*Violet's Little Garden*


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I should be happy for page 16, but I'm depressed. Why? Well...


Summer 2011 was loved by many, and will forever be missed, especially in those 10 months of jail, or school as teachers like to call it. Thanks for slipping away. :p

Ugh, now that that's over, today was cool! :)

We earned some happy symbols.


Then, later in the day, after boring tennis (it gets more and more like boot camp every time. xP) Albus earned his last happy symbol, therefore unlocking...

MELDY LAND!!! (Jeez that took forever)


That last one says, "You have unlocked new icons!" Or something like that.

I changed the icons to the rainbow music notes, which are by far my favorite! (And now only because they included pink, haha. ;) )


And then we went back to MELDY LAND, and this dude showed up:


I'm not really sure what the point of Melody Land is, as when you go there all your pet does is listen to either the girl/guy talk for 3 lines and then they go home. :s

I didn't manage to snap picture because it happens so fast, but they fly there in a helicopter, and then the outside of Melody Land looks like Disneyland! I'll see if I can get a pic tomorrow, hehe.

Well... you guys have been great for reading all this way!

Tomorrow I have school, so I hope to still get Albus married, but it won't be 'till later. No guarantee on good pics, but hopefully I'll have one or two. :p

Well... wish me luck on... on... s-word. -_-



Violet and Albus

If you're wondering, yes I am aware that yesterday I wrote Meldy land, I just really didn't feel like changing it haha. ;)

Well, school went ok today. I got ISPE, which means that I get out of school early every other day. Kind of perfect, since I'll do the least amount of excercise possible. Unfortunately, I was paying attention in class (*GASP!*) so Albus got greatly ignored all day. Like, starving and one segment of the happy bar missing ignored. I really didn't feel like filling it back up again, so I took him to the matchmaker.


Forgot to mention that he got a Hapihapitchi as a pet. Really un-fitting in my opinion, but whatever. ;)

When we got there, Albus took one look at the striking Uwasatchi, and together they were wed.


And then he brought home...


Yurapatchi. Having homework to do :)'( ), I... ahem... ignored the baby (Harry) with a passion... :( And proved something: the toddlersf are random. He evolved into a Nannokitchi, who is SUPPOSED to be perfect care, but apparently is NOT.

I'll do my best to check up on him every once in a while tomorrow, hopefully between classes. No promises on his weight being... acceptable... but at least at lunch I'll be able to feed and pastably play a game, but I'll probably have to end up waiting until I get out of school... early! :)

Sigh... I'm really tired and have to get up early tomorrow. -_-

Well... thanks for reading, and please let me wake up to 6,000 views tomorrow!



Violet and Harry

Yahoo! We made it! :D Thanks so much for 6,000 views! :D

Oh, and if you noticed that the log now has 13 5 stars... that was me, haha. ;) I was experimenting to see if I could do it and it counted, hahaha. But... if any of you guys want to rate it five stars... do it! ;)

So, I didn't manage to snap a pic of Harry as a Nannokitchi because I had this little thing called HOMEWORK and then ISPE, and then when I came back he had evolved, into a...


If you can see it, Hanikamitchi.

I'm not really aiming for anything, just more than 3 care misses so I don't get another Kuromametchi. Not that it'd be the end of the world, but I gete a repeat character I'd rather have it be a girl. Just cause I've had like 3 times as many. ;)

Um... I think that's it for now... I feel like I had more to say, but yet again another short post.

Ok, byee!!



Violet and Harry

Yippee! Someone listened, now 14 5-star rates! :D

I haven't done a story narration in forever, so here goes.

This morning Harry woke up extremely tired from being jumbled around in my backpack yesterday. I asked him how that make him tired, he said he was getting flipped so much it made him sick! So, I put him in a little purse so he was more contained. We had a nice day at school today, and he got I'm-not-sure-how-many care misses, but apparantly a lot because he evolved into...


Can you find him? ;)


He was getting hungry, so we took a trip to the cafe where the Ochazuke must have been EXTRA good today because he really liked it!


So we got a happy symbol out of that. :)

Then, he realized that I was finally relaxed after finishing homework, so he starting bugging me about meeting the Ecousatchi triplets at the park. I completely forgot! I said sure, so we ran to the park (Jeez! Not that relaxed! I had tennis yesterday :p ) expecting to meet three very green Tamas, but instead we found...


Gypsy Lady! (Kikitchi's mother ;) )

I was confused, but he masked his confusion well because he just kept on talking. Finally she was done and let us go home, where I told him he was going to experience some wierd stuff in the next few seconds, because I was going to do some stuff that I try to never do...

I set the time.


2:45 it was, and we went to the park where we found a mysterious bag of recyclables. :huh: We started to pick it up when all of sudden three short men appeared and spoke some wierd language to each other, which Harry seemed to understand! I'm starting to think it was parcel tongue... (sp?) (Hahahahaha, Harry Potter geek joke! xDDD) But, eventually, I started to understand what was going on when they brought out a giant fork, to which my reaction was, "HOLY GOODNESS LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT GOLD CHUNK!!!" But then after a rolling eye from Harry I took a deep breath and realized that it was a fork that let me get 50% off things at the cafe. Whew, didn't want THAT much responsibility!!!


So, we then traveled home when Harry took me to the cafe, where finally I had a chance to sit down and order some fresh fruit. Yum!

Then we took a nice stroll in the park, where we heard a rustling in the bushes. A cute little Shurikentchi came out to greet us, and Harry, having the big heart he does wanted to take him home. I said sure, after taking him to the vet, of course. Harry was practically squealing like a girl on the way home, and wasted no time when building a pet house outside. I occasionally hear a ninja thing (Sorry, can't remember the word. The one gozarutchi uses? Four spikes? Diamond like? :p ) soar by, so I assume that he's protecting the plant from neighboring bugs, but hopefully he's not killing too many. Bugs are half the fun of going outside, right? :)

Realizing that we had had a very tiring day, Harry and I lay down on the floor and just stared at our room. "You know, I think this room may have had a little influence on who I turned into," Harry told me. I gave a giggle, and saw him smile. He's such a cute little guy!

Right now we're just hanging out, and I'm going to go to bed soon, so he'll probably be alone for a couple hours, because I assume he goes to bed at 10, way later than I'd like to be up for a school day.

Whew! Long post! :) Feels good to write a story, though. Thanks to whoever voted 5 stars, and please feel free- no, obligated, if nothing else to rate this long 5 stars! :D

Thanks for clickin!



Violet and Harry



(Ps- hopefully tomorrow I'll be checking out Harry Potter from the library at my school, so more names to come! : D)

No chway! 15 5-star views! O.O

You guys rock... 'n roll! :D

Well, Harry and I had an awesome half day today! After a few hours of school (He was pretty good, I might mention- not as much complaining!) we came home and went to the park for a bit, where we looked at all kinds of goodies for us to buy! Unforutunately, we had... all of it... so there wasn't anything for us to buy.He was kind of bummed, but I made it up to him by getting a couple of his happy symbols. First, we went into the dressing room, and I wasn't really sure what we were looking for, so I had him look around for a little bit until I saw his eyes light up. He turned to me and asked if he could try the overalls on, as they'd make perfect painting clothes! I said sure, he could put on whatever he wanted!


He really liked them!!


One symbol down! I also wanted to get the last one, so I took him out into the yard, dumped our box of items out and let him pick one. No surprise, he immediately pulled out the painter's palette!


I let him go to town with that while I went and sat down on the comfy couch in the newly redone cloud-theme kitchen, and before I knew it Harry was upon me begging me to get up because he was bored. I looked at the clock- 5:00! I grabbed my purse and ran out the door to Friday night family dinner, completely forgetting that he would need something to eat! I was half way to my house when I remembered, so we ran into the diner and ordered the quickest thing, a plate of fish and chips. Him satisfied, we were able to finish diner together and then we came home and turned on the TV and relaxed for a little bit. He started to sneeze a bit, and then I realized that the shower room was a disaster! He was a dear and did it for me, seeing how tired I was. I was wiped out, so right now he's just bouncing around, trying to entertain himself. I'm going to go to bed in a few, probably.

See you! :)



Violet and Harry

Hey guys, I have a very sad update with no pictures 'cause it's really late. Sorry...

Well, I couldn't pay a whole lot of attention to Harry today because I was at synogague, and then a party... and then another party... hehe and I just got home. Well, it all started when I woke up a little bit after him, and then we checked on the seed we planted yesterday and out popped a cucumber! It was cool. :) We went out for breakfast in the diner, and they had a vegetable dumpling on the menu that sounded good! So, we ordered it. :) Later he started thinking about when he was going to get his last happy symbol, and he knew that he was going to get married tomorrow or the next day, and he really wanted a daughter. He took me on a surprise trip to the interior shop, with 3,000 gotchi points he had earned playing games and working at the restaurant when I wasn't around. He said he wanted a remodel of a girlier theme for his daughter, hopefully. I got a tear in my eye beccause it was just so sweet! I told him I would pay for the remodel, and he picked one out with polka dots on the back wall and bow and cabinets and stuff. I'll have a pic tomorrow.


I'm going to give the 5.5 another go. I know, I know, a lot of you guys don't like it, but I'm reading this group hatch on Tama-zone with that version and it looks really fun... Also link tomorrow. Not sure what I'll name the family.

*Yawn* Ok... night everyone.



Violet and Harry

Hey guys!

Harry and I woke up this morning... and went back to bed. Neither of us really wanted to get up, but it was 7, and... Teennick's Obsess this was on. (Super good music!) So we both got up, turned the TV on and chilaxed a little bit until he started to get hungry, so I took him out for breakfast at the Diner. We shared one of those vegetable dumplings that we love, and it was ta-sty! (It tasted like pancakes and turkey bacon... HMMM... ;) ) He looked around the room...


... and decided it was time for him to go to the matchmaker. So, we took his pet and strolled over there, where as soon as the lovely Ponpontchi walked into the room, I saw sparks fly.


The choice was obvious...


And so, Harry brought home a little egg, out of which popped...


A momoirotchi named Brooke! :) (Yeah, no more Harry Potter theme -_- )

I took care of her for the standard hour until she evoled into what I was hoping would be Rolutchi, but was Paletchi. Well, it's ok... I wasn't thinking about getting Lovelitchi, who I want, and stupidly let her get 2 care misses, so I might be getting Sabosabotchi.

Brooke and I went to my friend's pool party, where they had Henna tattoos. I didn't allow Brooke to get one, seeing as she was too young, but I set a bad example and got one...


I know you can't see it, but it's the Deathly Hallows!!!! :D :D :D (If you haven't seen/read the last one, then you probably have no idea what it is. Sorry... pm me if you're curious. :3)

Well, after the party we went shopping a little bit where I got a NEW MATTRESS, super cute skirt and a robe with cat ears on the top! Brooke wanted something, but I was being a very bad mother and ignored her for the past few hours until she went to bed. I could blame it on the fact that after shopping I went out to dinner and then watched a very boring movie, but really... I could've cared for her...

Well, tomorrow we'll ahve a good day and I'll make sure to get her something special at Tama Depa! :)

I bet you're expecting a post about the 5.5... well, turned out Holly didn't have it, and I made assumptions that shouldn't have been made... about her having it... ;) Well, I'll have it this Friday! :)

Speaking of Holly, if you read her log (Holly's Candy Shop) you know that she... accidentally reset her Tama... but, for my selfish purposes this worked out great! Today we connected for the first time since the accident, so now I have two different friends instead of one! That much closer to getting a Madonnatchi! :)

Well, that's it! Bye!



Violet and Brooke

Hey guys!

Brooke and I were having a pretty lazy day today, so my mom decided to take us to Marshall's to look for new bedding for my new bed. Brooke and I were having a great time until she told me her belly was hurting. I didn't know what to do, but by the time I started thinking about it a super bright light appeared and Brooke was suddenly not a Paletchi anymore... she was a...



Well, she's super cute! :) We continued to shop for a little while until she realized that she wasn't going to get ANYTHING. "Darn it..." I said. I was hoping that she'd forget about that promise I made to get her something today. I took her over to the pet store and we looked for a little while until she decided on one that she really liked. It was a cute little egg that she wanted to help me raise. I said ok, and together we took it home.


We took it home, making sure to keep it warm, until it finally hatched!


Out comes a baby boy! I let Brooke choose the name, and she decided on Andy. Since she wanted a pet so badly, I let her take care of him for the hour, until Andy turned into a Mizutamatchi!


Right now we're all just hanging out, about to have dinner.

That's it for now! Byee!



Violet, Brooke, and Andy

Hey all! I had a bunch of pictures, but I don't know where they went when I tried to upload them, so only one pic, sorry. :p

I have to find a better way of taking everyone to school! I'm constantly worried about them getting schmooshed... -_-

Well, this morning Brooke woke up to realize that little Andy was still sleeping. She asked me, "Mommy, when's my pet waking up??" and I gently told her that as with all newborns, they like to sleep for a longer time than us mature teenagers do. She looked annoyed but cheered up when I told her we could go out for breakfast. Finally, it was time for me to pack up all my stuff and ship off to school, and not knowing what to do with one sleeping Tama and one delicate Tama, I put them in my very thin peanut butter jelly purse (pic tomorrow possibly?), but I got a ton of books today so I'm pretty sure they got squished- plus later Brooke complained of unneccessary button-pushing from some unknown item. Eventually Andy did wake up, and we had a good day, with Brooke and I looking after him. We bought some special treats, played games, took him to preschool, and did a bunch of fun stuff until later in the day he evolved into Gourmetchi. -_- THE CURSE! Well, whatever, I'll take whatever I get. :)

Later, Brooke evolved into a Shigurehimetchi!! :)


I didn't think she was going to be as cute as she is!

Apparently one pet wasn't enough, because she kept bugging me to go to the park! So, we went and got a cute, fluffy Rubitchi! :) Later we put a kimono on, which caused her to get her first happy symbol. One down, two more to go tomorrow!

Andy went to sleep a little while ago, and I think I will now. So, Brooke will be up alone for a couple hours, but she should be fine. :)

Night everyone!



Violet, Brooke, and Andy

Hey guys. Sorry in- hiccup- advance for this suckish- hiccup- update, but today I got sick and- hiccup- caught a caught a case of- hiccup- chronic hiccups, in case you couldn't tell.

Uh, well, today I got Brooke's happy symbols, the ochazuke from the restaurant and the... ninja scroll? from Tama Depa. It was really random, what happened was that Brooke was reading the scroll and then all of a sudden those four sided things that gozarutchi throws started whizzing around, Brooke got confused and then Kunoitchi, of all characters, comes out of nowhere in a puff of smoke and then Brooke disappeared into some wooden box, and then it was lifted up out of the screen and then she appeared again in a puff of smoke and Kunoitchi did... something... and then everything vanished... it was really random. O.O

That's pretty much all the news on Brooke. Tomorrow she gets her last happy symbol, but I'm probably going to end up waiting until Friday/Saturday to get her married.

Andy and I had a boring day, but I couldn't take too much care of him because I was busy with school and tennis. He doesn't have many skill points, so I have to work on that tomorrow. -_-

Ok, night. I be exhausted. :p



Violet, Andy, and Brooke

Hey guys!

Extremely sorry I didn't update yesterday, but it's not my fault. I always update right before going to bed, but at 3:40 in the afternoon yesterday, all the power went out. Like, for hundred of miles in either direction, the power was out. It was GIGANTOR. So, no power, no internet, even though my laptop was working. "Well, why didn't you just drive somewhere?" Well, people thought this was going to go on for days, so everyone literally said, "get supplies, don't use gas."

It's pretty sad how much we rely on technology nowadays.

But, luckily, the power's back on now (days, yeah right!) and I'm the only one awake at 6 in the morning. Luckily, I think they've already cancelled school... :3

So anyways, tonight I have a SELENA GOMEZ CONCERT with missvioletchi- aka Holly. I'll be going over with her at like 5 something, so I hope to do an update before then, but you never know, I bet the generator's really unstable right now.

Ok, thanks for reading, sorry about not updating but for once it wasn't my fault! ;)



Violet, Andy, and Brooke

Hey again! :)

So, here's Andy as a Gourmetchi.


And then, yesterday he evolved into a Tosakatchi!


Strange, he still hasn't gotten a job offer yet... O.O I don't know, it'll probably happen tonight at the CONCERT.

This morning Brooke wanted to go to the matchmaker! So, I took her, and she fell in love with Hirotchi.


Then, as per usual, she brought an egg home!


Which hatched out a...


Yurapatchi, again.

Kind of hoping for at least Nittobitchi, so I could get happabouyatchi and one of the (not-so) "secret" characters. :)

I really want Kutchipatchi- in color, how adorable??- so I'm letting him get a couple care misses, and then I'll get Bokuhoshitchi from Kaubotchi, and then Kutchipatchi!

Oh yeah, his name is Justin. :p Although I hate Justin Bieber's music, (sorry, please don't get offended if you have Bieber fever ;) ) he's dating Selena Gomez, who, in case you didn't know, I'm SEEING IN CONCERT TONIGHT. :)

So, this was probably the last day with Andy, seeing as how I'll be going over to missvioletchi's house, and I think she's going to let me use her V5.5. So, I think I'll be giving up one and gaining three. :3

Ok, wish me fun at the SELENA GOMEZ concert! ;)



Violet, Andy, and Justin

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Yo peeps. :3

Selena was A-MA-ZING!!! She's so talented and beautiful, especially in person! Love her!!! <3

If you'll remember, I said that Justin evolved into Kaubotchi at 8:36 A.M.


It was also Lovelitchi's birthday today! I was ready at 7:30 AM with my iPod ready!


She recieved a lovely heart parfait as a gift.

Also, missvioletchi generously let me borrow her 5.5! I put the batteries in, and I named the family the...


Adams family!! :) (Yes, I'm aware that it's the Addams family, but there's only five letter spaces, k? ;) )

Soon enough, three wobbly little eggs appeared on our screen!


Who soon hatched into a...


Well yes. ;)

Then later evolved into...


Cool! :)

I don't believe they'll evolve tomorrow, but if they do I'll be ready!

I've only caught one bondage time, as I can't remember any. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO REFRESH MY MEMORY, PLEASE PM ME! :)

Dazzlitchigirl mentioned me in her log, so I thought it's only nice to do the same! Check it out here! It's really good. :)

Kk, peace out! ;)



Violet, Justin, and the Adams family



(Ps- thanks to Mochatchi34 for the comment on one of my Youtube videos!)

17 5-star-rates! O.O

K, so go look at my new profile picture. I'll wait.









Yes, I'm aware, thank you.

My family is doing some wierd things today! xD


Interesting... wouldn't this make you think that they're the "fashionable family" or something like that?


They're the "active family".

K, not sure why that makes them design manniquines, but whatevs. ;)

Mr. justin evolved into a Kutchipatchi!!!!! What a CUTIE!!!!!!!!


My immediate reaction was to dress him up, of course!


Duuuuuuuuuude. xDDDD

Being a Kutchipatchi, he likes to get hungry very, very, VERY often, so I took him out for a snack at the bakery, not knowing it was his happy symbol! (Heart parfait)


Tomorrow I plan to get the rest, and see what the Adams family evolves into! :)

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Geez, half of that update was her talking about her stupid hand with a rainbow mustache bracelet! Where'd all the writing go??" Well, I have to go to a party. I know what you're thinking NOW, "oh, poor baby, you have to go to a party! :p " but don't worry, I'm not writing a short update because I'm going to have fun, I'm also going to Staples beforehand. ;)

So, that's it! Byee!!



Violet, Justin, and the Adams family



(Ps- thanks to Kuromametchifan123 for pming me! :) )

Hey guys, so here's the dealio. It's 9:00 right now, which means I'm supposed to be going to bed a little while ago, but as of today my Mondays are officially packed. To the brim. So, updates on Mondays will be very sad and empty, just stating major events.

So, Justin got his last happy symbols today, and tomorrow he'll earn his final TaMaToMo stamp.


I swear, he definately gets hungrier than any other Tama. Not kidding.


And, even though you probably can't see it 'cause the pixels are so enlarged, the Adams family evolved into Kikitchi, Ichigotchi, and Mamekatchi. Their bondage is up to 20 percent, hoping to get it up to 30 tomorrow.

I know, super short and to the point, but, at least until I get used to this new Monday schedule, the Monday updates will be very sad. Logging as usual will resume tomorrow.




Violet, Justin, and the Adams family


Yesterday, I didn't mention that the Adams family went back to a Blended family. Luckily, I bonded them a couple times and as of today they went back to being an active family!


Yippee! Hopefully tomorrow they'll turn into something good, 'cause I haven't had time to look/find a growth chart, and the unexpected factor is kind of intriguing. I splurged on them and bought a lobster and they feasted on it earlier!


We interrupt this program for a newsbreaking story!

Earlier, the three siblings from the Adams family (Don't we all know what they're famous for!) took a trip on their luxury vehicle- officials report it was a cruise ferry- and reportedly WORKED in a sushi factory? Yes, you heard it here first! All they took in return was 500 gotchi points- not that they need it- and one meal of sushi! What they plan to do with this no one is sure of- the money, obviously they are going to eat the food.

Until next time...


-Reporter Sierra Johnson

Hehe yeah so we went onto Tamatown and played the games in the Japanese pavillion, and they're super fun! By far the best ones. We made sushi for like 10 people or something and it let us take back a free sushi meal! It was epic. :3

Today Justin earned his last happy symbol, but I think I'll end up waiting until Friday to take him to the matchmaker, with school and all. (Ugh, it ruins everything)

Uhm, I've no idea why these pictures are sideways, but anyways...


We got a letter from Yuki- 8 generations ago! O.O Sheesh!


He got a pet of Hapihapitchi. ;) Cute!

Well, that's it! Bye!



Violet, Justin, and the Adams family




I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. FOR. MARCH. 23RD.!!!!!!!!

"What the heck is that???" You ask!

Not only is it a week before my birthday, but it's the day that the HUNGER GAMES MOVIE comes out!!!

Anyways, this post is about the Adams family 'cause not much happened with Justin. Tomorrow I hope to get him married, but it depends on how much homework I have, and also how much- ah, who am I kidding, I don't have anything to do tomorrow, I'll probably take him. ;)

Soo, I got an adorable family!!!


Mametchi, Kuromametchi, and Memetchi. Never thought I'd see them together! O,o

Seeing as you can get secret characters from both Mametchi AND Memetchi, I wanted to at least try it out! So, I cheated and entered a code. -_- Sorry, sorry, but I checked the store like ten thousand times and couldn't find it!!!


Lo and behold...


Antoinetchi! :D

So now my family seems to have surpassed adorable! They seem to have gone back to a blended family... :p I'm trying to raise their bondage and get them to an Active family, but it's really hard to check them during class because I constantly feel like someone's going to see me! (I don't care if my classmates see, just my teacher... and tattletales...)

Okies, tomorrow I'll be back with either Peeta or Katniss, depending on if I get a boy or a girl. :D :D (If you've never read the Hunger Games, first of all read it, and second of all, those are the names of the main two characters :) )

Okies, toodles!



Violet, Justin, and the Adams family


I just re-read the first Hunger Games book, and it's still as amazing as the first 2 times! ^^

Hehehe what a nerd I am. B D

Sooo, today we celebrated the first marriage in what, a week? o_O Far too long, anyways!


A match made in heaven! (Seriously. Violetchi and Kutchipatchi are PERFECT together! :) )


Then, at 3:45, Peeta was brought into the world!


He later evolved into a Kaubotchi, cutie. I'll see what teenager I get, not really trying for either, and then get an adult depending which teenager he evolves into...

And, just a quick reminder on my super cute family. :3


(Isn't that an epic background? It's my new bedding I got a few days ago! Gotta start using it, hehehe)

I've no idea when they get married. Tomorrow, I believe, but I may have to wait until Saturday depending on where I am at the time of the availability, if that even makes sense haha.

Weeeell... I'm off to read! ;) (Ugh, library! When will you get the next Harry Potter in??? :pP)

Kk, byeee!!! *Everyone waves*



Violet, Adams family, and Peeta

Hey guys! Random blurb. :3

I took my Tamas around my house and took some pics, just for fun. :)


My bed :D


My cookie jar, currently filled with my parents' Fiber One bars. xD


Next to the Poptart that currently resides in my belly. :D


Gettin comfy on the couch!


Near a polka dot on my bedspread

And, best of all...


My computer!!! Isn't it the cutest 'puter you've ever seen?

Yes, you may believe I'm obsessed with polka dots, and yes, they are epic, but they're my second favorite design. ;)

Kk, just wanted to drop in with a fun update. I'll have a real one later. ;)



Violet, Adams family, and Peeta


I believe this is the last post of the 16th page! O.O

So yeah, I believe my iPod is stuck upstairs later, and I'm far too lazy to go and retrieve it, so here we go with what pictures I already had. ;)

Well... hate to admit it, but you guys deserve the truth. Earlier the Adams family turned into...


-_- A family of creepy Paparatchis...

Luckily, I already had the remedy!




And then...



So, if you'll remember, Peeta evolved into a Kaubotchi. Here he is!


Cutie. :3

He evolved into a Bokuhoshitchi, and since I've already had Kuinshibotchi and Kutchipatchi, I'll go for Shutotchi. I'll see how many care misses I end up getting. ;)

Well, I already got the Adams family married, but I have to upload pics, so I think I'll have it tomorrow.

Kk, byeeee!!



Violet, Peeta, and the Adams family



(Ps- do you think I should buy my own 5.5 or keep using missvioletchi's?)
