*Violet's Little Garden*


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Well hi :3

So, today was a very left day. (Meaning nothing went right)

Well, not a lot happened today. Luna and I got a pet! A Chitchitchi, I believe. I got one of her happy symbols, or was that yesterday? I don't know. I'm so tired I don't even know what day it is.

I tried for at least three hours to figure out my Palm Treo issue.

So, I called Treo and they said I need ActiveSync, some software THAT IS OBVIOUSLY NOT COMPATIBLE WITH WINDOWS 7.


But, my mom thinks that at her work she has a windows system that's compatible with it, so tomorrow she's bringing the phone and is going to load downloads onto it. No, not if, not maybe, no uncertainty here. Noooooo jinxes. It will work.

So, tomorrow I shall have new downloads. Yes. I will update with lots of games and wallpapers.

I'm only asking her to download the second batch right now, but WHEN it works, maybe Friday I'll have her do the first batch, because it has tons of food that the second batch doesn't have. But the second has fun looking games, so that's what I'm having her do it. Not to mention CAKE SEEDS! How epic!?

Ok. Now I'm putting an end to my very, very, VERY left day with logging to you guys on my pink 'puter. I may have to call the doctor (tech support) for my polka dot puter, because I tried starting her up today to see if ActiveSync was compatible WHICH IT'S NOT...!


Anyways, long story short, I'm going to bed. Thanks for reading my rant.

Violet and Luna

(Ps- thanks to all you dedicated readers who helped me through to this 20th page! Without you guys, we definately wouldn't be here right now. <3)

I'm not logging, but I just had to say...




I'll have more about it later, this just deserved its own update! I'm going to try and preserve the fun and only get one download a day for a while. We'll see how long my self control lasts!! Prediction: I'll cave on Saturday. :)

First thing I downloaded:


A game called Milky Way rafting. It's really cute and fun, yet challenging! Haven't beat it... yet! :D

Technically I caved today, but not really because if you had iD L download for the first day, would you have only downloaded one thing? ;)

Second thing I donwloaded:


Thorn seeds!! I planted them because I'm EXTREMELY curious as to what they are!

I just had to tell you guys immediately! I'll be back later for a real update and the story as to how these wonderful beings came to be. :)

Violet and Luna

Hello again!

So today I got Luna's happy symbols. Now she has all four, but I haven't gotten her married yet. I will tomorrow, though, after I decide what download to give her. :D

Speaking of which, I have to thank my mommy, Amanda, who works with her- she was the one that actually got the downloads onto the phone! I also have to thank Barbara, who sold us the phone. :) I don't think any of them will read this, but it's there in case they do. ;)

So, to play the game Milky Way rafters: you use A and B to doge the objects flying at you- probably space litter. ;)

Well... that's all I have to say for tonight... I think I said more in my non-update, actually ;) hehe.

Have a fantabulous day/night! :)

Violet and Luna


Dealio: I thought I was going to be home several hours ago. It's 10:40, which is extremely late for me. So, I had pictures, but I'll upload them tomorrow.

Recap of today:

Picked thorn seed plant. Very pretty. Pic tomorrow.

Got Luna married to Maisutatchi. Had a baby girl Choribotchi.

The baby, Bella (After Bellatrix Lestrange. :p Ulch...) evolved into Kingyobotchi.

Downloaded a game and seed package, plus a background today. More pics of those tomorrow.

Yawn. Night everyone. Sorry for the x-tremely suckish post. :(

Violet and Bella


Thought I'd upload those pics I never did yesterday.

So, this is the fruit that grew from the thorn seed.


I'm not quite sure what it is, but I think we've seen it at the grocery store. Maybe not, I don't know. ;) It's a snack.

Don't know if you can see or not, but this is the background I downloaded, called Eternal Winter. :)


It's all white and then there's a few snowmen in the background. Aw, how cute. ;)

And then later I took Luna to the matchmaker, where she fell in love with a very handsome Maisutatchi.


They hatched a lovely egg, out of which popped a baby named Bella. She is now a Kingyobotchi, having gotten no care misses yet. Hoping not to, I'm going for a Meloditchi. :D

Not sure what I'm going to download today, but I've increased my limits to two downloads a day, lol. ;)

I got a really fun game yesterday, called Fall Harvest. You have to catch the right fruit as it falls. I figured out which is right just by trial and error. I think I'll make a video of it, even though I can't upload it now... (My regular computer's still busted :( )

I tried the game Parashin Camera yesterday, but I couldn't figure out how to do it so I deleted it off my Tama, still on my phone. Can anyone enlighten me?

Tomorrow I'm going to Arizona with my mom. It'll be like an 8-hour road trip, and I'mma be pretty bored so no promises on how many downloads I'll get. ;)

Ok. That's it for now! I'll probably be back with a small update later. :)

Violet and Bella

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Why hello again!

Another fruit from the thorn seeds:


Yeah, I have no idea what that is.

It's a snack, though.

So, today I downloaded a game called Summer Night Dance, and it took a little bit but I finally figured out what it was. Maybe I'll make a video of it. I also got some "Chocolate Sticks" for the Cafe. They're pretty cool, they look all Italian.

Later today Bella evolved into a Painaputchi. She's had two care misses so far, so Meloditchi here we come!

So, like I said, tomorrow I'll be trapped- I mean going on a road trip- in a car for 8 or something hours, so I expect Bella to get perfect care. I'll probably do downloads in the car.

Ok, that's it for tonight! Thanks to those 7 people following my log! :)

Violet and Bella

EDIT: Ps, who likes my new picture? Made it myself! :)

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So, as you know, today I took a 6-hour drive to Arizona with my mom. Talk about clausterphobia :p

Anyways, today Bella evolved into an adult!


We went to the park and got a pet, another Chitchitchi. (The only one that would show up ;) )


And in case your wondering, I have transformed Bella into her Henshin-Jo-alter-ego, Melody Hime, but I changed her back a while ago because I like her regular form. ;) I'm waiting for her to go to sleep, because I remember with Naomi (my first generation Meloditchi) that she took off her signature hat while she sleeps. Awww, too cute. ;)

At my house we were running out of AAA's, so today my mom and I went to the store and got batteries. Pink batteries. They're pretty epic, if you ask me. ;)

If you're wondering, the pictures are so much clearer today because it turns out that my iPod CAN hook up to my computer!

We bought cake seeds at TamaDepa today, and planted them, so tomorrow cake will grow in our backyard! Not sure what kind...

Alrighty, that's it for today! Thanks for clicking!

Violet and Bella

So, last night my beloved M&M bracelet came off. 'Bout time, it was kind of old and scraggely... :(



I sent over another download today, a Melody Ice snack. Seeing as it's Melody, I thought we might get a happy symbol out of it.


I was correct! :)


Then later I sent over a new living room background, because OBVIOUSLY I'm in need of another download. ;)


Cute, right? Called Mushroom Living. Lol :D

And this is what we grew yesterday from the cake seeds.


I planted a Steamed Buns seed today, not sure what that's going to grow... :)

I also got Bella's third happy symbol, the Ocarina. Tomorrow she gets the 48-hour one. Not sure if I'll get her married, probably on Wednseday. What? They're good company! ;)

Ok, bibi for now!

Violet and Bella


Everyone on Thanksgiving Break by now? Hope so!

My god sour cream and onion Ruffles are good...

Nothing exciting really happened today. Bella earned her last happy symbol. I've no idea what the Steamed Buns seeds grew, it looks kind of like a white dumpling. :huh:

Think I'll get Bella married tomorrow.

Pulled my Nintedo DS a couple days ago, and am playing the Tama Corner Shop 1 game. Kind of boring now that I've beat it... My mom and I went to Walmart yesterday looking for the third one, which seems better because not only can I play as Violetchi but there's an ice cream shop. Kewl. :)

K, that's it! Au Revoir!

Violet and Bella ( :angry: Ugh I hate who she was named after... Bellatrix Lestrange :p )

Good and bad news.

I called Dell today (An hour call. UGH! Not to mention I hate phones in the first place...) and I got my new 'puter fixed! Yaaaay!

Bad news: MY IPOD WON'T SYNC. I am sooooooo sick of technical issues ATM, that frankly I can't be bothered to fix it. Harsh? Yes. Sorry.

Anyways, today I got Bella married. It was a great ceremony, she was married to a lovely Mametchi. She had a baby boy who I named Remus (as in Lupin). He was a Yurapatchi and right now he's a Kaubotchi. I'm going for Mametchi, so he can look like his daddy, aww. (Well, he's one of the adults I'm missing. ;) )

Earlier, when Bella was still around, I took her to Melody Land. Meloditchi, Melody land, how can it not be perfect?

Well, turns out, it actually WAS perfect! I got the secret item from Melody Land! I've no idea what it is, it kind of looks like a heart shaped perfume bottle. :huh: All I know is that it fills up the happy bar a lot! So, I think I now know how to get into the Waru Cafe.

HYPOTHESIS: To get the item from Waru Cafe, you have to go there with Spacytchi. So, next time I get Happabouyatchi, I'll try for Spacytchi (I think he's the 6+ care miss adult, so it should be easy) and then go there, which should give me the elusive item that no one seems to have gotten yet. ;) (I'm sure someone has, but I haven't seen it in logs or anything)

I planted a Steamed buns seed yesterday, but a worm got into! Grr, you rotten worms! Today I planted a cake seed, so we'll see how it comes out.

Today I downloaded Mochi Making set (Expensive, but hopefully worth it!) and a game. Not sure what it's called, but it's like that game... Oh dang, what's it called? Well, you have to move the platform and hit the ball back and forth trying to hit the balls and destroy them all. Pretty fun!

As I'm sure you're all aware of, today was the birthday of Mametchi, and more importantly Tamagotchi! The Tamagotchi iD L 15th Aniversary Ver. came out today! I can't wait to read logs about it and see! Some people said they should have it by Friday, which is great, I'm so excited to read about it!

My mom reminded me that I usually get money for Christmas. As with all money I've recently been getting, I think I'll invest in a Tama. Ideas, anyone? If I like the way the new one looks, I might look into it.

Whew! Long update! My mom, Her Majesty, is telling me to get off the computer now, so I better.

Enjoy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Violet and Remus


Everyone have a good Turkey day? Good.

I just realized: this is my 30th generation on my iD L. That's a very big accomplishment! The most generations I've ever gotten! :D

Turning Remus a Mametchi is going as planned. He evolved into Hanikamitchi today (the one who looks like, as missvioletchi says, he should be working at McDonald's), and hasn't gotten any care misses so far. Mametchi, as I'm sure you figured, is the perfect adult, meaning you need 0-1 care misses. So when he evolves tomorrow, as long as I keep his meters filled, I'll have a Mametchi and then I'll only need like 6 more adults! I don't have an exact count ATM, but maybe I'll do it tomorrow.

I can't wait to read everyone's logs once they get the 15th Anniversary Ver. It seems so cool, with the Tamatown and references to past tamas!

Ok, got to go. Happy Thanksgiving!

Violet and Remus

(Ps- thanks to Kuromametchifan123 for telling me that it wasn't a perfume bottle that I got from Melody Land, but really a necklace that Meloditchi wears to make people around her happy. :) )


Today Remus evolved into an adult. I got lucky- Mametchi! Yay! We went to the park earlier and he got a pet Soprantchi, the blue one. We also planted a cold snacks seeds yesterday, and today it bloomed... a lollipop? It kind of looks like one resting on a bed of ice. Lol. I planted another one today, so tomorrow I'll get something new :D

I beamed over some Eternal Fruits Seeds today, and bought two packs. I'll plant them tomorrow, once the cold snacks seed blooms.

Some old pictures that never got uploaded:


I did say that Meloditchi sleeps without her hat on ^^


I sent over a mochi making set a couple days ago, and lo and behold, Remus made some today. He didn't eat it or anything, he just made it and then went back to the living room. (Like my new wallpaper? It's called Summer Festival or something :) )


And this is Remus today, after he earned his first happy symbol, the crown.

In other news, It's Teri has requested a Tama beanbag chair! :) We're solving difficulties, for example differences in money, but hopefully it'll work out! If you want one, they're still for sale! Only $3 +2 shipping, and it's easier if you're in North America, hehe ;) I'll have finished a third one soon, so stay tuned!

Kk, bye for now!

Violet and Remus

Coming up on that 400th post... Ideas for a 'grand celebration', anyone? Dunno ;)

Well, it looks like my iPod is not going to connect with my computer, and this either means another call to Dell (No thanks) or that I have to email all the pictures to myself. Not the end of the world. It makes things about 10 times slower, yes, but you know... if it's for you guys, I GUESS... :wuv:

So, I remembered today that Remus has an alter ego Henshin-Jo transformation!


(Yes, another unnecessary living room wallpaper change. ;) )

We played with the Chemistry set today. It was really cute. :) He planted the flowers in a beaker, then poured some chemicals on them and a big cloud appeared, so Remus thought he ruined them but it turned out that they were better than ever. Very cute, Bandai, very cute.

Note: I think I only have 7 adults left to get, and three of them are "secret adults". ^^ I still need:








The last two are in a different color b/c I don't think I'll be getting them anytime soon, if at all.

Although... that new 15th anniversary ver. is looking pretty tempting...

Well, I don't think I have enough in my bank account anyways. ;)

Alrighty, that's it for tonight. Good to be back in California, where winter never exists. <3

Tomorrow hopefully I'll have more than one picture!!

Violet and Remus


Remus and I woke up this morning and he immediately wanted to check on the plant outside. It bloomed into a Coconut!


We went into the kitchen (he barely made it through the door! He's just so tall on that dang horse...) and I cracked open said coconut and we shared it. It was a very delicious treat for both of us. Not too long after that Remus earned his very last happy symbol.


He doesn't want to go to the matchmaker just yet, he's still enjoying being under my care for now.

We were getting pretty bored later so we took a trip to Tamatown. We were passing the Tama adoption center when I just had to look- darn my girlish thoughts. I told him I didn't want to take any home because he was a handful already, but of course he wanted the triplets! When he AND the horse started begging I knew it was all over, there was no point arguing. So we paid a few gotchi points and brought three shivering eggs home.


We put them over the stove and out hatched three healthy babies!


We got two handsome boys and one lovely girl. I let Remus give them a family name, so he decided to call them the Cake family. *shrugs* That silly boy! "We" (by which I mean me) looked after them for an hour, Remus occassionally playing a game (I use that word sparingly), and me cooking all the meals. Once "we" were about to collapse from exhaustion, we heard a strange song and it was them evolving!


The oldest is a Mousetchi.

Every time they called for bonding, BAM! Remus was on it, and now they have 10% bondage, which means we've done our job right! Yaay!

While checking on them during the afternoon, one decided he wanted to prepare a little tea for the rest.


Sweetheart :wub:

Everyone's just hanging out right now, we've had a pretty exciting day with the birth of the triplets and all.


Tomorrow, a friend at my new school is going to borrow my V4! She's never run a Tama before so it's going to be super exciting. I can't wait to lead her on to Tamas!! :D

Alrighty, au revoir! *five hands wave goodbye*

Violet, Remus, and the Cake family

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So... I'm sorry...

During school today, Remus was being a very good boy, not accidental-sound-turning-on, no-cries-of-hunger, and staying relatively happy. Unfortunately, the triplets were unlike him... So, a little while ago Remus and I took them back to the pet store to get adopted by adults who can give them a better home. Sorry, Cake family...

As you can imagine, both him and I were in low spirits for the rest of the day (so far, at least), so not much has happened.

When we went to check on the cake seed we planted yesterday, it bloomed a flavor that we already had, so we ate it and it was soooo good! Blueberry with grape frosting, mm mm mm!

Really that's all that's happened to us today.

Oh yeah, we went through all the relatives that we've gotten, and I think we've had 23 different adults so far! So, if we get a different one next generation, too, then I think we'll unlock a new destination. Although, it's possible we miscounted... That darn horse wouldn't be quiet, grr!

If you're wondering how my friend at school likes the V4, she loves it!!! She named it Dani (my name, aww) after its godmother, hehe ;)

Alrighty, that's it for now! See you tomorrow!

Violet and Remus, just us again


Remus and I were having a very relaxing day today, nothing much going on. He asked me when he could go to the matchmaker, and I said on Thursday. He gave a squeal of delight and then had a blank expression on his face, I can only assume he was daydreaming about who his lovely wife will be. Since nothing was happening and I was procrastinating didn't have any homework, we took a stroll around Tamatown he saw the pet store again. I wanted to keep walking but he wouldn't, so we were forced to walk inside. He looked everywhere for the triplets, but alas, someone bought them. :( He was so sad that the only thing that would make him happy was to... get three MORE eggs!! I reluctantly handed the shopkeeper the Gotchi points, and we walked home with our new arrivals.

******************************************WHAT REALLY HAPPENED*************************************

So apparently I have like no idea what I really want, because I wanted to download the family from two days ago ;) So I tried putting the battery in but it made a ridiculously annoying sound that was sort of a mix between a rocket launching up in the air and a 4-year-old-little-girl banshee screaming. After it calmed down (after I muzzled it, more like it...) I put the battery in but it completely skipped the "download-reset" screen and went straight to reset, so poor Cake family... :( But, we get a new family! Ok, on with the creative narration! lol...


We brought the eggs home so they could hatch.


This time I was naming then, I told Remus, and decided to name them the Sweets family because... well, I was thinking of Memetchi and her signature guruguru cake (
), and guruguru wouldn't fit, obviously, so I named after desserts in general and just called them the Sweet family ;)


About halfway through their baby-age, they demanded that we turn the lights off. Celebrities they are!


The second half of their baby-hood (oh, I'm full of bad puns right now, lol ;) ) was fairly uneventful, and just a few minutes ago they evolved into the toddlers Mattariatchi, Belltchi, and Mousetchi, respectively ;)

So I hope I'll still want to run them tomorrow, but if I don't... like I said, I don't know what I want ;)

Alrighty, that's it! *Five more hands wave* hehehe

Violet, Remus, and the Sweet family

When all five of us woke up this morning, there was a constant pitter-patter saying that it was raining outside. Not one to get discouraged, Remus ran outside before I was even out of bed and picked the seed we grew yesterday. He wouldn't even let me see what it was! :p

Half a school day later (ISPE today, so I came home before lunch. Yippee!) and he told me that he had been thinking hard, and even though it wasn't Thursday yet, he wanted to go to the Matchmaker. I've kept him for so long, who was I to argue, and we went over where I watched him catch the eye of a lovely Memetchi, and he gave her a little wink. She in turn blushed, but returned the wink, and they were both married after a few dates.


After their lovely ceremony, Remus came home carrying his own egg, of his own version. ;) Out popped a little tiny Nittobitchi, but he was very tired (is popping out of an egg tiring?), so Remus put him to bed. He whispered to me and the triplets that although he'd love to stay and watch everyone grow up, he had to be with his wife in Tamatown. I nodded and told him that we'd come to visit. He silently walked out and left me to take care of his precious baby, who I named Severus, after the great Hogwarts teacher. RIP Snape...


After he woke up, I cared for him for the hour and he evolved into Furusputatchi! He told me he was really glad to not be so needy, and then I introduced him to the Sweet family, a Mattariatchi, Belltchi, and Mousetchi.


At the moment, they're getting along very well. :)

Do you guys like the "new" narration? I like it, but I won't do it if it's not as good. ;)

Violet, Severus, and the Sweet family

Seeing as it was raining yesterday, when we all got out of bed today and didn't hear anything, so I assumed the icky yet fun weather was over. Little did I know that... it was SNOWING!!! Yeah, so I didn't actually know that it could snow on the iD L, so this was a super nice surprise!!! Ok, back in character... ;)


Severus asked if he could make a snow angel. I told him that he could IF he put on a scarf, two jackets, a hat, ear muffs, and boots. You know, minor winter preperations. One marshmallowed Tama later, he was outside making snowmen and snow angels and snowballs and eating snow, meanwhile I was just wishing we could get out of the snow! Eventually we went inside and had some steamy hot chocolate that warmed us right up.

A few hours later he evolved into who I was hoping, Happabouyatchi!


(I also remodeled the living room. ;) It's really cute, sometimes he stands in the middle and it looks like a thought bubble is coming out of his head! :) )

With the triplets, nothing's really happened yet. They're a Sociable family right now, and they told me their looking forward to evolving in about an hour! I caught the oldest STAMPING his autograph earlier! Are they really so famous that he doesn't have time to sign photos? I told him off, but not before catching his picture!!


I wanted to take them to Tamatown, so as I was going to enter, I saw THIS!


Hahaha, how cool!! :)

No one was doing anything interesting for a couple hours (shhh!) so I decided to start a bracelet. With my newfound love of Harry Potter, I started this one, and I can't wait to finish it and wear it!


Epic, right??

Ok, that's all for tonight! Getting more downloads tomorrow! ^^

Violet, Severus (hehe, goes with my new bracelet!), and the Sweet family

(Ps- Forgot to mention, and don't feel like scrolling ALL THE WAY up there, but today, since it was the first of December, [Happy December!], I went to the park and met the Ecousatchi triplets. I already have all the items, though, hehe! ;) )

Um, I'll be back with a real update later, but for now please read this topic. I'm very sad and can't fun narrate right now.

If you read it, thanks.


Ok! Sorry for that post... up ^ there... ;) In a much better mood now, hehe ;)

So, we woke up today and it was still quiet. I thought that it was snowing, but one look out the window and it was sunny! Boo! Not to worry, though, it got cloudy about an hour later and after school it was snowing, so yay!

After the update yesterday, the triplets evolved into, in order, Mamekatchi, Chamametchi, and Nonopotchi. Severus and I are trying to turn them into the... um... well, I don't know which family, but it's the third bondage option. It's a little hard because they want to be the Sociable family, the first option.


Just so I couldn't forget, Severus told me that I couldn't forget to give my mom my phone so I could get more downloads. And he told me again. And again. And AGAIN! Finally, just to shut him up, I put the phone in my mom's car, and she took it to work. Her co-worker (Ex-Verizon worker, of course ;) ) put my ginormous wish list of, probably, over 100 downloads onto it!! Yaaaaay! But before I got into that, I'll show you what we did today. First, he evolved into Sunopotchi during school. He wanted to visit the sauna, because of how cold it was, so I told him ok as long as he put a scarf on. He said ok and then we went!


I think he had a very good time. After that, I tried to put some downloads on his home (the iD L), but it wasn't working. The sound was low anyways (low battery warning) so I just replaced the batteries to see if it made a difference. Not just any batteries, however- PINK batteries!


Sort of hard to see, but they are pink! (And uber cool... ;) )

It turns out that I just needed to give the phone a "refresh", by taking out the battery and putting it back in, and then it worked! I took Severus over to the remodel store, but he was kind of bored so he just sat in the corner playing pilot and let me pick something out. I absolutely fell in love with this one!


Isn't it gorgeous? I love it a lot. I think I'll keep it for a while, because I've liked it for a while. It's called Jewel Living 1, I think, for anyone who wants it.

I don't think Severus is into it so much, a little too pink and girly, but hey, I don't think you could describe me without calling me girly! Lol. ;)

So my mom and all my children (lol) went out for dinner tonight. Severus and I had a hamburger and fries. ^^ It was extremely epic! That's one of the things I love about Tamas nowadays. You can totally match their life with yours! :D

Ok, I think the triplets are going to bed soon. Speaking of them, I think I'll keep them around until they evolve into adults, and then maybe take the battery out. Fun narration works better with one Tama, and I kinda just wanna enjoy my iD L for now. ;)

Ooh! Also, at the school that I go to, there are now officially 3 people playing with Tamas! Yes, another one of my friends is playing with their 4.5! They saw my iD L, and I guess she really liked it because she ordered one on eBay! o_O I hope that's a good decision...

Alrighty, that's it! Nighty night, enjoy your Saturday!

Violet, Severus, and the Sweet family

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