999 of ways to get kicked out of Wal-mart


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Bring in a dead fish...and...slap people with it.

Take in a water gun and squirt people while saying "My toxic goo with make you melt! Muahaha!" *Don't use toxic goo. lol. Use water.*

Hide in a shop until it's closed then when staff are just shutting up shout "BOO!". *I think you might et arrested though. lol.*

Take a book you're reading and walk around while reading bumping into random people saying "How rude! Can't a guy/girl read in privacy?! Why do you think I came here?!"

Sit in a busy on the floor and scream.

Bow like an umpa lumpa to random people. *Cross your arms, put them down at your sides, then bow and walk away.*

Start by dancing at the cash register, stand on the moving thing. Then jump off and put plastic bags on peoples legs. And then throw candy all over and say, "It's so pretty!" and then eat all the food you see and put it back.

When you go to the shoes, Try on alot of shoes, and put them back in the wrong case. Once your finished with that, that pack of shoe beads, or whatever, open them and put them in the shoe. xD

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take a toy cell phone that looks real (or just take a real one) wear sunglasses, and when someone walks buy say "okay, jump over the cart, pass the fat dude, and steal the... holy crud somone is coming!" and close the phone and whistle like your innocent.

also, take off your pants 'till your only whereing underwear, then yell "I NEED A POOPER SCOOPER!" LOL

Get a friend and find a large bra. Put each of your heads in a cup and say, "Like my, I mean our, two-person hat?"

(For flat chested or guys.)

Go to an employee and ask, "Excuse me, do you have any push up bras?"


Get a really, really big bra and ask, "Do you think this is my size?"

Hide in the clothes racks and yell "PICK ME!!!!!"

Whenever the salespeople ask "Can I help you?" scream "WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!" then go into a crying fit

There was this one time I was at walmart and I was pretending to attack the security camera with a broom but then when I swung it around I accidentally nailed some kid. He fell down and was just screaming bloody murder..... I ran away so fast, LOL XD

Something you could do would be you could go to walmart and sit there watching the display tvs and when its closing time refuse to leave because your "favorite" show is on.

Check out and when the cashier says,''that would be___$.'' Say ''that's a rip off!'' and start yelling at them

pick out fake jewelry that will break easily, go up to a clerk and say "is this real?" when he/she says "no" you say "lets make sure" then throw it on the floor until it breaks, then say "gee, you were right" lol.

or pick out a bunch of glasses then go to a guy that wears glasses, start to try on different pairs of glasses like he's a manniquin


Stand on a rack and just stand there like spiderman and when people stare just go: "hmm. .. you can't see me!!!!!" And run away screaming: "IM INVISIBLE!"

For fellow MCR fans out there, "Frank's Magic Trick" or bacically go up to someone and ask "Wanna see a magic trick?!" then stuff a napkin in your hand, blow it out, and stick up your middle finger. If you don't get it go to youtube and type in "Frank Iero's Magic Trick" (it has got some "explecit content" so only watch it if you are okay with it, it's bacacilly(sp?) some swearing and er... the middle finger, so don't say I diden't warn you 0.o)

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