Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"Well, I might be! You told me you don't think you used a condom!" Aya yelled, clenching her fists.

"Well, did you?" Aya asked, sitting forward in her seat. "... And why the f*** are you playing VIDEO GAMES at a time like this?"

Matt nodded, looking back down at his game. "Yeah. And why not?" Even so, he closed his DS and pocketed it, in case Aya decided that it would look better in pieces.

"You bi***, why did you wait until now to tell me?" Aya practically screamed, standing up.

Sakura burst out in laughter at how casually Matt said it.

"Even so! You've been saying s**t to me for the past few minutes about babies. You a**hole!" Aya said, bringing her leg back and slamming her foot into Matt's shin.

"f*****g bi***," Aya muttered, sitting back down.

Sakura turned around in her chair, grinning. "Is it bad that I agree with Mattella on this one? It certainly was funny."

Aya glared at the floor, not saying anything else.

Sakura grinned at Matt before turning her gaze to Mello, who had passed out on the floor. "Hey, who wants to put Mello's hand in a bowl of warm water?"

Matt glanced over at Sakura as she spoke, then looked at Mello and smirked. "I like that idea."

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Sakura jumped up, running into the kitchen. She returned a moment later with a bowl of warm water. She waved for Matt to come over, kneeling beside Mello.

Sakura slid the bowl to Mello's side, motioning for Matt to place Mello's hand in it.

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