What kind of a child were/are you?


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Well, i'm still a child. Haha.


When I was in kindergarten I was a child prodigy, and everybody was my friend, I played with Barbie dolls, and hot-wheels, I was never rude or anything, just a very nice little girl. Haha. The worst thing I did back then was I kissed the playground set, pretending like it was a boy I dated. Of course back then the WORST possible thing you could do is, 1. Date and 2. Cuss. I also tried to act like Kimi from "Rugrats"

In first grade I sometimes got into trouble, maybe like, 3 times the whole school year. I DID do something terrible that year though, I told a little boy that I would kill him, but I didn't understand what that really meant or anything, now that I think of it, that could be VERY scary to a little 6 year old. I also had a B in math because I didn't know how to tell time! ):

In second grade I was also pretty smart. I was really shy and an outcast, kind of bratty, but nothing to severe. The reason I was bratty is because by then I tried to act like Angelica from Rugrats. O.O' I know I was smart because I got put into ALL of the advanced groups, but I did tell a teacher off once, because when I was put in the "SUPER advanced" math group the teacher told us that if we made one mistake we would get kicked out, so all of my "friends" went and told her off together, Haha.

In third grade I did homeschooling, Yay. LOL. Thats when I did bad in math but my reading improved to a 5th/6th grade level. :3 I was SUPER shy that year, I don't know why. The worst thing I did was lash out a stake knife to scare my brother. And I tried to watch Carrie, until my mom walked in.

In fourth grade I got more outgoing, it was the first time I ever failed anything, but i still managed to get all A's and like, 2 B's. Fifth was the worst year of my life, I got a C on my report card though. ;-; For math, and Sixth I got really popular and life was all good, not to brag or anything, because i'm not past the sixth grade yet. x3

I think I was more quiet and shy than anything especially around kids at school.

Mostly I'm pretty quiet, but if I'm around someone I'm really comfortable with I can be sarcastic, loud, and fun. :) It annoys me when people talk too much, and sometimes there just isn't much to say.

i punched a kid in grade primary because i brought a barney movie over for the class to see and one of them said "This movie stinks!" so i got ticked at them and i punched them several times. they suspended me for 3 days :D i was quite the kid back then, nothing like i am now.

i poured boiling water over my cousin when he was 1...he had to go to childrens hospital and he had many stiches....so i gave him a gift as a sorry present it was a little pikachu plush toy that used to be mine when i was 5 of corse i didn't know it was pikachu until i turned 7...it already recived a fair amount of wear from aging. my cousin is turning 5 this weekend :eek: good god i wonder how many days it will take before he is sent home early!

he might turn out to be like me, but he has ADHD So he has trouble staying still and might need some special care like i did in primary.

The very silent type, I always have a smile on my face. Not very popular. Usually sit alone at lunch. People think I look really cute. :p But underneath that, I'm a very naughty boy. Always in trouble somehow.

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The very silent type, I always have a smile on my face. Not very popular. Usually sit alone at lunch. People think I look really cute. :p But underneath that, I'm a very naughty boy. Always in trouble somehow.
that was like me except I was not a boy and I was not naughty

I was and always have been the good one who always turns in her homework and has the highest grades. I'm the virtuoso, the anime geek, the annoying one (at times X3), the ugly one (to some idiots ._.), the arrogant one (only in my family, I dare not think highly of myself in school 0_0). I'm the one who tries to shut the class up when they're being retarded (which usually causes other idiots to stare into my soul and say 'Shut up.' XD). I was the one who stuttered when talking to pretty girls, cuz I was so intent on being one (I have no interest in that WHATSOEVER now).

In elementary school, I was DEFINITELY the creepy one. I took 'relationships' too far (I kissed a guy on the hand...XD), I was annoying, I was kind of weird and strange, you know.

I'm still a child.

When I was younger though, I used to be a spoilt brat to my parents and have heaps of friends at school, and be popular. Following the crowd. I had a huge temper, which I still have, but it was well hidden back then. I was smart, usually one of the best in my class. I was a goody good, a teachers pet.

Over the years my attitude got worse, and I kinda ditched and got ditched by former friends. I still have a group of people that I'm really close to though. My confidence kinda diminished over time, and I don't really speak to people I dunno, or speak out in class. Some kid in my class labeled me the quiet smart emo one (I don't mind being called the quiet smart one, but I am in no way emo.) My grades got better though:) I hate following the crowd now.

I still haven't gotten a detention yet xD I tend not to get caught for any bad stuff I do.

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As a kid, I was pretty much a loner. Nothing exciting about my life, and that was what I yearned for, excitement, something new.

I wasn't good at making friends, and I always stayed inside the house. I wasn't sporty either, and I was (am!) skinny. I had good grades, but not the best. I'm really average, and I am a bit short-tempered although I hide it most of the time.

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Well. im a bit crazy sometimes, and i can kill you with one happy bad smile from me.

So, im so lazy, but i don't bring very good grades sometimes. like i get the 6th in class or something. lately, i was getting so good grades at school. i brought 97%!

But im NOT naughty.AND NEVER!~

;) ;) ;)

in seventh grade i was a kid.


unlike the rest of the idiots in my grade who try to act like they're 20. -.-

well I'm 13 in 8th grade and I kinda forget what kind of kid I was but I remember mostly being a tamagotchi,webkinz and pokemon fan! I most of the kids liked me untill 5th-8th grade I became the stress type because some childhood friends left me because you know I still liked pokemon and tamagotchis (Stoped liking webkinz :p ) and I guess pokemon and tamagotchis arnt cool anymore. I'm also pretty strict about the rules like no chewing gum,no phones on in class, etc. so I barley have friends :( . well thats why I joined tamatalk because alot of people maybe my age still enjoy tamagotchis and pokemon! I'm also knida geeky (being a whiz at the computer since I was 8 mouths old :D )

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Well I still am a good child or teenager. My friends usally dont think I know how they actually talk about me but I do. I am called weird and different for always having a tama with me. I am the most intellegent in my class by far. I have issues talking to other people I never know what to say. Im 13 and love playing with anything virtual. But as a child child I was generlly alone no one wanted to bother with me but teachers loved me because I would offer to help them clean up or do anything in my spare time. One time I did punch a boy *Im a girl* Because he was making fun of me, I tried to explain it but he kept lying and no one believed me that I did it in Self-Defense. That boy now is half scared of me for what I did :p . My best friend is the guy I have a crush on but I was good in general.

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I was a pretty playful kid. I LOVED making new friends.. but I was a bit mischievous. I had a best friend Named Peninna back around the age of 5 or 6. Well, we used to make mud pies and "chocolate milkshakes" made of puddle water and try to feed those to the local neighbourhood kids. A couple kids bought it and actually tried it xD others were smarter though. Come to think of it, I was kind of a bully back then :eek: .

Now, I'm a lot quieter with people. I still love making new friends, but I probably won't be quick to introduce myself. Also, I no longer "bully" xD. I'd be more of the person to stand up for someone being bullied.

I'm a quiet kid when you first see me, but when I open up to you, I can be somewhat of a tomboy(in the way that I act like a guy and have a lot of guy friends) and very, VERY mischievous.

Sometimes I can still be a quiet kid, though, and want to be alone and read in the corner or something.

In my 'youth' (Like, younger than I am now)

I was pretty sweet.. except for when I couldn't get my way. My family have videos of me at the playground, pretending I was Rapunzel (even though my hair was in a bob xD )

Also, when I didn't get what I wanted I screamed and yelled. I was apparently horrid when angry.

Unfortunately, I have a HORRIBLE temper. I will snap and snarl and shout at anyone who provokes me enough.. ; n ;

Haha, I'm still sort of a kid now, being thirteen. Anyways, I'm not popular, but I do float in two groups (one more than the other). Anyways, I get the good grades, I'm nice to people, I listen in class. All that wonderful stuff.

However, I would have to say I'm pretty naughty. Not just because I tend to cuss often, but because I've done some pretty naughty things. Like me and one of my close friends tricked the grandpa of another of our close friends to let us into their house. We were trying to get in our room, but halfway through the operation, we both decided that it was safe to just leave! I've stolen a few things, which I'm not proud of. And I've gotten into lots of verbal fights! Only a few physical. I mean, I'm a pretty good kid, in my opinion. I just have do things that other kids probably wouldn't. However, in my school, if some of the 'not-as-good' kids heard what I did, they'd probably laugh. Since they're all into drugs, etc. But yeah, I'd say I'm a pretty good kid, in general ;)

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