*Violet's Little Garden*


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What a coincidink! Today we celebrate two things.

1. 18th Page!

2. 9 months of logging!!!! :) :) :)


Unofrtunately, I have next to no news. ;) I got one of Gale's happy symbols. We visited Nicole the Giragiratchi, who gave us a... Berry Cake? Huh... :huh:

It was Shinshitchi's birthday! :) He recieved a lovely cool cane as a present. :)

Yeah... that's it... ;)




Violet and Gale

Sorry guys... I know I need to add pictures but I had another sad day today, as I had to fast for a Jewish holiday called Yom Kippur. Not fun. :rolleyes:

Well, I went to services today, and like a rebel (Not really, I hid from every adult that walked by ;) ) I connected a ton with missvioletchi's Hapichamametchi/Chamametchi, and got their friendship up a bunch. Tomorrow we're TAing (Teacher assisting) at synogague for fifth graders, so if we have time (during the 10 minute break??) we're going to see if we can get them married.

News of today:

Gale earned his last two happy symbols. His 48-hour one and one from using the cloud candy. We wet to the Remodel store and got a new living room! :D It's really cute, one that I've gotten before. The one with the purple background/music notes, and the red chairs with glass table. Super adorable :)

Yeah, that's about all that happened today! Ooh!

Because we were bored or otherwise, missvioletchi brought Gale's weight down from a whopping 6-something pounds to minimum weight! :blink: Thanks, Holly!

Okk, that's it for today! I took a ton of pictures so I'll probably upload them tomorrow. Depending on what I do. ;)



Violet and Gale


Funny... today I thought it was someone's birthday, but turns out the date was wrong! O.O That's actually really surprising, considering I never, ever ever change the day/time. It was set to May ninth instead of October ninth... INTERESTING... I never found out who's birthday is on that day. :p Well, I'll just have to wait! :)

And now, pictures of Gale!

So, I got his cloud candy happy symbol.


And then he earned his final one


We were growing bored of the current living room we had, so we decided to shake it up a little!


Cute, no?

And I was really lucky to catch him doing the pee pee wiggle dance!


Gasp! I'm so proud! :')

And, just so you know what a perfect happy gague looks like...


And it wouldn't be possible without missvioletchi. :)

And well, today we visited with Chloe, missvioletchi's Tama. They only went up two friendship levels, but when they proposed to each other, they couldn't wait to meet up at the church! It was super cute. They kissed and gave birth to two baby twin boys, Nittobitchis. Seeing as in Catching Fire (the sequel to the Hunger Games, which I just finished for the second time today :D ) you learn to like Peeta more, I'm naming him Peeta! He evolved into...

Kaubotchi. :p

Oh well. I'm trying reeeeally hard not to let him get any care misses but I don't think it'll be happening -_-

Phew! All done! :) Oh yeah, what did you think of that background? I like it. :)



Violet and Peeta

Ugh. I don't understand math or how what I'm studying will help me in life. Honestly.

All that really happened so far today is that I brought Peeta to school and periodically checked up on him until he evolved into a Hanikamitchi, the good care teen. I'm going to do my best to not give him any more and get a Mametchi, which is kind of appropriate for Peeta, although I might get a Peintotchi who would be more appropriate.

Today was Memetchi's birthday, which is a pretty epic birthday to have.

That's it for now.



Violet and Peeta



(Ps- please join my bracelet swap. It's going to be an amazingly fun thing, but only if people are willing to do it. If more people don't start doing it then I'll have to close it :( )

Lol. Shows from the nineties are funny xD

I was rushing around getting ready for school today when I thought to check on Peeta, and this is what I saw!


If you can see, the battery was out!

So I ran and got some AAA's, and changed the batteries. Unfortunately, the time was reset to yesterday, right after Peeta had evolved! :p So, although he was supposed to evolve into an adult today, it'll be tomorrow... I think.


Very pixelated Hanikamitchi.

He's had... a few care misses, so I don't think I'll be getting Mametchi. Hopefully not another Kuromametchi, but maybe I'll get juuuuust the right amount and get a Shinshitchi, but I doubt it. ;)

Alright, that's it. I'm out!



Violet and Peeta



(Ps- sheesh! No fan mail in a while! I could use some... :rolleyes: )

Hey guys! So, I had an unexpected guest come over today, so the update's gonna be kind of short. Sorry :p

So, today was the big day! Peeta was evolving! He turned into... *collective group breath intake*

Kuromametchi :p

Oh well, he's always so cute to have around! Although, Gale is a better suited name...


He lived a very sad day in my pocket, starving and completely unhappy, poor thing. I fixed him riight up, though. I haven't been able to get any of his happy symbols yet, as I kind of... forgot what they are... ;) But don't worry, I'll have them done with pictures tomorrow!

Hmm... I think that's it... I need to get him a pet, definately.

Ok, bye! Thanks for clicking! :)



Violet and Peeta :tarakotchi:

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Well hiya! :)

I could only remember two of Peeta's happy symbols, so I only got two of them. ;)


I never thought I'd see the day that Kuromametchi gets so choked up about wearing clothes, haha ;)

His last happy symbol has to be an item, but I can't remember it. Perhaps I'll try tomorrow.

We went to the park today and got him a pet, Happabouyatchi, I think? No, that doesn't sound right. I don't know, the little green bush with legs.


Isn't that bracelet so cute? ^^ I just finished it yesterday :)

That's all the news for today! :)



Violet and Peeta



(Ps- Thanks to Fwoggy for fan mail! Always appreciated! ^^ :) )

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Hey peoples!

Today Peeta and I woke up and were excited- it's finally Friday! Which means that tomorrow's Saturday! :D To put us in a good mood, we hobbled outside where our plant was juust about to bloom when THIS happened!


As you can excpect, we were extremely sad. But then I remembered something- Peeta had an outfit at the Henshin Jo's! :) We got exciteed and talked to the nice shop man, who directed us to the mirror. I watched as he transformed into Metal Kuromametchi!



While we were out, he said he wanted to stop by the matchmaker. I just kind of stared at him, 'cause you don't just "stop by" the matchmaker- you stay there for a while! But he was faced with three amazing ladies- I would've been fine with any three of them!


But, with a thought of Memetchiluva464, we finally decided on Memetchi.


And so, he came home and out of the egg popped...


Momoirotchi! I tried my usual method of getting Rolutchi, but as you guys know that's only worked- what? Once? Twice? Yeah. Well, after the hour I was lucky enough and...


Amazing! Rolutchi! I couldn't believe it! I've given her at least two care misses, hoping to get a third in tomorrow just to make sure I get the right teenager! :) I've decided to name her Prim, as I'm going for a Ponpontchi and they just look like a Prim, so sweet and everything. <3

Alrighty, that's it for tonight! Bye!



Violet and Prim



(Ps- Thanks to Mimitchi ^O^ for telling me the last happy symbol for Peeta! :) )

Hi guys!

Let me just say, Prim has had SUCH an adorable growth path! :) First she was a Momoirotchi. Pink. Bow. Tiny! Then she was a Rolutchi. Circular. Smiley, Whipped cream hat! Now she's a Hineonetchi. Dress. Pink hair when happy. Blonde flippy hair otherwise! Oh gee, she is just sooooo cute!!! Then tomorrow, I think I'll be getting a Ponpontchi. She has horns underneath those flowers, you know! (Got that from OldSchoolTama's log- super good!)

Well yeah... there wasn't a whole lot of news that went on today... we cleaned the living room/bedroom. Oh yeah! Yesterday she was in her bed, sleeping, and outside it was raining. She just looked SO cozy and SO adorable I wanted to give a squeal! :D :D

And I think that's REALLY it. Nice typing to all you guys! :)



Violet and Prim


It was just a normal day at teacher assisting with a miss Holly/Dakota when Prim wanted to evolve! :)

She turned into a...


Ponpontchi!!! ^^ She is SO horrificly adorable!!!!




Is she not the cutest thing??? Lemme answer that- SHE IS!

I got one of her happy symbols, and she cheered me on while we were at tennis.

Yeah, that's about it...

Thanks for clicking, and click the link in my signature! :D



Violet and Prim

Hi guys!

Not much happened today. I accidentally got another one of Prim's Happy Symbols without meaning to, but it's ok.

I still havent' gotten her a pet yet, but if I have a spare second later (probably not :p ) I'll go to the park and get her one.

That's really all that happened today. :p

Sorry for the short post :ph34r:



Violet and Prim

People of Tamatalk and beyond!

Well, Prim and I didn't do much today. I got her last two happy symbols, one from the 48 hours and one from the Tama Mori cat ears.

Trying to get her happy bar up, we decided to try on some clothes, and she looked so adorable in her princess dress we just couldn't take it off!!!


We went to the park, and this cute lil' guy followed us home!


Aw, isn't he cute?

In other news, the freakiest thing happened today! So, two nights ago I had a dream that my library had the fourth Harry Potter, which I have been looking for for weeks! I checked, and it wasn't there. -_- Then, this morning, I felt like something... SOMETHING would be waiting for me at school, and what's there? Harry Pottere and the Goblet of Fire!!!! <3 It's totally awesome so far! :) ))))

Yeah, that's it for today!



Violet and Prim



(Ps- from a couple days ago, thanks Rawrasaurus for fan mail! :) )


Ugh, not much really happened today. I'm running out of things to log about! I'll probably end up getting Prim married tomorrow, after school? I don't know. I was pretty busy today. :p

Um... I don't know what else to say... we keep visiting relatives for free food, but they're not really giving us anything. :p

I know, this was a very suckish update, but honestly that's all I have to say. -_- Hopefully tomorrow I'll have marriage pictures. Bye!



Violet and Prim :tarakotchi:

Hi guys!

Prim and I were just lazing around today and we decided to visit the matchmaker.


She was in great spirits when she saw Mametchi, and they instantly fell in love!


That look on his face is priceless xD

And then, out of the egg hatched...


A Momoirotchi! :D

And, she evolved a while ago, into a...

Rolutchi! ^^

So, I think I'll be going for Watawatatchi, beause come on, is she NOT adorable???

Okies, that's it for today! Bye for now!



Violet and Leevy (I know, not the best name, but it's from the Hunger Games, so yeah. ;) )

Discovery of the night!

The fourth Harry Potter (Goblet of Fire) is by far my favorite so far <3 <3


Old picture ;)

So, that's what Leevy looked like this morning, and now she's the adorable Hineonetchi!! SO FLIPPIN CUTE!!!

I really love Rolutchi.She is the cutest little Tama ever!!!!

So far I've let her get two care misses, and I need four if I'm going to get Watawatatchi. WHO IS ALSO FLIPPPIN ADORABLE.

Ok. That's all I have to say. :3



Violet and Leevy

Hi guys! I can't talk long, about to leave.

I got the right amount of care misses! Leevy evolved into a Watawatatchi, and she's flippin adorable!!! :) She looks sooooooo cute! I'll have pictures tomorrow.

Yeah... that's really all I have to say right now ;)

See you tomorrow! Wish me fun at my Halloween party! :)



Violet and Leevy

Ok, dealio.

I'm quite aware I have been neglecting my log lately. It's just been super extremely hectic for me, with the worry of tests and school and starting high school next year and let me tell you- 8th grade isn't a walk in the park xP

So, basically, I can't guarantee pictures every day. I know it's SO much better with pictures (That's why Oldschooltama's log has so many views, anyways), but if I want to wake up NOT feeling tired, I gotta do what I gotta do. :p


So, obviously, you can tell that Leevy is about one of the cutest things ever. Period.


Is she not? Don't even answer it if you're going to say no, because you'd be lying. Just so you know. :3

I went to the park during teacher-assisting (SHHH!) and she brought home a cute Hapihapitchi!


So cuteeeee together :wub:

Alrighty, I'm off for the night! Bye! :)



Violet and Leevy

Hi guys!

Well... not much has really happened in the past few hours since when I updated. I need to get Leevy's last happy symbol, which is the sunflower cookie, and then she'll get her 48 hour happy symbol tomorrow.

I was reading Calyssa's Log yesterday, and if you scroll down a little bit you'll see the adorable iD L covers! Tutorial here

I'm working on making one right now, hoping to finish it tomorrow, maybe? Sadly I get out of school at normal time every day this week (I know, I shouldn't be complaining but I've gotten used to half days every other day!) because it's spirit week ( :p Only looking forward to wednesday- mustache day) so I don't know when I'll have it finished.

Ok, thanks for clickin! Wish me luck at tennis today :p



Violet and Leevy

My brother infuriates me.

Anyways, today I got Leevy's last happy symbol today. We unlocked a new location called the... Waru Cafe? It's kind of like Melody Land, I can't figure out what the point of it is. I have a bunch of pictures but I can't upload them right now, because frankly I don't have the patience at the moment.

I'm sorry. Suckish update, right after my new vow, but... I honestly don't have a good excuse.

I'm sorry.



Violet and Leevy

Hey guys!

So, if you remember, yesterday I said that I unlocked the Waru Cafe, here's what happened...


And pretty much that's it. They just talked, and then Leevy left. :huh:

I also unlocked new icon backgrounds!


And, just a little bit ago, I took Leevy to the matchmaker. She fell in love with a very handsome Shutotchi.


They had a very handsome baby Nittobitchi, who still hasn't evolved yet. Not sure when he will, can't be too long.

I'm hoping to get a Furusputatchi (sp????) and then get a semi-secret character :D

I know the pictures were pretty pixelated, but they're there! :)



Violet and Finnick (Hunger Games, still :) )



(Ps- thanks to Zuzu and desiraeisdesirae for the comments yesterday! :) )
