Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"Mm, we've got plenty of time, then!" Misa said happily. "Are you excited, Light?"

Eventually Aya returned, crossing through the main room and smacking something down on a table. It was a chocolate bar, with a note that said 'I hope you choke.'.

Mello turned to Aya and looked over at what she'd put on the table. He grinned and picked up the chocolate bar. He read the note and his grin soon faded. "Aw, I love you too, Aya~"

Light nodded, smiling.

Matt walked over behind Mello, still smirking and intent on annoying him more. He looked over Mello's shoulder and read the note. "Oh, I can feel the love in the room."

"Don't mention it." Aya said shortly, flopping into a chair. "Really, don't. Don't expect that again, either."

Suddenly Misa frowned. "Do you think we'll have to tell Ryuzaki we're going out? He might stop us!"

Mello grinned, looking over at Matt. He opened the chocolate bar and took a few swift bites.

Light shrugged. "I doubt it would matter."

"This must be a devestating blow," Matt continued, feigning a dramatic voice. "She hasn't returned your feelings of looove."

"One more word, Matt, and I will come over there and ram those stupid goggles up your a***." Aya warned, pulling out her mobile. "Seriously, you know I could do it."

"Okay, if you're sure..." Misa nodded, willing to go with whatever Light said. "You have money, don't you?"

"Just do it now," Mello told Aya, grinning at Matt.

Light nodded, approaching the elevator and pressing a button. "Yes, of course."

Sakura stretched out, sitting up and looking around. She yawned, leaning back. "What's going on?"

Sakura nodded. "Ah," she sat forward and pushed herself up. She walked over to L, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You need me for anything here?"

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"Believe me, I am seriously tempted." Aya said, getting to her feet. "Distracted by him? Oh, please."

Misa smiled in response, stepping into the elevator when it turned up nd pulling Light in with her.

Mello smirked and posed. "You now you think I'm sexy~"

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better."

Light reached forward, pressing the ground floor button.

"Of course she does," Matt said, grinning and walking over to the sofa again.

L nodded, staring at his plate. "Can you get me some cake?"

Aya rolled her eyes. "Would you like be to beat you up as well? If so, keep talking."

"I'm excited, Light." Misa said for about the 50th time. "It's been ages since you took me on a date."

Sakura nodded, grabbing L's plate. "Sure,"

Mello snickered, plopping down onto the sofa.

Light nodded, "Yeah, I know."

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