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Well, I'm anyway against natural impregnation, because it requires the "father" to masturbate.

But anyway, there's a difference between a fetus, which I was talking about and some eggs, which I wasn't talking about. My question remains unanswered, but I guess I know the answer already.

I'm Pro-Choice. I feel that every woman should have the right to decide wether she wants the baby or not. She should not be forced to take care of a child. Especially if she can not afford it.

Well, I'm anyway against natural impregnation, because it requires the "father" to masturbate.
While you are more than welcome to have your own thoughts about masturbation, some prospective parents have no choice but to conceive a baby through such a method that is "not natural". I don't see anything wrong with that.

"I know I'm not a female, and I'll never be pregnant so it may seem untrue to you"

And there it is. No uterus, no opinion, you cannot relate to being pregnant because you cannot become pregnant. It's easy to be "Pro-life" when you're not the one being pregnant and carrying the fetus (I'm calling it a fetus BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT IT MEDICALLY IS UNTIL IT IS BORN.)

"If you have no right to kill your baby when it's born you should have no right to do it when it isn't yet. No matter if it will be hadicapt, if you were raped or even if it has chance to kill you."

That's disgusting. The pregnant Uteri-owner (I'm saying this because FtM transgender people can get pregnant to) should ALWAYS come first before the fetus. That statement shows your lack of empathy towards pregnant Uteri-owner =/.

"Imagine you were that child. Your whole life just gone, because your parents chose for abortion."

Stop with that emotional manipulation.

"If abortion in case of rape or another reason should be allowed, why then not when it's already born? "

There's a difference between removing cell's from a uterus and murdering an already alive, breathing sentient human being. This is not a difficult concept to understand.

"I think if they would forbid sex before marriage, it would help this problem a big step forward."

If you want less abortion's to happen then promote contraceptives instead of parading around with grotesque images cause here's the reality, people are going to have sex whether you like it or not.

"When I say "I don't want anybody deciding for the life of somebody else.", it means the mother, or anyone else should not decide, just because she doesn't want to have it, to kill it. The choice for the baby to live or die is should not be up to you. Pro-life people tell you that you shouldn't decide for your child."

Lol that's controlling And I don't give a rats fine shaking booty what "Pro-lifers" (Or Anti-Choicers) tell me. My uterus is my uterus, not yours, deal with it.

"if the baby does not have a risk to die, but the mother does, I would not allow the baby to be killed"

This love affair with the fetus really has to stop... So you give less of a hoot if the Uteri-owner dies? As said by George Carlin: " They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're f'd."

"If it's disallowed by law"

Making pre-marital sex disallowed by law is...not a very good idea. Like at all. I think you don't have a very good grip on reality and live in a fantasy world. My, or any other person's sex live's are nobody's buisness but mine/their own.

"However for me "protected sex" is not the solution."

Promoting safer sex actually works better than screaming at people to ''close their legs'' and trying to make "Pre marital sex" banned (Which is still really stupid).

"Also, incase the father is around(e.g:husband) I think he has as well the right to decide for the child, because it's his kid as well, no matter if it was made in the woman."

So what if the "father" was a rapist? So doe's that mean his/her rapist can further control them? I'm at loss of words here...

"The thing is that the bible gives you standards. Once you have the Bible as basis of your morals it is much easier to understand why certain things are wrong. But the thing is you have to become a Christian for that."

Not everyone follow's the same religion. I am personally Agnostic. And please find something to back up your argument instead of "bible bible bible" and guilt tripping.

''Why not choose for adoption, if you really don't want the child?''

Adoption isn't a magical-cure-all-baby-goes-to-super-duper-happy family. The adoption system is overflooded, stop trying to fill an already full cup.

"Not so. In a few years you'll see that suddenly the population is going to decrease vastly."

> world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012

" If people should be minded there own business, the world would be a horrible place: murder, theft, rape, etc..(Much more than today)."


"Also, why don't you want children? They're truly a blessing and can bring you great comfort when something bad, or not nice happens."

You need to realize some people cannot financially, phsyically or emotionally support a child. You do not know what is going on behind closed doors so don't be so quick to judge.

"It's good that they show it, because it is the truth. Would you rather not know it so that you can be okay with it?"

If you're talking about the chopped up fetus pictures, then they are terribly innaccurate. Those pictures are either miscarriage pictures or late term abortion pictures (which late term abortions are only allowed if the fetus is dead, dying or a threat to the Uteri-Owners life)
This is what an abortion look's like. and this (If you're afraid of blood do not click the 2nd link)

I extremely dislike the Pro-Life movement. Especially when they compare it to the Holocaust/Slavery (Or other tragedys), It makes my effin blood boil. Abortion is not comparable to any horrific traumatic events that have affected, ended, and haunted millions of sentient lives over time; horrific traumatic events that sentient people have suffered through. Using that comparison is very offensive and insulting.

Did yuo kno?

Some "Pro-Lifers" did some pretty bad things?

And an estimated 68,000 Uteri-Owners die every year from Unsafe abortion.

Abortion is 14 times safer than child birth

Abortion does not cause Breast Cancer, Infertility or Future Miscarriages.

The Bible and Abortion


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Okay guys, that last responce is a doozie.

Lets try to keep a leveled mind when responding. As this is one of those controversial topics, we always ask you try to keep an open mind. Understanding this is important in a topic such as this. Everyone is entitled to their own opnion and if they share it, the choice is theirs to share.

I've been looking a bit more info about the embryo and such, after I saw how an embryo looks like after just 4 weeks. It is not just a bunch of cells, like most people are led to believe.

It is important to know that most people don't know they're pregnant before 4 weeks of pregnancy, since that's the time of a period. So, I'm pretty sure I can safely say abortions generally do not happen before the 4 weeks.

I've watched this video: https://www.babycenter.com/fetal-development-images-4-weeks

And apparently at week 5, it's heart starts beating! At week 9, as the video shows, the embryo is very human like.

And then I looked up till when abortion is allowed and it was 24 weeks! (Google search : 24 week embryo and look at the images!) I was shocked, since like I said at 9 weeks it's very human like(not cells at all!).

You can have been deceived, but you cannot stay deceived forever. I hope now people who have had no problem with abortion change their mind.

Just because it isn't called a human, doesn't mean it isn't.

And then I looked up till when abortion is allowed and it was 24 weeks! (Google search : 24 week embryo and look at the images!) I was shocked, since like I said at 9 weeks it's very human like(not cells at all!).

You can have been deceived, but you cannot stay deceived forever. I hope now people who have had no problem with abortion change their mind.

Just because it isn't called a human, doesn't mean it isn't.
Do remember that it is not all about "looks". What we (as laymen) might interpret as "looking human" doesn't necessarily hold true in the medical world. A foetus is a bunch of cells - no matter how human it might be in "looks". Many vertebrate embryos look so alike that it is difficult to differentiate between a human embryo and a reptile (for example), which kind of also means that just because it might look human, doesn't mean it is.

On the subject of abortion being allowed at up to 24 weeks (which, by the way is very rare - most are carried out much much earlier - usually within the first trimester), it is generally (medically) acknowledged that a foetus does not develop senses (taste / touch) until 22 weeks and that survival outside the womb is unlikely before 24 weeks.

I guess what I am trying to explain is that it is somewhat unrealistic to expect the world to make decisions on abortion based on "because the foetus looks human".

With a little more unbiased research, I think you could probably find more compelling, scientific (and much less emotional) reasons for not supporting abortion. ;)

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Of course the fetus isn't "completed" yet, which makes it normal. Sensitivity happens gradually, and the fetus will never have the full features of an adult baby until it is one.

Still, women are let to believe that there fetus is and LOOKS like a bunch of cells. Looks are not unimportant here.

Many women do not carry out an abortion when they know what it really looks out. Telling them that their fetus is just a bunch of cells, which humans are too btw, is not a "lie", but very deceptive.

EDIT: The thing is you're stopping a process that has a very high chance of becoming a baby, Even if the fetus doesn't feel what you're doing to it, is that a reason enough to allow it?

It's disgusting because people have found a legal workaround to murder.

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Out of curiosity, did you know that having regular - and such actually is very healthy, for both men and women?
It's not healthy at all. It causes STDs, which are fatal and uncurable. It is dangerous. Not doing it is healthy and moral. And even with contraceptives, there is still a risk of getting STDs. [source: (reliable) school textbooks and real health sites.] But I don't get mad at others' opinions...I just think they have an uninformed opinion. Someone else said smoking tobacco cigarettes is healthy, but that's not true, either.

And I'm not religious, but I consider it to be depraved and wrong.

people are going to have sex whether you like it or not.
But I don't like it. It's sad that they are indecent and sinful :( but at least I can say I am not immoral like they are. :)

it helps couples bond
I know you already said you don't think that anymore (and you're not the one who came up with that idea), but textbooks say that it is bad for it in relationships like that. Not only does it give couples a chance at getting horrible diseases, it can mess up self-esteem and cause bad feelings. And what is "... education"? o_O I learned--and know--that it is harmful and you should never do it, along with smoking and drugs and alcohol. But I already knew to avoid it forever because of my sense of right and wrong. I didn't really learn anything else about it because it's something that you would never do. And almost everyone else acts like it's something nice and good. =_= How many members actually agree with me...? Dazz? Anyone? ._. No one?

People get pleasure from it
No they don't. Do you really think that? -_- Would you get pleasure from it?--People get life-threatening diseases from it. You already know that. Your argument is invalid. Only immoral people get pleasure from indecency. Those are the same kind of people who think smoking is "cool". Someone else said "--- is fun". o_0 Sounds like something a r*pist would say. Creepy...

And abort...? I deleted my vote. I agree with Stefan and Dazz in that it is bad (taking life like that is definitely not nice -_- ), but some of the others seem to be against morality for some reason. :huh:

I called it immoral, but is there really anything wrong with that? When I say people who rob stores and houses are immoral, am I being unkind? Am I supposed to "respect" people who revel in obscenity? Am I supposed to believe that something that has taken life from so many--too many--people, is actually good? Is it nice for others to promote harmful stuff? :'( I just shared my opinions and thoughts on something that I usually never think about.

I extremely dislike the Pro-Life movement. Especially when they compare it to the Holocaust/Slavery (Or other tragedys), It makes my effin blood boil. Abortion is not comparable to any horrific traumatic events that have affected, ended, and haunted millions of sentient lives over time; horrific traumatic events that sentient people have suffered through. Using that comparison is very offensive and insulting.

Did yuo kno?

Some "Pro-Lifers" did some pretty bad things
People who try to stop violence--with violence. -_- But I try to stop bad stuff in nonviolent ways. :)

I'm sorry but I don't agree, if sex is so bad and immoral why is it the natural way many species reproduce including ours? If everyone stopped having sex our species would become extinct so sex is good because it keeps humans alive and continues evolution. However I do agree that STD's are bad but having monogamous sex will make your chance of getting one little to non, it is crazy hormonal people who have sex with many many partners that cause STD's to occur, and I'm not saying have had sex with more than one person is bad as long as you aren't sleeping with many partners at one time. Also you said STE's weren't curable however there are many drugs that can cure STD's people just need to go to the doctor and get regular check ups to make sure they aren't spreading sickness. Also you said that sex is bad for relationships and I disagree sex is something Intimate that two people share and can connect them on a whole new level it can make them feel special to one another in a way that they don't feel towards anyone else. Finally you said that people who think sex feels good sound like rapist which is also something I disagree with, other than repopulation sex is used for pleasure and connection we have a lot of nerve endings on our genitals for a reason ya know ;)

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is so bad and immoral why is it the natural way many species reproduce including ours?
Oh, really, then just what is the purpose of that atrocity they call a--l ---??? That's certainly not for reproducing! It only exists because of immorality. :p
And reproducing can be done without it...

And nothing can change my idea of it. I condemn it and that's final.

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Well I respect your point of view, and I understand your train of thought but I guess we will have to agree to disagree... Anyways we are getting off of the main topic

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Oh, really, then just what is the purpose of that atrocity they call a--l ---??? That's certainly not for reproducing! It only exists because of immorality. :p

And reproducing can be done without it...

And nothing can change my idea of it. I condemn it and that's final.
Sex is normal, and necessary to reproduce. It does gives pleasure, which is in someway necessary otherwise people might not want to do it, and that would be not good for the population. However, many people have made up sick acts to do with it, like a--l ---. That last thing brings the punishment by itself since that's the main thing that causes AIDS, which is also a sign for me why homosexuals are wrong.

I also believe it should only be done in marriage and with one person only-- ever.

If I ever have a wife, it would be nice that I am the only one in her life and she the only one in mine, if you know what I mean.

It's not healthy at all. It causes STDs, which are fatal and uncurable. It is dangerous. Not doing it is healthy and moral. And even with contraceptives, there is still a risk of getting STDs. [source: (reliable) school textbooks and real health sites.] But I don't get mad at others' opinions...I just think they have an uninformed opinion. Someone else said smoking tobacco cigarettes is healthy, but that's not true, either.

And I'm not religious, but I consider it to be depraved and wrong.
If you'll notice, I said orgasms. They don't have to come from sex alone. You can have them through masturbation, or heck, sometimes they literally just happen with no provocation at all. Such as this case: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/27/kim-ramsey-100-orgasms-a-day_n_1833015.html

STDs are a by product of sleeping with unclean partners. If someone has one and doesn't tell people and sub-sequentially sleeps with others, then that person is in the wrong. The act itself is not wrong--the act itself is the reason why you are here, living and breathing and thinking and doing.

Also, here, I will back myself up on why orgasms are important for the overall health and well being of humans (watch out, science-y stuff being posted.) DO NOT click the links if you cannot handle the topic:





If you don't like that stuff, that's okay. You might be celibate, or if you feel no sexual desire, then you're the orientation known as asexual. 1% of the population is said to be this, and it's being recognized more as an orientation much like bisexual, heterosexual, and homosexual. Asexual just means you feel nothing, nada, zip, and are content with it. If it causes distress, however, then it switches to being a sexual dysfunction, or even a disorder. Regardless, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others have to think the same. And who knows? You might even change your mind when you get that special someone in your life. If not, then that's fine, too, just hope you can still make a relationship work with them.

EDIT: As for going back to the topic at hand, I've already said my views. Would be somewhat silly to rehash it.

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But to return to the topic, I am against abortion because it is taking a life (of some kind, be it human or otherwise) and I do not want to be involved in the taking of a life. But the way to end abortion is through abstinence and contraception, not by making abortion illegal. If abortion becomes illegal again, there will be illegal abortions, which are dangerous and not only kill the fetus but physically harm the mother as well. That happened to one of my relatives very long ago and I do not want that to happen again.

And people have the right to make that choice for themselves. I hope they make the right choice.

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It is important to know that most people don't know they're pregnant before 4 weeks of pregnancy, since that's the time of a period. So, I'm pretty sure I can safely say abortions generally do not happen before the 4 weeks.

I've watched this video: https://www.babycenter.com/fetal-development-images-4-weeks

And apparently at week 5, it's heart starts beating! At week 9, as the video shows, the embryo is very human like.
(From Stefan)

While the age of the fetus is certainly a factor when considering termination, there are many other factors that you need to consider as well. Some people choose to terminate their baby in the event of serious birth defects. While some birth defects regress in the womb, there is always possibility that they do not - which is why some abortions occur after 4 weeks.

Let's say that you are the future father of a child, and you discover that your baby is not healthy. What if it had a genetic disorder that would heavily influence both your own and your baby's lifestyle? How would that impact your decision?

Sometimes, pregnancies do not go as well as a parent would want. Everyone has their own reasoning. Some are forced to choose termination, as they view it as saving their child. I don't think any parent ever wants to see their child suffer in any way.


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Today Texas proved that personhood begins at conception and ends at “It’s a girl!"

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