999 of ways to get kicked out of Wal-mart


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Heya! Me again! :wacko:

*Stand in the busiest part of the store, with pads (lol) stuck to random body parts, & share facts that know one really wants to know.

*Trolley surfing. Enough said.

*Stop someone random & ask if they'd like to buy organic condoms. When they say no, whip up a box of condoms, put them in their trolley & run away.

*Yell "KA-KA!" at the top of your lungs & throw pack poo at people.

*Get a pretend jackhammer, & go "WRRRR-WRRRR-WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" on someone's toe.

*Throw jelly beans at one particular person. Follow them until they leave.

*Take a bunch of jackets/bras/whatever, then run out of the store. 3 metres after, dump the "goods" & run.

*Make farting noises while standing next to people.

*Make a pyramid out of tissue boxes.

*Do that kissy-grope thing to yourself in a corner. Make disturbing noises.

More to come soon!

get a red cape and go around acting like a russin little red rideing hood


* when people look at you you sream "VAT R U LOOKIN AT!"

* run aroud the asils sreaming "WOOPA!"

*try to talk rushinish or whatever the asent i use


*Get a bunch of your friends and act like cows in a herd

*ask a walmart person "have you seen my beach balls i lost them when the sun came out they could of gone that way or that way mabey the eygipsons took them i think i lost them around opps rong hand 5:00 1:00 1:15 have you seen my beach balls.

*Lie down on the ground and scream

*Lick someones toe

*Put some diapers on and go up to random people and say "im a big kid now!!!"

*break something and then start singing "oops i did it again"

*Get one of those plastic light-saber things and go up to people and go "wong-won" ( the light saber sound thing )

Fill your cart with random things that are a lot of money, and go to the cash register. Then when the clerk person gives you your total say, oops i don't want that anymore and walk out like nothing happened.

*At a holiday like Christmas or Halloween say stuff like, "Happy Haunikkah!" or "Happy new year!" I once got thrown out and banned from a store for 3 weeks from doin that. ;) but me and the manager are friends now. even though im 11.

Take some toy swords and begin a fake fight with your friend. :(

get toilet paper and wrap yourself up

steal something out of a person's cart and say," my preshus!" literally like that, in a creepy tone.

put bandaids all over yourself and sing," I am stuck on bandaid brand because bandaid's stuck on me!" over and over

I dunno if your walmart has this but you know the thing that measures your blood pressure in your arm? put that on and pretend to get trapped and scream bloody murder

Put a stuffed pig on your head, and run around singing Spider Pig and knocking over stuff as you go.

Hack the intercom, then say WHATEVER you want into it xD Inspired by the YouTube video of the person singing 'Baby Got Back' on the Wal-Mart intercom.

Start a game of tag with your freinds and chase them through the store and run up to ramdom people and hit them really hard and yell "FREEZE TAG!"

Get an axe and bash everthing and shout IM TARZAN!!!! At the top of your lungs! lol

1)stand in an aisle bouncing singing "BADGHER BADGER BADGER BADGER MUSHROOM MUSHROOM"

2)sit on the floor screaming "THE BUNNIES!THE BUNNIES!" over and over.

(I didn't do this at Wal-Mart but somewhere else)

I put a thong(yes a thong) and a 40DD bra in the LITTLE girls section.

Ask a salesperson for a specific item. Me: Do you sell Flutes here? Salesperson:Recorder? Me: NO.FLUTE.

SP:Oh! Recorders! Toy sect.

Just keep annoying them about it.

Speak in a funny accesent(Mine was british). Me:ICE KANGAWOO! *Waves to people in random aisles*

If you get a dollar bill (or higher) wave it around so people will think you retarded.

Go crazy over a specific toy. Me:THORWA! A ICE KANGAWOO!

(IDK if it will get you kicked out but you can try) If you play Tromboon*(or any high or low,annoying instrument OR a instrument that you aren't skilled w/ yet), you can try this.Tromboons are best because they are loud and annoying. So bring it in the store w/ the case, bring a hat and a sign saying "WILL PLAY FOR FOOD" or "WILL PLAY FOR MONEY". If you play your Tromboon where people are most(Check out areas,clothing sects,fitting rooms,etc.,) make it as loud and annoying as possible! XD You'll probably get no money or food. XD

*Tromboons are rare. So I'd say a Trumpet or oboe or some instrument.

Sorry, I'm just too lazy to see if my ideas are already written.

Yank random people and dance with them, vigorously.

Start singing eBay by Weird Al and knock all of the items in that song over and throw them around as you sing them.

Hide behind racks of stuff (clothing is easy to hide in, and not to mention soft) and when someone comes by, yell "Buy me or I'll blackmail you!"

My friend came up with this one: Hold a sign saying, "FREE HUG FOR 25 CENTS" and go around hugging random people and demand money for that. (My addition to that: you can give some people extra hard hugs and demand more money for them!)

This is fun ^^

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