It's not healthy at all. It causes STDs, which are fatal and uncurable. It is
Not doing it is healthy and moral. And even with contraceptives, there is
still a risk of getting STDs. [source: (reliable) school textbooks and
real health sites.] But I don't get mad at others' opinions...I just think they have an uninformed opinion. Someone else said smoking tobacco cigarettes is healthy, but that's not true, either.
And I'm not religious, but I consider it to be depraved and wrong.
But I don't like it. It's sad that they are indecent and sinful

but at least I can say I am not immoral like they are.
I know you already said you don't think that anymore (and you're not the one who came up with that idea), but textbooks say that it is
bad for it in relationships like that. Not only does it give couples a chance at getting horrible diseases, it can mess up self-esteem and cause bad feelings. And what is "... education"?

I learned--and know--that it is harmful and you should never do it, along with smoking and drugs and alcohol. But I already knew to avoid it forever because of my sense of right and wrong. I didn't really learn anything else about it because it's something that you would never do. And almost everyone else acts like it's something nice and good. =_= How many members actually agree with me...? Dazz? Anyone? ._. No one?
No they don't. Do you really think that?

you get pleasure from it?--People get life-threatening diseases from it. You already know that. Your argument is invalid. Only immoral people get pleasure from indecency. Those are the same kind of people who think smoking is "cool". Someone else said "--- is fun". o_0 Sounds like something a r*pist would say. Creepy...
And abort...? I deleted my vote. I agree with Stefan and Dazz in that it is bad (taking life like that is definitely not nice

), but some of the others seem to be against morality for some reason.
I called it immoral, but is there really anything wrong with that? When I say people who rob stores and houses are immoral, am I being unkind? Am I supposed to "respect" people who revel in obscenity? Am I supposed to believe that something that has taken life from so many--too many--people, is actually good? Is it nice for others to promote harmful stuff? :'( I just shared my opinions and thoughts on something that I usually never think about.
People who try to stop violence--with violence.

But I try to stop bad stuff in nonviolent ways.