Yooouuuu aarrrreee a TAMAGOTCHI...


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nikki was all "omg so i went swimming this morning but then i got home and i was grounded and then i woke up and i had breakfast but i spilled it everywhere and got grounded so then i went outsdie but i lost my phone in the washing machine but found it but lost it but oh no so i got another and it was spanish so i called it and the answeing machine was spanish because im now spanish and then suddenly i fell over and went swimming again but i was grounded and i only had 3 friends so it didnt make a difference and my mom said no..."

masktchi fell asleep then paulina came along

Paulina came by and was like "I eat shrt" then me was all "YOU EAT POOP WHAT." Then Paulina went and had his pretty pony meeting at the greenhouse and plotted to kill me and masktchi in 2013. Then one day Nikki came and was like "omg so like I don't want to be friends anymore since like online friends is dumb and I have soo much more friends irl. I have 3 and ones a fish so yeah. Bye forever"

me and masktchi were all "wow" to nikki's statement but after 5 minutes forgot about it and decided to join the pretty ponys so they tried to make friends with two of the members called mia and kirsten by drawing the greenhouse for them. it was green

Me and masktchi made a song for the pretty ponys then we all fell on the bridge to the green house and died in hell. But me and masktchi flew back up magically then Nikki came back and was like "omg I'm so sorryy I miss you guys lets be friends again ok"

Me and masktchi made a song for the pretty ponys then we all fell on the bridge to the green house and died in hell. But me and masktchi flew back up magically then Nikki came back and was like "omg I'm so sorryy I miss you guys lets be friends again ok"

me and masktchi said no and nikki said "fine i don't need you anyway i have loads of friends" so masktchi told nikki that england exploded and he was dead and nikki believed him and begged for them to be friends but me and masktchi still said no and left nikki forever

even though the bridge was broken and they were dead me and masktchi were still determined to become pretty ponys

As masktchi and me were trying to become pretty ponys they met a ...guy/girl/it named Sam w. Sam w was so BEAUTIFUL that her face turned everyone to stone except me and masktchi because we can handle her beauty

me and masktchi put a helmet on her so she wouldn't kill anyone else but the helmet turned into stone and was forever fused to her head so the world was saved by me and masktchi

becoming a pretty pony was still a top priority but they had other stuff to do, like fight the enemy called vicky

Vicky lie was like "omg I'm going to hack you all and take over all the tamagotchis" but then MF came and was like "I'm the admin and I have all power I am superior none of you can over power me." And MF banned Vicky lie

me and masktchi were happy but then MF was all "okay i'm deleting everyone" so me tried to ban MF but it didn't work and MF got all annoyed and DEMOTED EVERYONE except masktchi because masktchi is perfection

Me went and cried because she hated mametchi fantastic so much

vicky lie came back and told me and masktchi how she didn't like mametchi fantastic either so they plotted to bring mf down

But mametchi fantastic is mean and won't give me and masktchi her password because she wants to torture us

what a ho anyway masktchi and me moved to mibbit where we met some people

"MY CAT JUST POOPED ON THE FLOOR" me heard in the distance. "I NEED TO TAKE IT TO THE VET." Me looked confused the said "okay then." "ALL CATS DIE."

"that's so rude" me and masktchi heard screamed from miles away but they didn't understand what was rude so they carried on talking oblivious to everyone else

where we met horsey and chu and watched them

Me and masktchi stalked horsey and chu and watched them do the dirty

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