999 of ways to get kicked out of Wal-mart


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[SIZE=7pt]When you see a "big" lady walking around the store, yell,"THE EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA LARGE UNDERWEAR IS ON THE NEXT ISLE, MA'AM!" XD[/SIZE]

Haha. That is so mean, but I love it. lol I don't think I would do it. lol

Hmm...I can't come up with anything right now, but when I do I will post here. :]


I'm totally adding this thread to my faves.

A few me & my sister thought of:

*Dack random people in the old lady section.

*Go to the men's underwear section, take a few & wear them on your head & run around the store screaming, "I'M SUPERMAN! I WEAR UNDIES ON THE OUTSIDE OF MY CLOTHES!"

*Pretend to be pregnant (only works if you're a guy) & run around to random people (try find nervous looking ones) yelling "MY WATER JUST BROKE!!"

*Pull out other people hair-ties.

*Sit in other people's trolleys & demand a ride to the changing rooms.

*Sprawl yourself out in a busy section, & pretend to sleep.

*Drop jars & run away.

*Get people to sign a petition to make larger pants sizes. When people ask why, say "For your sake, of course!"

*Sit in the middle of an aisle & cry. Yell about how you hate your life & that your pet rock just died, above it all.

*Grab lots of trolleys & ask everyone to jump in one, as you think you have a bright future in managing roller-coasters.

*Ask someone to PLEASE use some doedorant.

*Yell "YOUR FACE!" into people's faces.

*Throw packs of tampons at people & yell, "THEY'RE EXTRA ABSORBANT!"

I'll write more later. :huh:

One time me and my friend were at limited too and i dared her to start yelling curse words into the microphone, and she did it!!!! She was like, ATTENTION SHOPERS BEEP BEEEP BEEEEP


we're not allowed there anymore :p


climb onto some stuff and randomly start doi9ng the caramelldancen and then scream "WHY THE **** ARE YOU ALL YOU *****ES LOOKING AT ME FOR **** IT?!"

Put a R rated movie behind a G rated one, then yell, "WE'RE HAVING A SALE OF G RATED MOVIES! 100% OFF! AND IF YOU BUY ONE, WE'LL FORCE YOU TO WATCH THE MOVIE BEHIND IT!" HAHA evil

-Get down on your knees, start crawling ally fast and knocking into things and go up to random people saying, "oink oink. I would appreciate it if you would feed me some slop."

-Say, "Hello how are you today?" to all the surveillance cameras.

-Start dancing with the mannequins, then start complaining that they are too tense and you're supposed to loosen up when you dance.

-Change outside of the changing rooms.

-Hand store items to everyone and say, "Merry Christmas and a happy new year!"

-Change into a freaky outfit and say "Why you looking at me punk?" to everyone who stares at you.

I love this one. And I still want to do it sometime.

Go to the children's isle, and pick out a small bouncy ball, big enough to fit in your hand. Hide, or just stand on a rack. When another shopper walks by, throw the ball down [hard] and yell, "PIKACHU, I CHOOSE YOU!!". Stare at the ball for a while, then walk away like nothing happened.

Reactions should be interesting.

When you see a fat lady go up to her and rub her stomach and say "So, when's the baby coming?"

( for guys!!! )

Grab a lot of shirts from a rack and bring them to the counter and scream "DO YOU EXPECT ME TO WEAR ANY OF THESE CLOTHES?!" And when they ask why start singing, say: "im too sexy for these shirts" and rip off your top

Look through random albums, then go up to an employee and yell at them like "WHY DON't YOU HAVE _______?!?! WAL-MART IS SUPPOSED OT HAVE ENERYTHING! IT'S A SCAM EVERYONE, A SCAM!"

Go up to a man with long hair and what looks like ****s and say, "Excuse me ma'am. I would suggest a bra."

squeeze tomatoe juice all the way to the boys bathroom and tell all the guys there's a playstation 3 in the bathroom ;)

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