Yell "I WON KENO!!!_________$!" and possibly some people could clap..

Sing "Everybody clap your hands" and do the dance, and bump into people and forget to say sorry. xD
Yell "SHUT UP!" a random people.
Go up to any Salesperson, ask them for a Cheeseburger,Diet coke, fries, then try to return a toaster at McDonalds. xD
Sing Party like a rockstar.
(You know those books that hhave a calculator,note pad,pens and mech. pen?) Write stupid stuff or gross stuff in the note pad. I did that! XD On the cover I wrote TUBA!!!! in the to do sect I wrote "Party like a Rockstar",TUBA!!!!!, OMG!!!, Pass the cart,jump over the fat guy and steal.... THE VIOLIN. xD and in the address part I wrote TUBA!
And on the calculator(-Do not get mad at me-) make it into a bad word or Hello. So when they buy it, they'll see that! XD
If your Wal*Mart has those electric chairs, put a long skirt/towel on the seat so it will drag and make it look like a cape! XD
(If this is possible) put mice,birds, or some animal in the store, label them 1,2 and 4 people will look around for animal #3 an d that doesn't exsit.XD
Glue shampoo bottle caps so people cannot open them.
Write Out of Order on bathroom stalls. So people will avoid using them.
Use yellow food coloring to color some water. Make it look like urine. Then pour it all over the bathroom floor, sink, and toilet.
After someone has gone into a public restroom and sat down on the toilet in a stall, turn off all the lights and walk out of there.
Place a dollar bill on the floor and as people walk by and try to pick the dollar up, you stand nearby and tear a small piece of cloth. It will sound as if the victim of the prank actually split their pants and most of the time they will check their rear and leave in embarrasement.
Print out some signs that read, "Push" and "Pull" and tape them to doors at your local stores. Make sure to place them on the wrong side. Then sit back and watch as people push when they are instructed to pull and vise versa
(This was at Staples, but maybe you can try it at EWalmart.) At staples, they have one keyboard that controls a few screens. Go on Paint and type something threatning, I did "I EAT PEOPLE" in Bold red letters.
Be obnoxious as possible while loudly speaking another language. (german, french or whatever) When you hear someone mutter something like, "I wish they would shut up." respond appropriately in perfect english. (I'm not trying to be rude)
Crush up some hot peppers. Then use the juice and smear it on door knobs, hand rails, or any other place that people put their hands on. They will not know they just touched hot peppers...until its time for them to rub their eyes.
take a walking stick along and some shades for your eyes. Then pretend you are blind and start bumping into people and objects.
Put "Crime Scene" tape around WalMart! XD To make it more dramatic, add: Fake blood,Body outline, Sunglasses, fake hair and a hair tie.
Need some sympathy? Go down to your local thrift shop and buy a cheap neck brace, put it on and walk around with a sad face. Be prepared to give a sad story how it happened if anyone asks.
If your walmart has Tip bins/boxs put fake money in.
You need a friend for this. Go into the bathroom/packed place, make your friend stand at one end, you stand at the other, so yell "HI __________!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"(Really loud) and you yell "HI ____________!!!!!". People will be frightended.
This is only if you are ready for a risk! Buy Marijuana(No, not real marijuana.) scented sticks and light them in the bathroom.
There should be a blood pressure checking machine. This is the machine that you place on your arm and it squeezes your arm so tight then lets go after a few seconds. For this prank all you have to do is go and get a plastic bottle of shampoo from the soap isle. Then instead of using your arm use the shampoo bottle. Start up the blood pressure machine and walk out of the store before shampoo explodes all over the floor.
Sunscribe embarassing mags for WalMart.
Put a friend in a box(with holes...

Only works around Christmas or any other gift-giving holiday), ask the Manager "Do you want a puppy? "Your friend should make light barks, and when she/he opens the box, your friend will come out!
If you know your Walmart's address, send them food that becomes rotten w/o refridgeration. And put your name on the envolope.
Spray paint veggies in oddball colours, and put them around the store.
Get a foam rock, and throw it at a window, some will duck thinking the glass will shatter, but it won't . xD
(This may be gross to some, but funny) bring some apple juice and a cup w/ you to the bathroom. Then in the bathroom pour some AJ in the cup, walk out of the bathroom, and drink the juice.
Catch some bumble bees. Put them in a jar. Then dump them in the bathrrom! Whoever goes to the bathroom will get a angry swarm of bees.
Go to the electrontics section, where the TVs are, sit and watch TV, and when people are talking or not, tell them to stop talking.
(*My walmart has a compy for signing up for a job) Type gross/stupid stuff in the fields. Just walk off.