x.Chasing Sunshine


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They're so cool. I mean, I've had this for about a month now, and there's still so much I'm discovering about it.

Man, it even knew it was daylight savings before I did xD

Awh, I know the feeling. Today is an art coursework day, I think. and at least I have tomorrow off. What kind of work?

Haha, most people say that, actually. It wasn't until yesterday and I was shopping in a really busy place, and all these girls had their heels on and I was still taller than almost all of them in my Converse xD

"Sure. I'm glad we've decided on what to do first. And also something that isn't pasta. We eat that quite a lot," Brandon replied, "And I think it's a good thing to start with, because I know some that aren't too difficult, and I can teach you to make a few different ones to go with each other." He was looking forward to having Avery over and teaching her how to cook, two things he loved.

Caden smiled and sipped at his coffee, and when there was a moment's silence, he wasn't sure that she was intending to leave or not. In all honesty, he liked having somebody to talk to for a moment. He then put his coffee down a chuckled a bit at her question. "Well, I was going somewhere. I was actually going home. I've been here for a few different reasons; I came to college in New York, and some of the people I met are still there, so I went to say hi, and a few other things, as well. And I was supposed to go back to Massachusetts today, but I missed the bus." He laughed a bit more and shook his head at his stupidity at getting left behind.

Most electronics do that these days. The auto update function?

I'm jealous. I have a full week of school coming up. Hm, yesterday I had rehearsal from 10-5 and it was all costumes. Sewing and fitting and finding and making and cutting. I just finished a movie analysis last night and I have to type up and start memorizing a speech due on Tuesday. It doesn't have to be fully memorized but I'd like to know what I wrote.

I guess that's what I like about being short, actually. Being able to wear heels and be shorter than a lot of the guys I know.

"That sounds perfect," she said. "I can't wait, actually. I'd say we could go get some for dinner, but I still don't feel very well. I hope it wasn't a bad idea eating the Chinese food when my stomach hurts."

Cassandra laughed slightly as well. "That makes sense," she replied. Then she elaborated. "I mean, you don't really seem like you're from New York. At least, I didn't think you were a local after I spilled coffee all over you. Most of the people I know would be absolutely furious if anyone had done that to them. I probably would have been pretty upset too."

Yeah, but I was oblivious to this, since our home computer didn't used to xD

I actually haven't had a full week of school for ages. After next week it'll be four weeks, not counting this week that I had off, I've had a day off for one reason or another.

Oh, man, sounds like a lot of work. I've been sat here all day doing art so I'm with you.

Well, all the guys I know are either really short or really tall, it's weird.

"I'm pretty sure that it shouldn't be any worse than eating some other kinds of foods," Brandon replied thoughtfully. "I mean, really spicy stuff probably wouldn't be a good idea, and I don't think raw fish right now would be, either, but I think you should be alright with Chinese. We'll just have to watch it for a few days, hopefully you'll feel better soon."

Caden nodded and laughed a little at that. "Yeah, I'm not going to lie, people here aren't always the most polite that I've met. But I can't say Boston locals are famous for being particularly friendly, either, to be fair. Still, I love it here, I'm actually glad that I didn't get the train. Any extra days here are good days. I think I'd like to move here pretty soon."

Yeah, I found it by accident too.

I've realized that if somehow I'm not up all night, it'll still feel like I was. ):

Apparently the guy I like is short for a guy. He's 5'8" according to his measurement card (advantages of being on costumes? measurement card stalking) but to me that seems tall because I'm so short.

"I hope it gets better," Avery said. "I really don't want to have to go get it checked or anything. We're supposed to be on vacation."

"Yeah. New York is a great city," Cassandra nodded. "I've been to a ton of different cities in a ton of different countries but I love it here. I might be biased because this is my home but New York really is the best place on Earth. You couldn't pay me to leave it."

Really? Awh. I remember a while ago you said something about having to get a prescription for something relating to sleep and such. Has that got anything to do with it?

Haha, that sounds like the kind of thing I'd do. Well, I'd say he is kind of short for a guy. But a lot of guys stay around that height. Believe me, my friend is TINY. And then I met her parents. Her dad is a good few inches smaller than me.

"I hope so, too, love," Brandon agreed, nodding and pulling her a bit closer. "But I guess rather catch it early than end up spending more vacation feeling sick. Anyway, we can leave it for a few days and see, anyway."

Caden nodded. "I have to say, of all the places I've been to, I like it here the best. I'm glad I decided to come here for college, otherwise I might never have thought of coming here for a good length of time." He continued to sip at his coffee before he asked her, "So I take it you're doing something that allows you to stay in New York?"

Nah, that's thyroid meds which is supposed to help with sleep but doesn't because I don't sleep anyways.

Well, he unbelievably attractive so screw the shortness. It's not like I'm 5'8" or anything. That's just more of a reason for us to be together. I make him look tall. xD

"It'll probably get better soon," she agreed. "I wasn't feeling like this a few days ago, so it can't be anything serious."

Cassandra thought for a second before answering. She could never be sure how people would react when they learned she was a runway model. Everybody was just different. "Yeah," she replied. "I'm here a lot. But every now and then I need to travel. It's never for a long time. Just a week or so."

Oh, I see.

Well, if he was ridiculously gorgeous I don't think I'd care how tall he was, either :) And, I agree, that's a very good point, actually. Man, at least you have an attractive guy that you know. Nobody in my year is attractive. And even the ones that are remotely good looking are the ones who are just horrible to people like me. The only really gorgeous guy was in the year above, who me and my friend jokingly called 'the model', and he left. To pursue a modelling career, I'm pretty sure, of all things xD Man, he was hot.

Brandon nodded, "Mhmm, that's true. The sooner the better, I don't like it when you're not feeling well; it's a pain that I can't help with," he chuckled softly and kissed her hair gently.

Caden had originally asked the question out of curiosity to hear what it was that she did for a living. But he didn't carry on to ask her that specifically; he thought that if she'd wanted to tell him, she would have. He smiled and said, "Well-- so long as you like your job, anyway-- that sounds like a good way to live to me." He continued to sip at his coffee and then suddenly felt bad that he was drinking while she sat there. He knew he had offered already, but he couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure I can't get you a coffee or anything? I feel a little rude just sat here with my own one."

He's a senior actually, so he's older than me. Not only is he gorgeous, but smart and nice and funny. I feel like I need to find out about something wrong with him! He's also a really good actor. Like amazingly good. It's kind of a turn on.

Ha, that'd be funny if he did become a model:)

Avery smiled and leaned against him as she watched, stopping once to kiss his cheek. After a while, however, she stretched out across the couch and lay down with her head on his lap.

"So what do you do?" she asked him, before contemplating his next question. The more she thought about it, the better another coffee sounded to her. "Yeah. Sure," Cassandra said, nodding her head. "Maybe just one."

Darn it. You make me jealous, he sounds lovely :)

Well, on one of his facebook profile pictures, his friend commented and said, "Now this is why you are a model." So, yeah, I think he'd actually done some small time stuff and went to pursue it full time. But he was so gorgeous.

Brandon then sat and occasionally ran his fingers through her hair gently, or just held onto her hand. It was moments like these that made him think about how much going back home and not spending all his time with her would feel rather strange. He knew that he really wanted to spend as much time with her as he could; he looked forward to when they could move in together, whenever that would be. He leaned down for a moment and planted a quick kiss on her lips before he murmured, "I love you, by the way." He felt like he hadn't said it enough times today.

Caden said to her, "Well, at the moment I'm just figuring everything out since I just finished college. And since it's summer I'm taking some time off from everything, so I've not got a job, so to speak. Really I'm just playing some shows-- I'm a music graduate, trying to make it now, I suppose-- and I've also been here to do come voluntary charity work. Basically I'm helping out in schools, bringing musical opportunities to those who otherwise wouldn't receive it.

He's absolutely beautiful. Like, yeah, I could point out a few of his flaws but whatever. It's nothing major.

That's completely awesome! You should ask if he's a model.

"I love you too," she muttered back to him. Although she was now facing the TV, her eyes were closed. She wasn't tired; she was just thinking about how much she had enjoyed this trip. "This has been a lot of fun," she murmured, facing him again.

"That sounds nice," Cassandra said. It may have sounded like she was saying it just to be polite, but she honestly did think it was nice. She was sort of jealous actually. What he did sounded so much more rewarding than what she did.

Hey, even the most perfect guy isn't perfect. I'm pretty sure he's flawless compared to most.

Perhaps. Oh I wish he hadn't left school. I miss seeing him around, even getting a little embarrassed when I walked in on him in the music studio xD

Brandon nodded in agreement. "It has been great. Honestly, the best trip I've ever been on. So, thank you, for everything, for making it so wonderful. And I promise to take you to London sometime soon, too." He sighed contentedly. smiling slightly to himself. He had never been so fortunate as to be able to go on a trip as good as this. So many things got in the way. Time, money, family. With Avery it was easy, the first real holiday he'd had, in a way.

"It's a lovely thing to do. And it means so much more than just putting some money into a collection pot. You just get to see the faces of those kids light up when you give them something to try out. People don't value music's importance until they see what it can really do for people, I feel," Caden said. He hoped he would be able to continue this project for a while yet, he truly loved it. It wasn't about the money for him. He made enough to get by from everything else he did-- what more could he need?

I don't know. We're friends though we're not very close. I don't know him that well.

Why would that be embarrassing?

"This is the best trip I've ever been on too," Avery agreed. "And I know I've told you this but I can't wait to see London and see where you grew up. It sounds amazing."

Cassandra nodded. "That makes sense. As long as you like what you're doing, you don't need to be doing anything else." She glanced out the window; it was getting dark. "Speaking of things I need to be doing, I'm actually supposed to be at a party in an hour. Um...I still feel kind of bad about the coffee. I know you said not to worry about but - well, I guess what I'm trying to say is: would you like to come with me?" From what she had heard from Caden, he didn't seem the type who would particularly enjoy a party thrown by some girls who also worked for the same agency as she did, she invited him anyway. It would be huge so there would be plenty to do.

Well, you should definitely get to know him some more, then :)

Because he was singing and playing his guitar and was kind of like, "Oh," when I came in, and then I had to kick him out because my friend I had priority and needed to get in there. So I felt bad. And, of course, you just do get a little giggly and flustered when somebody is that gorgeous xD

"I certainly hope you'll like it there, anyway. But I'm pretty sure you will, just as I really like it here in New York, too," Brandon said. As far as he was concerned that trip couldn't come around quick enough. He'd save up as much as he could, and then by the time that he felt ready to go back where it had all happened, he should have enough to take her.

Caden seemed pleasantly surprised by her offer, as a matter of fact. He looked at his watch, and then remembered that he'd already missed the train by a long way. He said, "Well, I guess since I'm staying another day.. Sure, I'd love to." He then glanced at all his cases-- there were a good few, two guitar cases, an over the shoulder bag, and a suitcase-- and then down at himself, "I'll have to change, and put those somewhere, though," he pointed to the bags and such behind him. Contrary to what she thought he might think of the idea of a party, he was actually looking quite forward to it.,he'd been too busy to go to any lately, so it might be fun. He stood up and grabbed his stuff and then said, "Thank you for the invite, by the way."

Oh of course(;

Oh..well, yeah. I would feel pretty bad kicking anyone out.

"We could go there in winter," she suggested. "Is it nice in winter? Oh, if we go around Christmas I could have my eighteenth birthday there, as long as we stayed till the 28th."

Cassandra stood up as well and said "I need to change too, so I'll need to stop by my apartment. You could drop your stuff off there and pick it up after the party if you want. Do you need any help with those?" She pointed to everything he was holding, feeling bad that she was empty handed.

He was nice about it, but it was still awkward. I always hate doing that to anyone, really.

"We could go in winter, if you like," Brandon agreed. "And we could certainly stay for Christmas, but just so long as you're happy not spending it with your family. It would be with me and my friends."

"Oh, okay. Thank you," Caden said with a slightly surprised smile at her kind offer. He then shrugged he comment off and told her, "It's okay, I've got a hold on them now, I think I'm more likely to drop them in trying to give them to you." He gestured for her to lead the way out of the diner.

I would feel awkward too. Situations like that always are.

Awkward situations remind of this time when I had to go into the boys' dressing room and there were four half naked guys in there dancing (because for some reason the music was playing through the intercom) and I had to tag their costumes.

"I wouldn't mind it," she said. "Besides I'd get to spend my Christmas with you, so it'd be amazing."

"It's just down the street," Cassandra said, leading him outside and towards her apartment. They made it to her apartment in no time. It was a loft apartment actually, and small, seeing as she lived there alone. "This it it," she said. "There's a bathroom over there if you want to get ready and if you want a drink, there's some in the fridge. I'm just going to be in my room."

I went back to the other room to fetch all my stuff and I just told my friend that she was doing it next time, I felt so bad, he was just getting into it.

Okay, that beats mine, though. That is awkward, I don't envy you.

He smiled and nodded, London for Christmas it was, then. "Okay, then I'll work something out and we'll go to London for Christmas and your birthday. Think of it as part of a present for either one of those for you from me."

"Okay, thanks a lot," Caden replied, dropping his bags out of the way in the living room and then fishing out some clean clothes from his suitcase so that he could change in the bathroom. After he'd changed, he sorted out his hair, and managed to get it from the tousled black mess back to its usual style. He looked at himself in the mirror, checking that he looked presentable for a party in Manhattan; he looked every inch the rock musician but still smart. He then returned to the living room and just perched on the couch, not thirsty since he'd just had a coffee.

Haha, I always make my friends do things when I'm with them and it's a potentially awkward situation.

Yeah, and it was the guy I like, his best friend, and two other guys and they were all like dancing and then they danced around me. It was completely awkward but hilarious.

"Part of a present?" she asked, laughing. "I don't even need you to get me any presents."

Cassandra had disappeared into her own room where she was changing. Her hair was already straight, and she left it that way - there was no time to to do anything with it. She changed into a short black dress and another pair of black heels. It was nothing too fancy. She picked up her phone and entered the living room. "Are you sure you don't want a drink? I'm getting some wine. Do you want some?" she asked Caden when she saw him.

I usually use the excuse, "But it was your idea.." even when it wasn't.

Haha, I somehow can't see any of our guys doing that. Though it is kind of scary how some of them like to run around the dressing rooms less than half naked..

"No, you don't need me to, but I want to. It'll be Christmas and your birthday, the first ones I've spent with you, and so I really want to get you something nice," he replied.

Caden looked up when she spoke to him and he hesitated in thought for a moment, before he said, "Okay, sure, that'd be nice." He then smiled and added, "Just please don't spill that one me, this is the only white shirt I have." He chuckled, he was joking of course, though it was his only white button up. Not that it mattered, her rarely wore it properly. Right now the sleeves of it were were rolled up and the collar undone along with the second button. He was also wearing it underneath his black jacket, sleeves also pushed up, and a pair of dark trousers, too.

I'm just like "I did this other less awkward thing, so you do this."

Less than half naked? Hahaha, yeah. Three of them had on only boxers. And the other one had pants on. So yeah...

"That's true," She said. "I keep forgetting that. It seems like we've been together for much longer."

Cassandra, who had already started pouring some red wine into two glasses, blushed slightly at his comment. She corked the bottle then held out a glass to him. "Wait," she said. "You are old enough, right? I mean, I don't mind if you're not. But the bartenders at some parties are usually pretty strict."

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