x.Chasing Sunshine


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I think it makes a difference as to whether they can get away with it by being at least slightly well built as to how acceptable it is, to be honest.

"I know, it feels like I've known you for years. Still even in a few years' time, I will still want to buy you things for your birthday and Christmas," he chuckled, "So just let me for those two days, especially since they're only within three days of each other."

Caden said, "Yeah, it's okay, I'm twenty-one, don't worry," he chuckled, thanking her as he took the glass from her. He sipped at it for a moment, and then he could no longer continue to keep quiet and be curious. It was really because he may have had some idea of what he thought shedid for a living. "So, what is it that you do, exactly?"

I think you lost me in like, the last 5 words of that sentence. I'm confused.

"You know most people only get me one gift because they're so close together, so this is different from what I'm used to," she laughed and sat up next to him again.

Cassandra had been taking a sip when he asked, so she waited a few seconds and set her glass down on the counter. "I'm a model. A runway model, actually," she told him. "What did you think I did?"

Don't worry, I don't think I even know what I meant when I wrote that. I wasn't long up at that point xD

"Well, maybe I'm not like most other people. Maybe I have a few things in mind and so the fact that they're so close gives me the opportunity to get all of it for you without deliberating the order too much," Brandon chuckled.

I thought you were talking about how welt built the guys are...but then I didn't really know.

"I know you're not like other people," she laughed. "But the fact that you insist on getting me two presents makes me feel even worse that I haven't figured out what I'm going to get you for your birthday yet."

Something regarding that xD To do with whether they can get away with having their shirts off or not, depending on how well built they are, maybe? If that makes any more sense..

Oh, man, I forgot to write Caden in after dinner -twit-

"You don't have to get me anything, is what," Brandon replied with a chuckle. "I don't mind, really. Already you've made more of a difference to my life than you can imagine. I don't need anything, as long as I get to see you on the day," he smiled and gave her a quick kiss.

Caden nodded and said, "Well, if I'd had to take a guess, that would probably be what I would have said. I mean, the fact that you didn't really tell me earlier threw me off; I thought girls might like to tell people that. But I guess the flip side is that it's pretty easy to judge somebody with a profession like yours."

I guess? xD Either ways, they're all pretty attractive. (;

haha, I've done that before.

"Yes, but I want to get you something," she said. "I'll figure it out soon enough."

Cassandra shrugged slightly. "That's happened before, of course," she said. "If you had asked me directly, I would have told you. It's just that most people don't expect to me tell them that I am a model, so everyone reacts a little differently. And not everyone reacts in a way I'd prefer."

Too much on my mind, I think. I cannot wait for next week to be over.

"Okay, if you insist. I'll leave it up to you," he replied with a chuckle, wrapping his arm around her shoulder again. He realised now how nice it was not to be rushing around the way they had been for a few days. It was great just to sit and talk.

"I can imagine," Caden nodded, taking another sip of his wine before setting it down on the counter. He could just see the way a lot of guys his age might react to that. Either she suddenly became even more attractive because she carried the 'model label', or they would expect her to be condescending and conceited. He could understand why she would want to keep it quiet. "But do you enjoy it? That counts for more than what people think of it."

I'm glad this week is over, with the exception of last night.

"I'll find you something," she smiled. "What do you want to do for your birthday anyway?"

"I love it," Cassandra said. "It gives me a lot of freedom. I don't have things going on every single day, so I get time for myself. But when stuff is going on it's really hectic."

There has rarely been a time that I can recall that I have been so happy for it to be Friday :/

What happened last night?

Brandon looked thoughtful for a little while, and when nothing came to him he said, "Honestly, it's been the last thing on my mind recently, so I'm not sure, really. Especially because I haven't really made any other friends since moving, I felt like I just wanted something small, just to go out somewhere.. I don't know"

"Well, if you love it, then nobody has the right to judge you," Caden said with a smile, "Personally, I think its really interesting, I've never met a model before."

Yeah, it's been a really hectic week.

Harry Potter!<3 didn't it open last night for you guys as well?

"We'll think of something," Avery said. "We can go out of town, see what else is nearby. Whatever you want.

Cassandra nodded, and finished her wine. Setting her glass down she said "That's true, but I'm used to it. It's really not a big deal. Once you do something for a while, you get accustomed to everything that comes along with it." In response to his other comment she said "Most people haven't. It's kind of funny, since both my mom and sister modeled as well, I used to think it was a common occupation."

Indeed. And I'm still revising for tests like heck.

The premiere was a few weeks ago for us, since it's a British movie :)

"We will. Anything will just be nice, really. When it's nearer the time, I'll start taking a look around," Brandon agreed. "But, of course, the trip to London is priority."

"I guess that's true. Besides, it's better than an office job, right? I get my fair share of judging, too, that I must be reckless. That is, until I tell them about the charity stuff," Caden replied with a smile, finishing off his glass of wine, which he thanked her again for. "Oh, your mom and your sister? That is interesting. So, if your mom was a model, did you feel pressured into it or was it your choice?"

Next week is only a two day week though, for Thanksgiving. Which I am VERY thankful for.

Ahh, that's not fair. Have you seen it yet?

"But that's also not till December," Avery laughed. "We still have about five months of things to do until then."

"Well, my mom always did want my sister and me to model. By the time I was old enough, I wanted to as well," she answered, as she looked at the time on the clock. "We should get going. We're already a little late, though it really doesn't matter since these go for hours."

Oh, well, on the contrary, it's my exam week next week xD

No, I haven't even seen the sixth one yet, actually. I like the old ones more.

I take it you liked it, though? :)

"We have a lot to do until then, which I am very thankful for, because I love to spend time with you," Brandon agreed. "Have you got anything you'd particularly like to do within the next five months?"

Caden looked at his watch, even though he didn't actually know when the party was supposed to start anyway. "Okay, sure," he said, motioning for her to lead the way, following out behind her. He didn't ask too many more questions about her career. It interested him, just because he really didn't have much of an idea about any of it, but he didn't want to seem too fascinated, because that was weird.

Well, good luck! :)

Yes. It was the best one yet, actually.

She shrugged. "Not particularly," she said. "But I can't thing of much to do, because we've done everything there is to do in that small little town."

"We're going to have to get a cab," she said. "Unless you want to walk a couple of miles." She led him outside, where it was now almost dark, and looked for an available cab.

Thanks. Yesterday was my first one, and it went really well, so I'm hoping it sets the tone :)

Ah, really? I'd have to see the sixth one before, though.

"Yeah, there is that slight problem, unfortunately," he agreed with a gentle sigh. "We'll have to hunt around for somewhere or something interesting. A road trip to somewhere else may be in order. At least I will be able to teach you how to cook, though."

Caden spotted on and pulled it over for them, opening the door for Cassandra before getting in, and then letting her do the rest, since he had no idea where they needed to be headed.

That's good! I'm sure you'll do well!

Yeah, there wasn't much recap in this one, so if someone hadn't read the books and hadn't seen the previous movie, they might be a little lost.

"Ooh, I like the way a road trip sounds," she said. "We should definitely go on one of those after you teach me. The only question is where to?"

Cassandra got in the cab and told the driver the address. "So, tell me some more about what you do," she asked Caden after they had been on the road for a few seconds.

Thanks :)

Ah, okay, I really do need to see the sixth, then. But I'd rather read the book first, and I've got so much to read at the moment. I'm reading Atonement, my Mum got me a few other books from the library, and I have to read To Kill a Mockingbird again before my English exam next year. So much to do, so little time..

How're you?

"I'm not too sure. I can't say my geography of the United States is too wonderful. I'll take a look around when we get home," Brandon said. "You wouldn't happen to have anywhere in mind, would you?"

Caden said, "Well, I travel to the surrounding states, so New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and such, either to poorer areas of big cities or very rural areas, usually-- just the places where the schools are struggling, or sometimes special schools-- and I work with kids from elementary right through high school in bringing music education to people who otherwise wouldn't receive it. It could be supplying some instruments for them and then taking over their music classes for a period of, say, eight weeks, and teaching them how to play them and put together little group pieces and things like that. We also do theory work for those who are interested, and usually we take the kids to a show to see music in action. It's a lot of different things, I love it."

Have you not read it yet? O:

I love To Kill A Mockingbird<3 I have to read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for school though I haven't touched it yet because On The Road is far too captivating.

I'm good. Going to see Harry Potter again tonight. :) I'm probably going to cry again.

"Nowhere in particular. Anywhere interesting, really," Avery said. "I would say Vegas, but that'd be no fun because we're not legal yet."

"That sounds amazing," Cassandra said. "So I guess you travel a lot. And for long periods of time? Isn't that hard? I guess I'd find it hard to be away from everything I'm used to for up to eight weeks. I'm only gone a week to two weeks when I travel, and that's only every few months."

No, I went off it after the fifth book because I got bored. But to be honest, I'd probably find it easier now. That was through a general stage of not reading much, years ago.

I'm pretty sure my English teacher talked about On The Road, and said it was really good.

He's encouraging people in my English class to start reading TKAMB now, even though our exam is in May or June, and he's actually pretty right to do it, I'm amazed at how little the other people in my English class read, since we're top set. But I won't start it for a while because otherwise I'll finish it too soon.

Have to read the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo books? They're actually amazing <3

Cry? Well, I'd ask why but then I take it it'd give something away.

"Well, you see, if we were in England, in a few months time we would be. Unfortunately, though, England's version of Vegas is Blackpool, and it really doesn't compare," he chuckled. "Okay, so, I'll just have a look when we get home, and if you think of anything soon, let me know."

Caden said, "It can be. But I spend a lot of time here in New York, and it feels a lot like my second home here, and quite often, I forgot to mention, I'm in Massachusetts, too. But being out in the sticks in Pennsylvania is definitely difficult sometimes. But at the same time, it's nice to be somewhere different, and I feel like I shouldn't complain, either, due to the nature of my job. If I complain about travelling, while some of the kids I meet never get to go anywhere, it wouldn't feel right to me. But I look forward to my breaks, too, I will say that much."

They're so good; you absolutely must finish.

I love it! I'm only 5 chapters in, since I've been very busy with school since I started (I'm on break now, so I want to read as much of it as I can) but what I've read is beautiful. He has this amazing style, and his sentences are constructed to amazingly. The book has great pacing, I'm in love.

How are the current exams going?

I haven't read that, but I hear those are great.

Yeah, it would. :)

"Blackpool?" Avery asked. "What's that? We can visit it while we're there if you want, since we'll both be eighteen by that time."

"It sounds like a great thing to do, though," Cassandra said. "If I wasn't a model, I'd love to do something like that, but then again, I can't play any instruments. I never really had time to learn. I've been doing this since I was thirteen. And between school and work, there was barely any time for anything else. Even though it was easier for me because my mom knew people in the business, there were still countless auditions and casting calls. It was harder to get work then, because nobody really knew me."

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