Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Sakura shrugged. "Well, you lit my dress on fire once, remember?"

"Humph." Misa still looked unhappy before perking up. "So where are we gonna go later?"

"You kniw, Mello." Aya grinned. "You should really hide you chocolate in a better place."

"Humph." Misa still looked unhappy before perking up. "So where are we gonna go later?"

"You kniw, Mello." Aya grinned. "You should really hide you chocolate in a better place."

"It was when you first started smoking," Sakura told him. "You were lighting up a cigarette and you fell."

Light shrugged. "Well, we'll look up some movies and pick one out and we can both decide on a nice dinner afterwards."

"You mean you're the idiot that took my chocolate??" Mello yelled, standing up. "Where is it? Give it to me!!!"

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Matt dropped his hands, smirking. "I remember that. But that wasn't my fault, really. Mello pushed me." He grinned, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Okay! Is your laptop in your room?" Misa asked excitedly.

"Dude, I've been the one taking it for the past few weeks." Aya grinned, eating the last piece. "Whoops. All gone."

"Whatever," Sakura muttered, shrugging. She grinned. "Remember when you, Mello, and I were out shopping and you stuck a price tag to Mello's back? The look of panic on his face when the alarms went off as we left was priceless!"

Light nodded. "It is,"

"I swear I'm going to kill you," Mello growled, stomping towards Aya.

"He thought he'd finally been caught out for shoplifting," Matt said, smirking. He pulled his cigarettes and lighter out of his pocket, pushing himself up from the doorframe

"Okay! Let's go there and check then!" Misa cheered. "I'm excited!"

"You'll have to catch me first." Aya grinned, hopping over the back of her chair. "Sorry, Ryuzaki, but I'm gonna have to run for my life."

Sakura frowned slightly. "Hey Matt, no smoking around me."

Light forced a slight smile, looking down at Misa.

Mello broke into a run, hoping to catch Aya before she ran. "Come here, Emiko!"

Matt frowned, looking down at the lighter. "Why not?"

"Mello can be suprisingly fast when it comes to his chocolate," L said, watching Mello start to run.

When they reached the room Misa unlocked it and practically skipped inside, moving over to a desk. "Oh... I don't know your password."

"Not a chance!" Aya yelled, pulling her chair in Mello's path before darting off.

"I'm pregnant." Sakura paused. "And, It's not good for the baby." she told Matt, mimicking his voice.

Light stepped forward and leaned down. "Here," he said, quickly typing in his password.

"You're so dead when I catch you!!!" Mello snarled, flipping the chair out of his way and dashing after Aya.

Matt scowled, staring at the lighter. "So where can I go to smoke, then?" He looked up when Sakura imitated him. "That means you can't hit me."

"What, dead like your chocolate supply?" Aya sniggered, picking up speed once she was out of the main room.

"Oh! Thanks!" Misa tried to use Light's laptop before groaning and getting up. "Ohh, you do it!"

"Well, I can hit you. I just can't tackle you and you can't fight back. " Sakura told him with a smile. "Anyways, go outside to smoke."

Mello scowled, gaining on Aya. "You're not gonna get away!!!"

Light sighed, sitting down and opening the web browser.

"I already am!" Aya yelled back, sprinting past Sakura and Matt. "Sorry guys, saving my life here!" She said, before doubling back and pulling Matt in Mello's path.

Misa hung on Light's shoulder, watching him.

"Whateve-" Sakura cut off, watching as Aya went by. "Okay then..." she muttered.

Mello snarled, shoving Matt out of the way and continuing to pursue Aya.

Light looked up various movies that were at the closest theatre. "Here, pick one."

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