Yooouuuu aarrrreee a TAMAGOTCHI...


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Maskutchi started dancing on the roof of Makiko's empty house with the dog.

Maskutchi grabbed the dog and hid on top of the fridge.

"Aw, you're right," Memekiko said, running to her house and grabbing her hairspray."This will turn me back into Memetchi," Memetchi said to herself, spraying the hairspray. She turned back into Memetchi.

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Afterwords, It started raining and there was a THUNDERSTORM!

Kikitchi, Maskutchi, Memetchi and Uwasatchi started playing Go Fish!

They couldn't go outside of Makikos House until it stopped raining.

PS: You spelled "gerself" instead of "herself"


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Maskutchi was wearing one of Makiko's skirts.

"Oooo I love Go Fish! Do you have any twos, Uwasatchi?" Maskutchi asked.

Uwasatchi took a photo of Memetchi making a strange face:


She stuck it on the wall.

Memetchi went out and the thunder zapped her hair to make it back to normal! Memetchi searched for pics of Uwasatchi

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