Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Sakura grinned. She watched Mello for a few moments before deciding on another thing to do. "... Let's put makeup on him, too."

Matt stared at Mello's face for a second, as though deciding on the best colours to use. "Okay, you should get some. He'll look even more like a girl...get a bow for his hair."

"Alright," Sakura said, standing. She ran out of the room and came back with a bag of makeup and a clip-on bow. "This is going to be fun."

"... Any. I don't really give a f***, just smear it on!" Sakura giggled, first placing the bow in his hair. The bow was covered in butterflies and was a bright pink. She then opened the bag and took out lipstick, smudging it messily around Mello's lips.

Matt grabbed some blusher and started to load it onto Mello's cheeks carelessly, sniggering.

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Sakura then took eyeliner and made wide circles around Mello's eyes. "This remind me of when we were back at Wammy's, pulling pranks on each other," Sakura snatched dark blue eye shadow, wiping it around his eyes as well.

Sakura nodded. "Remember when we put dye in his hair while he was passed out?"

Light walked in, looking down at Sakura, Matt, and Mello. "So, what-" he cut off, seeing the butterflies on Mello's bow. He took a step backwards and continued to stare, staying silent.

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Sakura also turned to look at Light. "What're you staring at?"

"N-nothing." Light responded hastily. "But uh... Are those.. B-butterflies?"

Sakura snickered. "Do you have something against butterflies?"

Light glared down at the bow. Saying nothing, he cautiously walked around Mello and to the monitors, taking his seat.

Light looked down at Misa, sighing. "What is there to do that's fun?"

Sakura stood. "Now, how to wake him up?"

Light tilted his head. "What kind of... 'fun'?"

Matt grinned, then leaned in closer to Mello. "Hey, Mello...there's a sale on chocolate..."

Misa giggled loudly, wriggling up to Light. "You know, Light!"

Mello jerked awake, sitting up and grimacing. "Wha- CHOCOLATE SALE?... Did I pee myself?!"

Sakura burst out laughing, falling backwards.

Light sighed, raising his eyebrows. "I'm not sure I'm up for it..."

Matt grinned, leaning back on his hands. "Possibly, Mels. Or, should I say, Melanie?"

"But Light," Misa whined, pulling herself onto his lap.

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