Yooouuuu aarrrreee a TAMAGOTCHI...


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Watawatatchi jumps into the ID L. "Wow, I can't believe how everything is perfect here." Watawatatchi says quietly as she reaches for a candy bar.

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Kuchipatchi jumps into the iD L. "I'm going to go transform into Patchizaurusu!" he exclaims. He runs off to the Henshin Jo and changes into the dinosaur costume. "RAWR!!!" he shouts, coming back into the living room.

Watawatatchi goes back to the living room. "Ahh! A dinosaur!" Watawatatchi screams when she sees Kuchipatchi.

"Eek!" Perotchi squeled, "Who makes these delicious hamburgers?! I would like to meet them!" She nodded happily while continusly eating hamburgers, so she almost choked. Then she looked up and saw a dinosur so she stored millions of hamburgers in her pocket and raced mametchi to freedom away from the dinosaur!

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Kuchipatchi makes a face like this: ;____; "Why did everyone leave? I'm a friendly dinosaur! WAAAAAHHHH" he starts crying uncontrollably.

"There, there, don't cwy," Uwasatchi says. Then she goes to steal some hamburgers that Perotchi has hidden in her pocket.

Watawatatchi gets napkin for Kuchipatchi. "Don't cry, I'm just really scared of dinosaurs, Watawatatchi said quietly to Kuchipatchi.

Kuchipatchi stops crying. "YUMMY!! CUPCAKES AND HAMBURGERS!!" Then he eats them all and lies on the floor. After a few minutes, kuchipatchi burps. "....yum." is his only response.

"Yum thanks!" Lovelin replies "These are so yummy!" Lovelitchi puts on her super-women costume and flies in the air "Ya-hoo!" she shouts

"FOOD FIGHT!" She screamed, and throws pie at everyone

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"I LOVE FOOD FIGHTS!" Uwasatchi declares. She throws truckloads of pizzas through the air. Soon it's raining pizza, and the toppings are getting everywhere.

Kuchipatchi sits in a corner, oblivious to the food fight. "YUM! PANCAKES!" But he decides that he should go to the TamaCafe for a snack instead. So, he steals Uwasatchi's credit card and scampers away to the cafe.

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