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Pro-Life for life. oh wow it rhymes

Why choose abortion? I mean I understand if the girl was raped. Maybe they should make a law about that. But still, if not raped, aborting is a big NO. It was the girl's choice to make love with someone. They should have known the consequences and the commitment even before that. It's no excuse if you're young too. And for those who said that women should at least have a choice, not trying to be rude, but you had a choice. It's either to make love or not. You do know that making love makes babies right?

And for those who said that those "things" in girl's stomach are JUST cells. Remember, we started from there as well. They're humans too. I mean, what's the difference of killing the baby before it got out and when it's out? In both situations, you didn't give the baby a chance to live.

In another vision, what if the baby was you. You weren't even alive yet and you were killed. Wow. They never gave you a chance. Not even a single one just because they care about themselves more. See?

I agree with most of you said, just not on the r*ape part.

I know being r*aped is a horrible thing, and getting pregnant from that may not be so nice either. But here again, it's not the child's fault you were r*aped. He has a right to live, just like we all do. And if you feel you really couldn't handle taking care of that child for certain reason, you could at least put it up for adoption. :)

I agree with most of you said, just not on the r*ape part.

I know being r*aped is a horrible thing, and getting pregnant from that may not be so nice either. But here again, it's not the child's fault you were r*aped. He has a right to live, just like we all do. And if you feel you really couldn't handle taking care of that child for certain reason, you could at least put it up for adoption. :)
Yeah I guess you're right. Adoption is another way too. You really know your stuff huh :p

That's really the most silly excuse. Is YOUR body more important than SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE. Remember that just like your parents don't own your body, you don't own your kids'.
Yes that is true but Just because there is a potential of life in MY body, it has no right to use my body with out my consent. My body my choice.

Also, abortion is allowed till week 24, which is not 3 but even more than 5 months!
I think you may need to educate yourself a little further on actual abortion procedures.

as I woman who has gone through the process I can tell you that no Legal clinic will preform a abortion after 12 weeks. which is when a doctor and most of the community would say that by 3 month it has the full potential of being a human because at this stage a womans body wont reject the fetus as it too itself knows that is now a baby.

no where in my province would give a woman an abortion after week 12, some places not even after week 8. I dunno where you're getting your info from but an abortion at 5 months is murder because at even such a soon date a baby can survive outside the womb with medical assistance.

Why must I repeat myself.
everyone has opinions and everyone is entitled to one. My opinion is it's NOT a baby until it reaches at least 3 month in utero. you DON'T need to repeat yourself as you said your opinion already and saying it at everyone who obviously disagrees with that statement is pointless.

adoption is always a better solution than abortion.
No it isn't. As someone who went through foster homes and all that jazz it's worse than being killed, a LOT of these kids don't get adopted. we get thrown into foster care and abused, beaten and all out have a crappier life. I have never met anyone in my life who went through foster care or was adopted that was happy. you think it's a solution but its not.

Im glad I had an abortion because I didn't want my potential child to go through all that misery.

I don't feel like that comment was very appropriate at all whatsoever, The Ultimate Doomer.

You are supposed to be having a mature discussion. I feel a lot of animosity coming from you towards another fellow user. We are supposed to respect each others opinions, even if you do not agree with them.

You have clearly demonstrated your opinion on this matter. That abortion is murder. You need to look at the big picture. I believe it is salvation. You must remember that our world is not as great as they paint it to be. Consider our harsh realities - things like ciara has clearly stated. Those experiences are not fun for anybody. Not the mother. Not the child.

EDIT: I don't agree that you have edited your comment to find ANOTHER GIF of a flame burning.

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But Stefan and I know that it is sinful. Why someone would want to do something evil like that, I don't know.
I fail to understand why you think that abortion is so evil.

Abortion is not made right off the bat. It is NOT an impulsive decision, nor is it a scapegoat. There is so much thought and heartbreak that underlies an abortion. People do not get abortions because they "do not care". It is the opposite. We care that those fetuses will eventually become babies. Understand that pro-choice NOT mean pro-abortion in any way whatsoever. Abortion is not an easy solution. Being pro-choice is about treating abortion as an solution; it is essential democratic principal.

Not everyone can give birth to a child and provide it with a "good" life. Money talks. Some parents cannot afford to take time off work for a pregnancy, or even spend money on a pregnancy due to their financial situation. Timing is everything. Oh, and kindly note that birth control is not 100% effective either.

Adoption is not the best solution either. Would you want to GIVE your child away to a facility that doesn't guarantee a loving, caring home? This sort of thing happens all the time. Already there is so much pressure in adoption agencies - there are so many children that have needs that are not met. Have you listened to a word that Ciara said? Furthermore, there is so much uncertainty. What happens when the child doesn't get adopted? What about the emotional turmoil that child may experience? As the child age, they are less and less likely to get adopted. Rejection is something that is not easily forgotten, nor is it something that is easily lived with. Why would you want to put your child through that? Do you realize how unfair it is to a child to bring them into a world when they are unwanted?

If you want to put labels on things, I think that it is evil when a man cannot empathize with the tremendously difficult position an unwanted pregnancy is, on an emotional, social, and economic level. Especially considering the fact that a male can have zero comprehension of what a woman with an unwanted pregnancy might feel like, and the burden it holds on her life.

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I have found the 24 week "rule" on several online pages...

No it isn't. As someone who went through foster homes and all that jazz it's worse than being killed, a LOT of these kids don't get adopted. we get thrown into foster care and abused, beaten and all out have a crappier life. I have never met anyone in my life who went through foster care or was adopted that was happy. you think it's a solution but its not.

Im glad I had an abortion because I didn't want my potential child to go through all that misery.
How can you say such a thing when you don't know what you speak of? You don't know death.

I think many people take not living far too lightly. Living, how hard it may be, is a beautiful gift.

everyone has opinions and everyone is entitled to one. My opinion is it's NOT a baby until it reaches at least 3 month in utero. you DON'T need to repeat yourself as you said your opinion already and saying it at everyone who obviously disagrees with that statement is pointless.
I don't think it's a matter of when in your opinion it's classified as a baby. What matters is that you're preventing this child's life.

You cannot decide for someone else's life. Even if you feel sure that it will have a miserable life, which it may have. Life is something humans shouldn't control.

Also, Ultimate Doomer, I think that fire gif(which I guess stands for Hell), is a bit too far. We cannot say what God's final judgement will be. All we can do is say what God doesn't want us to do, and that not listening will probably have a bad reward. However, there is no sin that is too big to not be forgiven from. :)

Yes that is true but Just because there is a potential of life in MY body, it has no right to use my body with out my consent. My body my choice.

exactly, it's really your choice not anyone elses, just like anything else you may choose to do, I chose to go into Biochem, when i'm pretty sure my parents would ave loved me to stay at home and stay in a bio program, I dont want t go to med school and countless people think that immoral and wrong and selfish. My life, my choice. My choices in life, so sure people can chime in, but they cannot make it for me. Yes it is a hard decision, but it is a decision.

Alright. here's a question for you all:

Woman gets pregnant. Is happy but gets terrible news from the doctor that if she carries the baby to term, she will die due to extreme complications. The ONLY way to live is to abort the child, otherwise both her and the child will die.

I am guessing that for those of you against abortion, you'd want the mother to die as well? It's a legitimate question/scenario, and it happens more often than you think. There have been times that abortion ha to be carried out to save the life of the mother.

Now take that scenario.... what if it was you (if you were the woman) or your wife (if you were her husband)? Would you let yourself/your wife die?

I'm curious to the answers that will be posted.

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Alright. here's a question for you all:

Woman gets pregnant. Is happy but gets terrible news from the doctor that if she carries the baby to term, she will die due to extreme complications. The ONLY way to live is to abort the child, otherwise both her and the child will die.

I am guessing that for those of you against abortion, you'd want the mother to die as well? It's a legitimate question/scenario, and it happens more often than you think. There have been times that abortion ha to be carried out to save the life of the mother.

Now take that scenario.... what if it was you (if you were the woman) or your wife (if you were her husband)? Would you let yourself/your wife die?

I'm curious to the answers that will be posted.
I have already replied to this question multiple times in this thread, but for your convenience I will restate it.

Of course I am not against abortion in this case, if you even can call it that.

I am Pro-Life, and for me that means getting the most lives out of it. And if it sure that both will die if the baby is not aborted, then you have to save the only life of course.

However, I don't think this is the majority of abortions. https://www.worldometers.info/abortions/

And this last thing hasn't much to do with pro-choice either, since there aren't really any options.

There are many reasons to get an abortion. They're not all good reasons, but they aren't all bad reasons either.

Every woman has a body, every woman has a choice, every woman has a reason.

So even though I do not usually agree with abortion, it is ultimately the woman's choice, and that choice should remain in the woman's hands. Each woman should know her options, and understand her reasons to see if she is really making a sound decision. This applies for both decisions: abortion and birth.

If people wish to end abortion, they need to provide a few things for free: birth control, sex ed, and a truly reliable way to take care of the children who are not aborted.

And a lot of Pro-Life people (certainly not all of them though) are extremely reluctant to give these things. They are against birth control and sex ed, but they don't want women getting abortions or being single mothers either. They want the woman to give birth to the child, but they are unwilling to pay a small amount extra in taxes to have the child taken care of.

Abortion should stay legal because women need to have this option. The other options are simply unreliable for the time being.

(I am very proud of those pro-life people who really try to support women, though.)

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