I'm totally adding this thread to my faves.
A few me & my sister thought of:
*Dack random people in the old lady section.
*Go to the men's underwear section, take a few & wear them on your head & run around the store screaming, "I'M SUPERMAN! I WEAR UNDIES ON THE OUTSIDE OF MY CLOTHES!"
*Pretend to be pregnant (only works if you're a guy) & run around to random people (try find nervous looking ones) yelling "MY WATER JUST BROKE!!"
*Pull out other people hair-ties.
*Sit in other people's trolleys & demand a ride to the changing rooms.
*Sprawl yourself out in a busy section, & pretend to sleep.
*Drop jars & run away.
*Get people to sign a petition to make larger pants sizes. When people ask why, say "For your sake, of course!"
*Sit in the middle of an aisle & cry. Yell about how you hate your life & that your pet rock just died, above it all.
*Grab lots of trolleys & ask everyone to jump in one, as you think you have a bright future in managing roller-coasters.
*Ask someone to PLEASE use some doedorant.
*Yell "YOUR FACE!" into people's faces.
*Throw packs of tampons at people & yell, "THEY'RE EXTRA ABSORBANT!"
I'll write more later.