What kind of a child were/are you?


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Well, I was a mixture of good and bad I think XD. I never got into things or deliberately broke stuff, I was mostly nice to adults, and my friends, but I spoke my mind all the time no matter how rude it was, and I hated a lot of other kids, and if they annoyed me a lot, I would slap them... o.o;. I acted pretty spoiled too.

I haven't changed all that much XD.

I was quiet, never had a lot of friends, maybe like...1...or 1 and a half. I was extremley sensitive, like you could call my new doll stupid and I'd cry like it was the end of the world.

I kept to myself mostly.

Now, I'm still pretty quiet, still a bit sensitive[not as sensitive as I was before but I'm not as shy as I used to be.

Actually I was really bad. I got suspended from school :'( I was really rebellious -.-

I got really good grades, but I always purposely made noise in class so that I could stop the lesson.. because I always found them soo boring :p I remember I was really nice to this one teacher, but I was horrible to the other. D:

All of my friends sat in a tree with me at recess and we would spy on people and attack them xD when I was little little, I was so much worse. :/

I'm so much different now. I'm 1000x quieter and better behaved. C:

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I was a pretty good kid, I guess. Got good grades in school, obeyed my parents, didn't do drugs or drink, kinda nerdy. I had my moments though, but those were few and far between.


Back in the day, I had alot of sides. I'd feel guilty over every little thing I did. As I grew older, I became mean and crazy. (I mooned a car from my front yard xD). I also became careless. I would pretend to do bad in school just so I could get help, and make the teachers do work for me. I cant believe I was smart enough to think of that plot :p

Now I'm really mature and I'm one of the smartest girls in my Middle School class. xD

Edit: emoticons really need to gtfo.

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When I was little,

I had no friends, :angry:

Had a huge imagination and Creativity, :angry:

Got made fun of, :angry:

Cried a lot, :angry:

Read at a 3rd Grade level (I was in kindergarten), :angry:

Bit someone on the arm, > :angry:

Easily Depressed, :angry:

Went to the Principals Office every day, :angry:

Why did I got to the principals? Because I bit people, Got into fights, Said "this sucks", Didn't pay attention

(it was a really strict catholic school)


I was the cleverest girl in my class. No, I don't mean to be boasting, but I was, sadly. I, to be honest, hated it. I hated going up to the next years class to do spellings. I guess I was one of the mature-est of my class, always thinking about stupid things and etc. Although I was really clever and all, I was a bit of an outcast. Nobody genuinely liked me, I think.

Buuuutttt, yeah, generally a really nice kid. though maybe a bit too quiet.

Well when I was younger-about 5 and younger -I was good/bad in kinder I stole a plastic frog from the class D: I dont have it anymore but I feel horrible now xD lolol. So i was kinda naughty...wait scratch that out NAUGHTY. My mom would get boxed wine and when my cousins would watch me they said I would go into the fridge and hang my head under the nozzle and just drink it. Then they said I got drunk. When my mom was home I would take sips off her glass....probally why i like wine now.

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ohmygoodness i was quite the bossy little child:( i feel really guilty about it too cuz i used to hurt my little neighbors feelings and it was just really bad...they were all nice to me..but really, what canya do bout it? nothing now, except try to be a better person:)

I was kind of a goody-goody and was like the smartest kid in school, although I did have friends then. I was more talkative when I was in Kindergarten to like 2nd grade, but after than I got really quiet.

When I was young, I was a goody-two shoes nerdy type kid who lorded his knowledge over everyone. Now I've moved away from that and have taken on a sort of scene-ish creative look, and am more open minded (=

Goody-two shoes, all the way! xD

I'm not so much that now, but boy, I used to be.

I've always been more of a quiet kid, but I became more outgoing in fifth grade. I used to be more of an overachiever. Now I'm pretty average when it comes to school. xD I got more into... 'darker' things, I guess you'd say, around last year/the year before that.

You could say I went more down-hill. xP


Im still a kid lol,and i get B+ but im a violent,tv computer xbox nintendo geek.I have a good sense of humor but still...VIOLENT

i'm kinda both somtimes naughty kinda nice at school i'm kinda shy but since 3rd grade im not that shy and i don't get make fun of becase i'm nice around other people but at home me naughty :)

When I was 2-4, I was a BRAT. All I did was cry.

My mom thinks it's because I wasn't around any kids yet (no cousins and such) and that I had things to say but I couldn't express them. So I cried instead.

Then after I got to school, I was normal. Still am. I was talkative, and I'm still that too.

I haven't changed much, except for the fact I'm more mature now, and not as ridiculous.

I was REALLY annoying when i was little. honestly i would bug people until they yelled at me to go away!

EDIT: although now when i think about it im 15 and i still do that

but i can be nice and non-annoying when i want to be.

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I was OKAY i got really good grades (still do)

i was pretty nice and respectful.

I was a really big brat when i was 7-8 and sometimes after that

but i remember telling some horrid lies T.T

like once when i was 5 this kid was singing some song to me and my friend [L.O-L.O-L.O-L-O-V-E] and that same day we were cutting out hearts for valentines day hearts so he wrote "LOVE" on a paper and gave it to me.

well, lets just say i was mad and i said some pretty nasty stuff back to him. (listen, i had NO idea what the concept of "kill you" really meant)

then the teacher found the note i sent back to him and i got in trouble then to get out of trouble i said a pretty lame lie to her.

Aha, then this one time when i was still in that bratty 8 year old stage me and my brother were home schooled (the PERFECT time to be home schooled) and we ALWAYS got in these huge fights, so one time when i was REALLY mad at him i decided to scare him, so i got a knife from the kitchen Drawer and hid behind a wall in the hallway, and when he came home i whipped it out and screamed at him like i was some kind of Mass murderer xD

it was pretty epic.

but after that he was pretty mad.

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I guess I was really independent like I changed my own diapers and fed myself and everything.

But I remember carving my name in the wooden windowsills with a bottle opener when i was 5 or so lol!!

And I used my mom's lipstick to paint my toes... Oh and I wrote aaaall over the walls!!!!

And I used my mom's giant fabric scissors to cut my hair! To make it worse my Aunt's wedding was the next day and I was the flower girl lol, so i had to get my hair fixed.

But my brother and I would get into fights allll the time, my parents got SO angry when i chased him around with a knife once.

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