walked out, then practically threw his DS across the sofa in his haste to follow her.

"Can't you take a break?" Misa whined.

Sakura nodded. "Exactly."

Aya finally reached the outside and snatched her lighter and a cigarette. She lit it up and took a few puffs.

"I don't want to have to come back to it later," Light muttered, glancing back at Misa.

"Tala," L said, dipping his chocolate back into his coffee. "You're getting a bit further on in your pregnancy now. Not very far, but this is important."

Matt appeared at the doorway, smirking slightly at Aya.

"Well, get someone else to do it," Misa suggested, climbing onto Light's lap.

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Sakura raised her eyebrows. "You'd better not be taking me off the case."

Aya tilted her head, staring at Matt.

"I can't," Light whispered to Misa.

"I'm glad you understand," L said, eating the rest of his chocolate quickly and picking up his cup.

"Only a smoke break?" Matt asked, leaning against the doorframe.

Misa took no notice of Light, letting her hands drop to the hem of his shirt.

Sakura quickly became angry, shoving L. "No, you can't take me off the case!"

Aya nodded, sighing and staring out into space.

"Misa, no..." Light said, scowling. "We're in the main room, what are you doing?"

"I'm the head of the investigation," L muttered, struggling to keep his balance. "Stress isn't good for you, so you're off the case."

"Are you sure?" Matt asked, pushing hismself up and stepping towards Aya.

"We don't have to be," Misa giggled.

Sakura shoved L again. "But you taking me off the case is stressful!"

Aya nodded, not looking over at Matt.

"Well, I need to finish my work." Light said, scowling. "How many times must I repeat myself?!"

L jolted when Sakura pushed him again, spilling the cup of coffee everywhere. "Not as stressful as staying on the case would be for you." He placed his empty cup on the desk, looking around at the puddles.

"Do I have to convince you?" Matt asked, now right in front of Aya.

"I told you to finish it later," Misa said, pouting.

Sakura scowled at L. She was about to shove him again, but the smell of the coffee was starting to make her sick. "I'll be right back..." she muttered, running off to the bathroom.

"Try all you want to convince me," Aya told Matt, still not looking at him.

"Misa, just let me finish my work." Light said, a bit louder now.

L watched Sakura leave, wide-eyed. "I imagine another symptom has appeared," he muttered to himself, before using his sleeve to mop up the coffee on the desk.

Matt leaned in to Aya, moving his face very close to hers. "I'm taking that as a bet."

Misa pouted, moving her hands up to play with Light's pretty L'Oreal-shampooed perfect hair.

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