Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"I don't stare at you a lot," L said, spinning the chair around so he could face Misa. "I only stare at you when you're in the way."

"I wasn't in the way!" Misa insisted, still not looking at all happy. "Explain! You've been staring at me ever since I got back!"

"Dunno about you, but it might be wise to find a hiding place?" Aya suggested to Matt. "I know how vicious Tala can be."

"You were in the way," L said quietly, resting his chin on his knees. "And if you want to talk to someone who's been staring at you, you should ask Matt."

Matt shook his head. "I need to get some games from my room anyway."

Misa's eyes were wide. "H-huh? Matt's not a pervert! Matt is nice to Misa Misa!" For once she moved away from Light, staring down at L in his chair. "You're just trying to shift blame!"

"Oh, of course." Aya muttered, before grinning. "Well, I'm gonna hide one place an enraged Mello can't find me... the girl's toilets." She ran off. "See you on the other side."

"Have you not seen him staring at you?" L asked, looking up at Misa and tilting his head. "Watch him next time he's here."

"Fine! I will, and I'll prove you wrong, Ryuzaki!" Misa said defiantly, sitting down opposite L. "Go on! Go do some case stuff! I'm waiting for Matt!"

Gotta go now ): hence why I'm saving Aya's bit xP

Sakura grinned. "To kill or not to kill you, Mello. That is the question."

"Please don't hurt me, heh..." Mello mumbled.

Light rolled his eyes at Misa and L, sighing.

Aya was killing time by pacing up and down the bathroom when she noticed something on the floor. Frownig, she picked it up. "...A positive pregnancy test? What?" She stared at it for a few moments before leaving the room, heading back to the main room.

Sakura stood up, stretching her arms out. " I really should kill him, eh?"

Mello jumped up. "I'll leave, okay? Just don't hurt me! Oh God..."

"Hey..." Aya moved into the doorways, her gaze flicking between Misa and Sakura. "This is awkward, but i found this. It's positive." She said, holding up the test.

Misa squealed. "H-huh?! I'm not pregnant! I swear!"

Sakura's eyes widened for a brief moment before taking in a deep breath and forcing herself to keep a straight face. She looked over at Aya and tilted her head. "Tsk, it's not me."

Matt looked over at Aya, smirking. "What? Someone's pregnant? Okay, so you found the test." He turned to Misa, frowning slightly. "You're sure you didn't take a test, and I belive you more." He turned to Sakura, now grinning. "Hello, Tala."

"Of course it's not me." Aya said, rolling her eyes. "It's gotta be Misa or Tala, unless one of the boys isn't telling us something." She glanced between L and Light. "What HAVE you two been up to?"

Sakura shot a glare at Matt before snickering slightly at what Aya said. "I swear it's not me, Matt." she mumbled, still keeping a complete pokerface.

Matsuda turned from his work. "Someone's... Pregnant? WHO IS IT? WHO IS IT?"

Mello snickered. "I think it's Tala."

Light looked at Misa with wide eyes. "Misa, you promise it's not you?"

"I don't believe you, Tala," Matt said, smirking again and walking into the room. "I think it's you."

L tilted his head, watching Light. "Light, are you worried about having a baby?"

"No! Misa would have told you if Light Jr was going to come along!" Aya rolled her eyes at Misa before turning to Sakura and L, smirking. "I dunno, though... oh my god, can you imagine a baby Tala? Good lord."

Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes. "Guys, just back off. It's not me."

"Yes, I'd be slightly afraid of being a father!" Light told L. He then turned to Misa. "Okay,"

"Baby Tala'd kick Matt's a** just like her mother." Mello said with a laugh.

"Nu-uh," Matt said, shaking his head. "It's not a fair fight, I can't hit a kid." He turned to Sakura, smirking again. "It's not Misa, it's not Aya. You're the only other girl here."

Misa wrapped her arms around Light's neck. "Aw, Light! I think you'd be a great father!"

"Hate to say it, but everyone's making sense." Aya said to Tala, folding her arms. "Might as well admit it."

(I gotta go D: Sorry for the lack of posting, my phone broke... x.x)

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