Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"Yes, you want me to get you some?" Sakura asked, looking over at L.

Light scowled. "I'm not a pervert."

Mello crossed his legs. "I hate you, Matt!" he yelled, taking out a chocolate bar and tearing off its wrapper.

Matsuda nodded, walking into the main room.

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L nodded, chewing on his thumb. "Is it the same cake?" He looked over at Light, tilting his head. "Yes you are, Light."

"Back at you, Mello," Matt yelled, starting to smirk again.

Misa glared at L, pointing a finger accusingly at him. "Light's not a pervert! You are! Tell hin to stop, Light!"

Aya handed the phone to Matsuda. "Basically, you need to look up the people whose names aren't crossed out on these photos. Yell me when you've got a few."

Sakura sighed and shook her head. "No, you ate the last of that type..." she muttered, standing.

Light rolled his eyes. "As if he'll listen to me, Misa."

Matsuda snatched the phone and turned to his computer. "Sure thing,"

"Am I allowed back in yet?" Mello asked, taking a few bites of his chocolate.

"What?" L looked over at Sakura, pulling his hand away from his mouth. "I didn't eat all of it. There was too much of it, I can't have."

"Nope," Matt called, smirking over at Mello.

"Ryuuzaki, we only bought one cake of that kind," Sakura told him, reaching over and grabbing the cake box. "Look, there's only crumbs left."

Mello growled and peeked in through the entrance. "Hey Matt,"

L shook his head, snatching the box away from Sakura and lifting it up. "I didn't eat the whole cake," he said, holding it close to his eyes.

"What?" Matt asked, glancing back over atMello.

"Pretty close to it. I only had one small slice." Sakura told him.

Mello offered a small smile, flipping Matt off.

L shook his head, very clearly in denial. He handed the box back to Sakura in silence, then let his hands drop to his knees again.

Matt rolled his eyes and copied Mello, then looked back down at his game.

Sakura rolled her eyes and sighed, taking the box and leaving for the kitchen.

Mello stood. "f*** this," he muttered, walking into the main room and plopping down on the sofa.

L rested his chin on his knees and pushed the keyboard across the table.

Matt glanced up as Mello walked in, then lifted his legs up on Mello's lap. "Tala's gonna hit you," he said with a smirk.

Sakura returned a few minutes later with a slice of cake. She set it down in front of L and went over to her chair, plopping down.

"What the f*** ever," Mello growled.

L watched Sakura walk back in, then turned his attention to the cake. "Has Wedy contacted yet? The lists mean that I'm almost cetain the suspect us involved."

Matt watched Mello, then shrugged and looked back down at the DS.

"Almost certain? Ryuzaki, it's practically a definite." Aya said. "And if all else fails, I can go and set up survelliance in some of the houses once Matsuda's located them?"

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"We can't assume anything," L said, shaking his head. "He could just be a religious follower of Kira and be tracking Kira's moves." He leaned over and prodded the cake with one finger.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess." Aya shrugged, drumming a tune out on the table. "But don't you think it's weird that his list matches up? Especially if he's just been searching them? Either he's extremely lucky, or..." She shook her head. "Looks like we'll just have to try and find a Death Note somehow..."

"Light! You have to try!" Misa insisted, folding her arms and glaring.

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Sakura looked back at Mello. "What might you be doing in here?"

Mello shrugged. "Nothing,"

"I've tried before, haven't I? He never listens." Light grumbled.

Matt drew his legs back quickly and stood up. "I'm not gonna stick around for this," he said, and after a quick smirk at Mello he walked out of the room.

Sakura snickered, giving Mello an evil grin.

Mello's eyes widened. "No, Matt. Don't leave me here with Tala... Please."

Aya snickered, getting up. "Matt's got the right idea. I'm not gonna stick around either."

"Ohhh, fine!" Misa wheeled around, glaring at L. "Why do you stare at me so much, huh?"

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