Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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L tilted his head, then turned back towards his cake.

"She punched me," Matt muttered, rubbing his chest where he'd been hit. "Hard. And she keeps yelling, so don't do anything to pi** her off."

Mello grinned. "Will you ever learn to not provoke her?"

Sakura was on her way back to the HQ, several pregnancy tests tucked away in her bag.

"I didn't this time, though," Matt protested, shaking his head. "I still got punched, though." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cigarettes and lighter.

"Wow. She must've been in an especially good mood, then." Mello muttered. "It's like you've become her punching bag."

Sakura made it back to HQ and went up in the elevator, shifting back and forth on her feet. When she reached the right floor, she sped out of the elevator and into the bathroom, locking the door behind herself.

Matt was silent for a second, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it. "On second thought, provoke her. Maybe she'll start hiting you instead." He took a drag on the cigarette, leaning back.

Mello grinned, leaning back. "Nah, I'm good. I'm smart enough to know not to ever anger her."

After taking one of her tests, Sakura was sitting on the floor with her back against the door. She crossed her arms over her stomach as she awaited her results.

"I don't wanna stay as her punching bag," Matt said, frowning at Mello. "She's attacking me when I don't do anything now!" He shrugged again, taking another drag on the cigarete.

Mello snickered. "That really sucks for you, bro."

Sakura stared down at the test with wide eyes. It was positive. "Oh no... It has to be false..." she whispered as she took out the next few tests. "I'm sure these next ones will be negative..."

"Yeah, it does," Matt said, scowling. He sat up slightly and pulled his DS out from under him. "I might have to hide when she comes back in." He held the cigarette out to Mello, still frowning.

Mello frowned also, snatching the cigarette and taking a swift puff. He held it back out to Matt. "I'm sure she was just in a foul mood today, you'll be fine."

Sakura stared down at the various tests, all of them positive. "No no no no..." she whispered. She took in a deep breath, throwing the tests in the garbage can. "How am I going to tell L?" she asked herself, unlocking the door and heading back into the main room.

Matt shook his head, taking the cigarette back and sticking it between his teeth. "Nu-uh, I'm hiding." He glanced up as Sakura walked in, then slid down, hiding himself behind the cushion.

Sakura had her arms awkwardly crossed over her stomach and she payed no attention to Matt and Mello, going straight to her chair. "I'm uh... Finished with my break..." she mumbled, looking over at L.

Mello sighed. "You're such a moron, Matt."

L looked away from his screen to stare at Sakura. "If you're sure," he said quietly, tilting his head. "Why did you have to go to the store?"

Matt rolled his eyes, pushing the cushion away again. "No I'm not."

Sakura instantly looked down when L turned and looked at her. "Oh, I.... Uh... No reason."

Mello sighed and stretched his arms out, looking over at Matt. "Yes you are."

L tilted his head, watching Sakura closely. "What did you get?" he asked, hunching over so he was more level to Sakura's face.

"You're the one who looks like a girl," Matt muttered, smirking.

"Well, you know what?" Mello asked, glaring at Matt.

"I just uh... Got some meds to make my stomach feel better." Sakura lied, still not looking at L.

"What?" Matt asked, still smirking.

L nodded and leaned back on his legs again. "You don't have to keep working if you start to feel sick again."

Misa wasn't really doing anything in particular, just hanging around her and Light's room.

Once she was a suitable distance from the house she had been checking out, Aya leant against a wall, pulling out her phone. Really, she was glad to be out of the stupid house, it was absolutely filthy. Grumbling to herself, she dialled one of the many numbers that would put her in touch with HQ.

Mello flipped Matt off. "f*** you~"

"Alright, I'm sure I'll be fine, though." Sakura paused for a minute. "Hey Ryuuzaki... Could you ask Matt and Mello to leave for a minute so I can tell you something? It's very important..."

Light was sitting at his desk, thinking over his next move.

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Matt laughed, shaking his head. "Just because you know it's true."

L frowned, looking back over at Sakura. "Is it about the case. Although you'd say that in front of people...Is it-" He cut off, picking up a phone from the desk and answering the call. "Yes?"

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