Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"Then take a break," L said, shuffling on his seat again so he was facing Sakura. "If you get stressed, you'll feel worse." He turned back to the cake and poked at one of the strawberries with the fork.

Sakura grunted. "Fine I'll take a stupid break." she muttered, standing up and walking over to the sofa. She plopped down and leaned back, closing her eyes. She felt like she was going to be sick.

L watched Sakura stand up and walk away, then looked back and his cake and scooped up one of the strawberries.

Matt glanced up from his DS as Sakura sat down, using the pause to adjust his goggles. "If you're ill, don't pass it on to me."

"Shut up, fathead." Sakura snapped, looking over at Matt. " I don't want you to give me any of your crap right now, got that?"

Matt raised his eyebrows, looking back down at his screen. "I didn't even say anything," he said, unpausing his game and sinking back into his seat.

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"Whatever, just leave me alone." Sakura mumbled, closing her eyes once more.

"You're getting pretty angry today," Matt muttered, turning the volume up on his DS again. He kicked his legs back up onto the sofa, stretching out.

"No I'm not... What makes you say that?" Sakura asked, shifting slightly. Now that she thought about it, she had snapped at L when he was only offering her some cake. What had her so upset?

Matt paused his game once more, raising his eyebrows as he looked up at Sakura. "You keep yelling at everyone." He shrugged, leaning back again and trying to focus on his game.

Should I have Sakura just figure it out quickly or what? xD

Sakura shrugged, stretching her arms out. "Whatever, I don't care." she mumbled, sighing loudly.

No idea xD

Matt shrugged again, keeping his eyes down. "You should hit people instead of yelling at them," he muttered. "Makes it more fun to watch."

Figure it out quickly it is, then... xDD

Sakura scowled and swung her fist over, bashing it into Matt's chest. "There, was that more fun?"

Matt yelled out and doubled over, dropping his DS beside him. "I meant over people, not me," he spluttered. "And this is what I mean about you being angrier."

Sakura grunted, crossing her arms. She continued to wonder why she was in fact upset at everything. Her stomach didn't cease feeling sick one bit, either.

Mello walked into the room, stretching out. "Hey, how's everyone doing?"

"In pain," Matt muttered, his arms wrapped around his chest. He sat up a little straighter, relaxing his arms.

L turned around when Mello walked in, still holding the fork. "Where's Matsuda?"

Sakura leaned her head back, still thinking on it. Moodiness, sickness, and now that she though of it, she had missed her... "Guys, I need to make a quick stop at the store..." she told them, standing up and hurrying out of the main room.

Mello stared after Sakura ash she left. "I wonder what that was about." He turned to look over at L. "Well, since it's nearing Christmas, I bet he's hanging more mistletoe or something..."

L watched Sakura leave, dropping the fork on the desk behind him. "He already hung all of the mistletoe we have," he said, tilting his head. "If he bought more, then there'll be some over every doorway.

Matt glanced up as Sakura left, then looked over at Mello. "Don't cross her today."

Mello tilted his head. "It's either mistletoe or some other sort of decoration." he muttered, looking over at Matt. He snickered and flopped down where Sakura had been sitting just before. "I take it she's in a pleasant mood?"

"He's getting quite excited," L said, glancing up at the decorations in the room.

"Oh, she's so bright and happy," Matt said, rolling his eyes. He looked over at L. "Maybe he's phoning his girlfriend."

"He is," Mello said with a nod. He snickered once more. "Ah yes, his little girlfriend. That's another possibility." He crossed his arms and looked over at Matt. "So, what damage did Tala do this time around?"

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