What kind of a child were/are you?


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Looking back in memories, I was a very imaginative and secretive child. For as long as I could remember to when I was about 13 (I'm sixteen now lol) I didn't have many friends. I would often talk to myself when I was alone about things that I wanted to do (I still kinda do that, but I call it "Thinking out loud" :p ) and I would recite conversations that I had during the day. When I was around people I wouldn't talk very often, but I was always lost in my thoughts and dreams lol.

when I was a baby my mom said I was so easy. she said i didn't cry much, when she would put me down I would either fall asleep or lay there and do nothing.

I'm a gloomy, greedy, selfish, ungrateful, unlucky teen. Well, I once saw someone drop a $5 bill and I could easily have given it back but I snatched it up all for myself and thought, "ALL MINE!" I love money and hate people, and I am really moody about not being able to get an iD L because of my terribly bad luck.

Lazy slacker who cared about nothing except videogames. Quite tomboyish. Guess I'm still kinda lazy and tomboyish but i found more to care about and I'm trying hard tp be more responsible for my wife,,,,

Going in chronological order, because I changed sometimes as a kid:

-Tomboyish, slightly hyper kid


-Out of anime, kind of shy and hateful

-Lazy videogames/computer kid.

I was a kid who had to take riddlin because I would space out in class to much as a child. I was that one weird kid that everyone made fun of. I was really shy as a child. Though my fifth grade teacher would tell you that I wasn't shy just a bad person.(for defending myself because my classmates were bullying me)

I haven't really changed that much as an adult. I still dance to the beat of a different tune and I'm still very shy. I'm more talktive now though, sometimes to much so if its something I'm interested in. My odd sense of humor still makes no sense to other people but my friends.

I was a pushover, lol. Looking back at it, I'm somewhat embarrassed and ashamed. I was constantly bullied and I'd let others copy off my work and take my credit. I was quiet in class, unable to express myself freely. I dressed like everyone else and followed trends at school. I was always a smart kid, but never shouted the answers in class. I was always kind of.. alone.

As an adult, though, I'm MUCH more protective of myself and my beliefs. I immediately snap at anyone who tells me how to live my life or how to dress. I'm very open about my beliefs. I don't dress like anyone else. I'm eccentric when it comes to fashion and I love to prove people wrong, lol. I suppose you could say I'm quite the opposite, but not in a bad way!

I am the perfect little girl. I never do anything wrong and I never will and I always get what I want. =)

i was an angel. i was respectful and nice and all that. i was, quote,

I am the perfect little girl. I never do anything wrong and I never will and I always get what I want. =)
nowadays, i slip a bit sometimes, but i don't get caught (my voice is really quiet). i am and never will be perfect, by all means, because if i was, i wouldn't be human and the authorities would go "YOU'RE AN ALIEN TAKE ME TO YOUR PLANET YA".

Well, I'm not perfect, but I'm fairly quiet and sometimes my parent's worry and they get me something to make me talk! =)

I'm only 10...but I change personality often.

Baby = never slept, never cried, everyone said I was really pretty, liked kicking everything, loved learning to talk

Toddler = talked all the time and always said what I was doing, and loved drawing and writing.

Age 5-7 = quite shy and quiet, loved dolphins and writing. I also liked imaginitive games, which everyone teased me for, but I didn't care.

Age 8 = something else altogether...immature, ungrateful, over-confident...ugh, I shudder to think of when I was 8.

Age 9-10 = ULTIMATE TAMA LOVER!!!! I also like random movies I can't understand, music, writing, drawing and TamaTalk.

I'm 15, so I'm still a kid, domewhat. :)

In my elementary years, I was very well behaved, still am for the most part. It's usually the things I don't do that end up getting me in trouble.

From ages 0-10 I was absolutely perfect in everything. And my report cards were always over 98% on each subject. Then when I hit 4th grade I just didn't bother working anymore. I mean, before that I didn't have to try because I was really smart, but then I had to try in 4th grade but I didn't actually care. I wasn't even aware of my bad grades. Every time I was absent, I had to make up work, but then near the end of the year I had been absent for about 20 days total and I didn't make up any work. But I knew what I was doing, and I wasn't failing.

Then my teacher tried to force me to do the work while the rest of my class was in gym or music or something. Then one day she was making me write an essay and I just got so angry at her that I started shouting and crying and writing "I HATE SCHOOL" all over my paper. Then she photocopied it and reported me. Blahhhhh. I mean, today I would still love to flip sh*t on all my teachers, but I suck up so much and I got into the top rated high school and so it wouldn't be worth it now.

Ummmm another time my cousin found a robin's nest and he took an egg from it and he gave it to me. I eventually buried it because I felt bad.

Also another time I remember going into the woods behind my house where I found this enormous abandoned construction vehicle. In the middle of the woods. So my cousin came to my house and we smashed all the windows on it. We also took the steering wheel and stuffed it into the seat. I was 8 then O.O

Alsssooooo there is a giant field next to my house, with a big plane shed where one of my neighbors keeps his big jet plane he flies sometimes. My cousin and I went to all the little hooks in the ground and took off the big ropes attached to them that can tie the plane down if need be... I think if I look I can still find those ropes outside in my shed.

I just remembered that in 2nd grade everyone in my class bought a certain brand of pencil rubber grips. We called them "Phillips" and we would make playgyms for them and stuff.

Well one day my best friend and I went into the classroom and stole a bunch from some kids' desks. My 2nd grade best friend stole a lot of things, even though her parents were filthy rich....she influenced me a lot when we were younger.

Every adult I knew thought I was an amazing, smart, perfect kid, but they really didn't know how bad I was on the inside. Oh, well. I'm doing alright now but I just have to watch what other people do. They persuade me easily if I'm not thinking hard.


Stuff I remember now....

I used to draw really horrible caricatures of my teachers in school. I still do, but now I don't get caught.

I wrote a really dirty note to one of my friends once because she didn't know what a word meant....and as soon as she got home she gave it to her mom and her mom wrote a letter to my parents. So I took the letter from the mailbox and I burned it. Now I just hope her mom doesn't meet up with mine :p I still hate that kid. Her parents raised her like nobody has raised kids before. I mean, it's just not NORMAL, both of their kids are adopted, and the parents are control freaks who insist on keeping their children 100% safe, and I can't even describe how much I hate those people. blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I still yell at people when they buy pets but don't even know how to take care of them. Especially the note girl. She has 11 goldfish in a 10 gallon tank. I feel bad for those fish and I want to cry and whenever I tell her how horrible she's treating those animals, she just says "I'll tell my mom" and then the next day she's like "My mom says they're fine" and I'm just thinking "YOUR MOM IS A SCREWBALL WHAT DOES SHE KNOW? SHE'S SO IRRESPONSIBLE"

I'm also known for my extreme sarcasm. If I got a job (I'm 14 but I make money by selling clay figurines at craft shows) I'll probably get kicked out form being so rude....lol.

I used to snap a lot and I still do. My room is basically my only refuge....the walls are now painted pale aqua and everything is vintage beach-themed, and my new 40 gallon goldfish tank will be like my room's theme too. Even my birds are blue. And now whenever someone comes into my room and intrudes or whatever I just want to shove them out. I also have extremely good comebacks when I fight with people. If I tried I could make people cry, but I'm not a bully. When I spot that someone's being horribly cruel to someone else I shoot them down so they get a taste of it. Stuff like that. Also when I just get sick of people being fake, I just let everything go and I will yell and shout in their face and tell them exactly what I think of them. I'm really good at body language and lie detection so that's a major advantage.

I was always kind of a know-it-all (I know enormous amounts about nearly every kind of animal I can think of) and I know more than my 8th grade science teacher. Whenever she says something false about an animal I just want to give her a big shove and tell her exactly why she's wrong. I mean, when people are dumb even though I can't help that I'm smarter than them in some areas, I can't help getting angry that they're too busy playing xbox and not studying.

And when people tell me I'm dumb because I'm getting 80s in Math.....well I'd love to tell them how amazing an artist I am. And how much I know about genetic engineering and biology and college level stuff and how math will be obsolete when I'm creating horses with antlers and 4-inch tall sheep....I will be amazing one day *evil laughing*

And I'm not afraid of showing off. If you've got it, flaunt it. If you suck at whatever I excel in, then you can always practice. This is why I get into fights a lot. I show off sometimes ;)

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Apparently I was horrible as a baby. I would be screaming and crying constantly, 24/7. My mum got absolutely no sleep. I know babies cry a lot, but apparently I was horrific. I feel quite guilty. :p

Though I've been told, as soon as I turned 2, I changed to a normal child... I guess I had my Terrible Two's a little too early xD

I was really innocent, naive and shy. I had maybe two real friends, everyone else kinda just came and went.

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