What kind of a child were/are you?


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I was an anxious little kid before I started school. Every time my mom or dad left the house, I always pictured them getting in a car wreck if they weren't home within ten minutes. [i secretly still do that. Shhh.] And I cried every time one of them had to go to work.

Then I went through this stage where I was really lonely when my sister was paying more attention to her video games than she was to me. So I named the walls in our apartment "Wally" and always got in fights with my sister because she said he wasn't real and my response was always, "BUT AT LEAST HE ROLLS THE BALL BACK TO ME." xD

I was the sort of nerdy, chubby kid who smelled like smoke. But I made good grades and hung out with the outcasts during elementary school until I met my best friend in third grade. :)

After I met her, I just got plain weird. We both developed our sense of freakiness, I guess. In fourth grade, we had this rainy day club thing when we couldn't go out to recess, and the password to get in was "goat puke," and all we did was talk and play games on dry erase boards. Haha.

In the beginning of middle school, I was considered the weird, quiet, goth-looking girl, even though Nicole became one of the most popular, prettiest girls in the grade. Throughout middle school, I started taking better care of myself, and then I moved districts and now I'm here, now considered that weird emo-ish girl, who's kind of nerdy, and has some issues. :) Lol.

Children! <3

I was that child who would go to the store with mom for 5 minutes to the store. I loved to go out to places. (And I still do.) I always slept with all of my stuffed animals at the top of my bed. All my Webkinz, and bears. I always played outside, and made a big deal out of everything. But I think people enjoyed my tantrums. Although I don't think I had a lot.... Mt mom always got stopped in the mall, becuase of the flaming red hair I had/have. So, my mom didn't go outdoors for a while. It is funny. xD I was the child who always let the other kids who didn't haveanyone to olay with join. I belive I had a lot of litle firends when I was a younger kid. I love those ages. All the children are so cute! <3

:D What i'm like? Well.... A Videogamer, Friends, A LOT,Patrick,Kelsey,Mickel,DeAna,Piper,Emily,(all 3 emilys!) AND A LOT MORE! I like Pokémon A LOT. I also wonder why i keep typing "A LOT." My DSi Is Awesome, I play it all the time, (I'm Playing It Now.) :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: LOL. So I'm Good, have 8 tamas, GOT MY FIRST TAMAGOTCHI (V3) WHEN I WAS SIX! now i'm 10. so, anyway, Thats Me. XD
when i was little, i was a bit hard to handle... rather obnoxious, really :p

i would get in trouble a lot in elementary school, and a few of my teachers suspected that i has asperger's.

i'm pretty chill now, though.

I'm kind of quiet and obnoxious at the same time. I used to get bullied a LOT until 5th grade...and in 5th grade I got in trouble a lot. I definately calmed down though. I'm not very responsible and my parents say I'm really mature, but no. I act like a 5 year old at times. And I have anger issues. But mostly if you're nice to me at all I won't hate you.

when i was smaller : about 6

I was pretty okay with few friends in my class. ^.^

i had a tamagotchi but i forgot what version it was

and it had a dolphin design xD

Quiet, worrywart type. The kid that was always reading or drawing.

yeah, i WISH i was normal, but i'm not.(im in year5)

I'm one of the most mature in my year, but that doesn't count for anything...That just makes me weird.

and all of the girls at my school are girly and popular besides me and my friend.

I'm also ruled out because my closest friend is a boy.

if you want to be popular at my school, you have to be annoying, like rugby, and be good at handball. :angry:

Quiet, worrywart type. The kid that was always reading or drawing.
I am still that kid, but I'm even more quiet these days and very shy.

Grade Six is harsh on me; I'm always very stressed.

I was a good kid. I was super shy though. I still am. But not as much. I'm getting my confidence up! :)

I was generally a good kid.. Acted up and had tantrums and stuff with my parents or other adult family members sometimes but doesn't every kid? x3

Used to get really good grades though, and was a goody-two-shoes in school.. I think. :3

I was pretty shy though. I had a couple good friends when I was little but I was also bullied by someone, and after I moved, I was teased a bunch. =/

Fortunately after moving a few more times, making more friends, and just growing up, I'm not nearly as shy or teased anymore. ;D

One time, not long after I moved to where I live now, I was at a friend's birthday party with a few other friends, and we were all around 9 or 10 years old I think. 2 of the girls there argued a lot at the time, and it was getting kind of out of hand, and everyone was telling them to stop, but they wouldn't. Finally, I screamed "SHUT UP!!!!!!!" really loud and they stopped arguing; everyone was SHOCKED, because I was really shy at the time, and they totally weren't expecting that from me. XDDDD Now, it wouldn't seem all that abnormal since I'm kinda loud and weird and outgoing with my friends. We all still remember it to this day, it's hilarious XDD <3.

i am still a kid but not for long

when i was in grade 3 i remember someone saying "pokemon is for ***holes* so i punched him in the stomach. o.0

i got suspended from school alot because ppl would tick me off and i would punch them. xD

and i had a bad temper, everytime that the teacher said "ok children its time for math get your books out" i would scream at the teacher telling her "WTF i hate math move on to seience or somethin!" and the class would look like this "D:" and i still hate math to this day but i dont scream in class and get suspended anymore.

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i am still a kid but not for long

when i was in grade 3 i remember someone saying "pokemon is for ***holes* so i punched him in the stomach. o.0

i got suspended from school alot because ppl would tick me off and i would punch them. xD
Lolz! I remeber in Year 2 someone hogged the computer so I said something I heard my sister (she was like,14 then) "I'm gonna whip your a**!" I got in trouble but it wasn't that bad! ;)

Ohh Don't even ASK! I broke everything I touched! Once, me and my best friend decided to dump all of the sand out of the sand box in kindergarten and spread it all over the playground. In grade 4, me and my friend paintballed a house, I threw frisbees at cars, and once I TPed someone's house.

hahaha I was a strange little kid. I was really outgoing and popular when I was little but I don't know how but I turned shy..I was teased a lot by the boys and now that were older they talk to me a lot :p


But very mischievious and cheeky.

Considered weird too...

I get really good marks at school, but I don't participate.

I am rather violent, but I never act that way...only when I'm really angry. You can see this when I draw comics or pictures sometimes.

A tad bit rude to my parents as well, But it is who I am, I can't help it!

I'm not all bad....I may be all the things above, but I don't lie, show off (according to my friends), or steal things.

Im also the kind of person that finds popularity as stupid.

And by the way people judge me...I'm AWKWARD! And SUCKS AT MAKING FRIENDS!

Whenever I go to my friend's house, we hide stuff in her brother's bed!

First time we hid a grape in his blankets

Then a strawberry under the mattress

Then Rabbit food under his pillow.

The funniest moment was when my friend's brother took us as prisoners and trapped us in his bedroom, then he went away for a few minutes and he caught us going through his underwear drawer (we were examining the specimens in his room!)

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um, im naughty i guess, im always fighting, litterally fighting, people try to jump me every day T_T, so yeah. and im always getting into trouble for stuff like shooting roman candles at my enemies windows, stuff like that

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