Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"Do you think we should go through to the main room?" Misa asked.

Finally Aya arrived back at the building, making her way to the main room and frowning. "Where is everyone?"

Sakura took in another deep breath, running a hand through her hair. "... I don't know..." she whispered, looking down.

"No you're not!" Mello said, attempting to speed up when he saw the time was running low.

Light shrugged, "If you want to."

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L watched Sakura with wide eyes, letting his arms hang down so he could hold onto the edge of his seat tightly.

"Yes I will," Matt said, smirking now. He sat up. "Reckon we've been unbanned from the main room yet?"

"Well, it's kinda BORING just sitting in here..." Misa sighed. "You can think of stuff on the way, can't you?"

Sakura jumped slightly and turned to Aya. "They're all in their rooms,"

Mello shrugged, sighing when the time ran out. "I don't know, we can go out there after you peel some of these damnn potatoes."

"Yeah," Light muttered, standing up. "Let's go, then."

"Oh." Unaware to what was going on, Aya sat down, holding up her phone. "It's just I've got something on here that could, if I'm not mistaken, possibly catch us a Kira."

Misa smiled, taking Light's hand and starting to walk.

"Oh." Unaware to what was going on, Aya sat down, holding up her phone. "It's just I've got something on here that could, if I'm not mistaken, possibly catch us a Kira."

Misa smiled, taking Light's hand and starting to walk.

L turned his chair around to face Aya, still wide-eyed. "Did you check where I told you to in that house? You're back quite early."

"Okay," Matt said, grinning and holding his hand out for the DS. "Watch the sensei of potato peeling have a go."

Light walked with Misa down the corridors and reached the main room.

Mello handed Matt the DS. "Good luck."

"Yeah, I'm just that quick." Aya grinned. "I already checked those places you mentioned. If I hadn't decided to rummage through the piles of paper on his desk, I never would have found... this." She held out her phone, flicking through a couple of photos so L could see. "He's got lists of names sat on his desk. Some of them crossed out or ticked off. I did a quick google and those people just HAPPEN to be criminals who HAPPEN to have died of a heart attack recently."

L took the phone from Aya and held it up, using the tip of his finger to scroll throughthe pictures. "Did you bring the lists here?" he asked, holding the phone back out to Aya.

Matt grinned and started the game, then began to swipe the screen quickly.

Aya shook her head, accepting the phone. "I think he would have noticed if the list had gone missing. That's why I took photos of most of the pages. I didn't bother with the ones that had all been crossed out." She shrugged. "If we need them, I can go back and get them. We'd just have to make sure he didn't notice somehow, which would be difficult."

Mello watched Matt intently, prodding his arm to screw him up. "Matt, Matt, Hey Matt. Matt!"

As Misa and Light entered Aya looked up and grinned. "Just in time. I've got some info that could catch us a Kira."

(fail post to show I'm online xD)

"Did you replace them exactly?" L asked, turning away from Aya. "If he's working for Kira, he'll be very specific about the lists." He rested his chin on his knees. "You'll need to go back tomorrow and bring the lists to us. We can forge them and replace the duplicates."

"Mello," Matt growled, trying to elbow him out of the way. "Stop trying to put me off, faggot,"

"Information that could catch Kira?? Please do tell." Light said, walking over to Aya.

Mello grinned, sitting back. "Why? With your skills, you should be able to handle it."

"No need to sound shocked. You should know I'm just that good." Aya shrugged, turning back to L. "Sure, no problem. What day is it tomorrow? We'll have to check his routine, make sure he's out for a decent length of time..." She turned back to Light. "Basically, I found lists of criminals. In a really good hiding place, actually."

"He'll be at work at the same time tomorrow," L said. He turned in his chair and stared at Aya, shaking his head a fraction of an inch when she told Light.

"That's just cheating," Matt muttered, glaring. "If I lose, it's your fault"

Aya nodded, frowning when L shook his head. "Okay. Does that mean we cant do anything today?"

Misa moved over to Light. "Light, can we go on a date today?"

"Whatever, Matt." Mello mumbled, crossing his arms.

Light tilted his head. "Sure, what did you want to do?"

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