*Violet's Little Garden*


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19th page!!! ^^ ^^ ^^

So cool! :)

Earlier today, Finnick evolved into a Bokuhoshitchi!


Unfortunately, this means I'm going to get yet ANOTHER repeat character. Oh, well, I guess. I think Finnick's going to evolve into a Gozarutchi, probably. -_- Oh well... I mean, a Kutchipatchi would be my first pick, but I think I've gotten more care misses than that. :ph34r:

In other news, today my macrame bracelet collection (all of which I made :D ) grew to 20! :) Still working on it, kind of small right now, but definately the most I've ever had. ;)

Alrighty, that's it for today! :)

Thanks so much for reading!!!



Violet and Finnick


So... Finnick evolved...


I have absolutely NO IDEA how! I must've only gotten ONE care miss... :huh: But whatever.

After he evolved, we went to go visit Gale, the Shutotchi.He gave us Takoyaki :D


It was very yummy. :3

I got one of his happy symbols,the dumpling, at the restaurant already.

Ok, that's it for today! See you tomorrow! :)



Violet and Finnick

Me = Good mood! ^^ You'll see why at the end...

So, do they even celebrate Halloween in Japan? 'cause when Finnick and I woke up this morning and went to the living room, we found a jack-o-lantern!!


I know, right? ;)

After that we went to the restaurant for some breakfast, and then found Finnick a pet Bagubagutchi (sp?)! Then we played with some cloud candy, and someone earned a happy symbol!


After that, we enjoyed a nice relaxing day, venturing out to Target later and buying some Duck Tape (Yes, I'm aware it's Duct, it's a brand name) and I made the most epic wallet ever!!!


How awesome is it?? :)

Kk, that's it for tonight! :)



Violet and Finnick

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Finnick and I were hanging out at home today, admiring the pumpkin, when he told me he wanted to get married. I looked up in surprise. "Finnick," I said, "You haven't even earned your last happy symbol!" I figured it didn't really matter, though, because I've already had two other Kuinshibotchis, So I let him go, and my little youngster fell in love with a beautiful Meloditchi.


They skipped the dating scenes and he brought home a Momoirotchi.


I named her Johanna, as in Johanna Mason from the Hunger Games <3. Sadly she evolved into a Paletchi, instead of Rolutchi, so I could only get Sabosabotchi or Painaputchi for a teen. I would need Painaputchi to get Chamametchi, the only adult I don't have from them, but I think I've already let her get too many care misses, so another repeat character. :p Oh well.



I know. Don't even tell me how uber awesome it is, I already know. ;)

Kk, bye!!



Violet and Johanna

Happy Halloween! :)

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, which is ironic because I'm Jewish. ;) It's just so much fun! Not to mention, costumes and candy? Anyday!

Hehehe, but if you do celebrate it or went trick or treating, hope you had a great time! :)

Ahem... something EPICLY awesome happened today!!!!!!! (Hint: Look at my karma! ^^) And guess what! Part of the reason I got +1, is because of this log!

And I do the log for you guys, which means that you guys really helped me get a karma point! Thank you soooooooooo very much! :3

Oh right, I'm logging. ;)

Johanna evolved into a Sabosabotchi today... Oh well, it's ok.


HOW cute is that jack o' lantern! I wish it could've been there for more than like three days, but whatever. 's ok. :)

She's accidentally gotten a few care misses, but oh well. I'm not aiming for anyone, I just need SOME adult... as in, not letting her die.

Hehehe ;)

In celebration of Halloween, I made this super cute bracelet! It's only half done, but how cute! :)


Right? Right? :)

Alrighty, that's it for today! Have fun trick-or-treating if you haven't already! :)

Violet and Johanna


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Hi guys!

Its really late and I just got home, so this is a pretty sucjish iPod uodate. Im sorry... :p

Amyways, Johanna evolved into a violetchi today! I really love her, and kind of exPected her, but im still kind of bummed that i gave er so many care misses... :p

Sorry for spelling mistakes and shirt update. -_-

Ill have a better one tomorrow!

Violet and Johanna

What's that I spy with my little eye? A 21st 5-star-vote? : )))))

Um... I kinda lost my iPod today, so I couldn't take pictures, but I'll look for it tomorrow, don't worry!

So yeah. Johanna's still a Violetchi. :) She got a pet Soprantchi. She has two happy symbols.


I can't believe I forgot to say, yesterday was the first! We went to the park and met up with Ecousatchi, and we helped them pick up trash so they gave me the only discount thingy I didn't have- the Tamadepa store bag! :) I haven't used it yet, but now my Ecousatchi collection is com-plete. :)

Ugh, I'm so annoyed! So, I'm reading this Halloween Hatch on Tama-zone, and they're all running Devilgotchis, when I see this mysterious Tamagotchi Monster.

What's that?

A devilgotchi without the price! For free! On my beloved iPod! No wa-

Oh. No way.

My stupid iPod doesn't support some program called Java (Yeah yeah we all use it blah blah blah) so I can't get it!!! -- Booooooo! If only I had an android smartphone... SIGH... Do they make 'em with infra red? Because that would solve like 10 of my problems- actually two, but who's coutning?? ;)


Well... I'm gonna see if I can get out of bed- not likely- and have some dessert- hmm... motivation...

I doubt I'll be able to, though. ;)

Thinking about starting up my V4. Comments? Votes? My inbox's always open!



Violet and Johanna



(Ps- 8,000 views!! ^^)


I found my iPod! :D

Johanna and I were just hanging out today when she suggested she wanted to get married. So, I took her over where she met three fabulous grooms.


She fell in love with Peintotchi.


Out of the egg she brought home hatched a Nittobitchi


who turned into a Furusputatchi! :) So cute! At 2:29, Rory was born. I've given him two care misses so that he'll evolve into the "special" teenager, and then I'll go for... well, I don't know. ;)

So, I was on Tama-zone today, and I found out that Bandai released ANOTHER batch of downloads!!! No flippin way! I've had my iD L for like... 3? months now and I still don't have an infra red phone... :p I've alerted my mom about this crisis (who kind of rolled her eyes and kept making dinner) so hopefully nothing too drastic will have to be done...




The new downloads are TOTALLY epic!!! Just to name a few of my favorite items:

New games! (Can't say which one's my favorite, haven't tried 'em yet ;) )

Mochi making kit

And SO MANY SEEDS- my absolute favorites!!!


Potato sweets (?)

summer drinks

Cake snack!

Steamed bun?

Cold noodle, lol

Thorn! Lol!! ;)

Speaking of which, how do you guys read that? I read it LOL, not L-O-L. I just like it better ;)

Sigh. Hopefully in December I'll have SOMETHING infra red to send ALL these awesome new downloads onto my Tama. I know they'd love it. (My mom's standing in the doorway right now, smirking ;) )

Ok, that's it for now! :)

Votes on V4? Yes? No? Maybe so?



Violet and Rory

Big big news!!!!

Ok, so first with the log.

So, yesterday I said Rory was a Furusputatchi.


Aww, such a cutie yes yes yes (And yes, I did remodel the living room. Like it?)

At 3:30 today he evolved into a Happaboyatchi!


Isn't he cute? I'm going to let him get 5 care misses (will be hard with my recent vow to myself to become a better mother!) so he'll turn into a... Guriguritchi? Don't think that's right, but I'll check tomorrow.

Lol, I was creating a blog today (for my bracelets) and when asking what gender I was it asked this:


Hahahaha lol what would other even be?? xD



So, I guess my mom was play rolling her eyes yesterday, because today (when she SHOULD'VE been working!) she researched for me and found an INFRA RED PHONE!!!!!!

And even better, the person was so close that she drove over there after w-o-r-k (she always says it's a "four letter word" xD) and PICKED IT UP!

So right now it is actually IN MY POSSESSION!


Check it out! And it looks like a dinosaur but it's actually really cool. It has a couple games and a to-do list and it uses a stylus! Oh yeah, and of course I figured out how to use the INFRA RED!!!!

So, earlier I placed an order on Amazon for the data cable that goes with it to transfer the downloads from my computer to my second phone (lol) and then eventually...


The cord will be here in 3-7 business days, so the earliest is Tuesday/Wednesday and it'll be here by... um... ugh, math... by Tuesday the 15th.

Here's hoping it comes early!

Bye for now!



Violet and Rory

Hey guys

Well, I didn't know I was going to get home so late (past 10! Super late for me :p )

I got lucky! Rory evolved into Guriguritchi! I'm so happy that I got the right amount of care misses :D

I haven't gotten any of his care misses, I'll see if I can do it tomorrow, but not sure when I'll have time :p

Ok, that's it! Gotta go to bed :p



Violet and Rory

Hey! :)

Well, today was the day to get Rory's happy symbols. I got two of them, and I took pictures of one of 'em. Sadly I... didn't feel like uploading them... ;) so I'll have them tomorrow.

I went to the park yesterday and got him a pet Rubitchi. She's very cute and loves helping us garden. :)

And, yesterday I was snooping around on Tama-zone and someone posted a link to a very cute Tama holder, but of course it's only sold in Japan BECAUSE NO ONE IN AMERICA CAN REMEMBER WHAT A FLIPPIN TAMA IS!!!!


So, I showed my mom because I didn't want to pay $15 (I think) for it, and I wanted to make my own. Then she got the BRILLIANT idea of making one FOR me for Chanukkah! :) So she's been working on the littlest purse ever for the past two days, and she's just about finished and it's totally cute, except that I have to wait until the end of December. -_- Oh well, I s'pose waiting will make it better blah blah.

Yup, I think that's all I have to rant about today. ;)

Oh yeah...




Violet and Rory

Hi guys!

So, like I said yesterday, I got Rory's happy symbols. :)


Not much happened today, we've just been enjoying a relaxing day so far. :)

The cord still hasn't shipped. :( I emailed the seller, but so far it looks like SOMEONE's being lazy. xP (And for once it's not me!)

Yeah... short update, but nothing's happened. ;)



Violet and Rory



(Ps- hahaha I absolutely LOVE this video- stay for the line after the "The End", it makes it!!

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Today Rory got married. :)


And then at 4:21 Neville (From HP <3) was born!


And then an hour later he evolved into anoher Furusputatchi! Can't believe it! :)


So I'm not sure who I'll be aiming for, probably Spacytchi because he's 6+ care misses and I have school ;)

In other news...

IT SHIPPED! The data cable SHIPPED!! :D :D I did some math (ew ;) )and it should be here hopefully Thursday, or Saturday ('cause Friday's a holiday, no mail. BOOO!)... or Monday, if the mail doesn't do weekends.

I'm hoping for Thursday

Seeing as I haven't made a Tama video in a while, after I figure out how the whole thing works (transferring downloads) I'll definately be making a video on how to do it WITH... you guessed it... MY VOICE! (Gasp!) Hehe

And also, my mom finished the little bag I was telling you about a couple nights ago. It is absolutely adorable- too bad I don't get it 'till late December for Hanukkah! :( Check it out!


So this is what the front looks like, the adorableness.


And this is how cozy my iD L will be, once I can use it!


A closer look at the lining, the adorable pattern. :)

So I can't wait... :)

If any of you are curious, I am now on generation 27 on my iD L! I so can't believe it!! Thanks for sticking with me to my highest generation ever achieved on one of my Tamas!



Violet and Neville

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Well, I guess you guys all noticed the new Tamatalk by now, right? ;) I'm not liking it so much so far, but I think I'll get used to it.

Neville evolved into Happaboouyatchi today, and I don't know exactly how many care misses he's had yet but I think it's been two. Going for six. We'll see...

He evolves tomorrow later in the day, so I'll update after he evolves with pictures. ;)

Hopefully hopefully hopefully the cord will arrive tomorrow, because if it doesn't then it can't come on Friday because it's a holiday. I don't know if the mail ships on Saturday or not so I might not have it until next Monday. -_-

Ok, that's it! Thanks for reading! :)

Violet and Neville

Is my avvie showing up? It's not to me. :p

Rory evolved into Spacytchi today! :)


Aw, isn't he cute? ;)

I haven't gotten any of happy symbols yet, maybe tomorrow. (No school tomorrow, yippe! :) )

And, the cord was supposed to get here today, but it didn't. -_- Maybe Saturday. :( We'll have to check, I hope it comes I want to play with it!!

Ok, that's it for today! Bye!

Violet and Rory

Well, kind of a fail yesterday, I know I signed off as Violet and Rory.

Violet and Neville, duh! :p Well, you know what I meant... hopefully... ;)

Um... well, Nothing really went on today. I just cared for Neville and right now we're just hanging out, casually watching Harry kill a Basilisk, nothin major. ;) (If you don't get that, watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, hehe)

No cord today, as it was a holiday so no post office mail. I'll definately be checking tomorrow, no question!!

So I'm talking to my mom today, and I find out she's been reading my log! Pretty skeptical, I was kind of like sure, cool, but then she started asking me questions about my iD L, and I figured out she's like actually been reading it! Wow!!

Ok. :) That's all I have to say for today. Thanks for reading and giving this log over 8200 views!!

Violet and Neville

Uuuuugh I'm sick :p

I don't think anything notable happened today. Neville got his last happy symbol, so now he has three out of four (Last as in the one that you get after being an adult for 48 hours; I still need to use the item for his last last one... [Yes, double las intended])

I was going to let him use the item that gives him the happy symbol today, but every time I thought about it my iPod was downstairs, or if I was downstairs I couldn't pull myself out of my bed to get it. It's right over there, but I don't feel like getting up... :p

So, as you know, the cord was SUPPOSED to come in today.

Well isn't THAT a lie.

My mom and I went to go pick up mail today and there was a package, but it's just a present for my cousin... :p

So I don't know when It's going to come. Hopefully Monday. Maybe Tuesday. maybe later, although I really hope Monday if nothing else :p

Ok. That's it. Thanks for clicking, sorry for the sad post I'm just really tired.

Violet and Neville

My poor computer.

I think she's sick. :(

Anyways, today Nevillve earned his last happy symbol.


I took him to the matchmaker where he was wed in a lovely ceremony to an even lovelier Madonnatchi.


He brought home an egg, out of which popped a Choribotchi named Luna (as in Lovegood :D ). After the hour she evolved into a Paletchi, and hasn't gotten any care misses so far. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get Painaputchi and then Chamametchi, one of the three female adults I don't have yet.

Since I stayed at home all day today, I decided to make a couple more beanbag chairs.


Like 'em? Well, they can be yours! Selling for only $5, plus $2 shipping. Pm me for details. I'll probably be making a few more, once I go through my mom's four boxes of fabric and pick some that I like. :)

K, that's it for me tonight!

Bye for now!

Violet and Luna

(Ps- really sorry about the quality of pictures, my computer won't recognize the iPod cord so I had to email them to myself. That's why there's only three... :p )

Hey guys!

So, my poor computer has been sick for about 3 or so days now. :( My mom said to turn her off and leave her like for a few days, so right now I'm using my old, first laptop- my "pink 'puter". :) She's a good computer, a little slow, but very reliable. :)

ANYWAYS, today Luna evolved into a Painaputchi! Yippee! :)

I was able to check on her a few times during school today, to prevent her from getting accidental care misses- but I think she got one. Actually, she got at least one. Hopefully not more, because right now the count is 3. Or four. But I think 3.

Oh, well. We'll see ;)

Hopefully I can get 5 exactly and then I'll have a Chamametchi on my hands!

Although, if I overestimate, I think I get Memetchi, and then tomorrow my mom's picking up mail which hopefully means...


And that means iD L DOWNLOADS

And that means Devil Memetchi if I overestimate! Totally cute!!!!

But I still need Chamametchi. ;) hehehe

So, if you all go to tBay and click on the "virtual pet accessories" category, you'll see a topic I made for Tama Bean Bag Chairs. If you're interested, which I know you ALL are ( ;) ), then click on that link ^, or the one in my siggy.

And if you're wondering about my suckish profile picture, I got bored of the old one not showing up, so right now I'm on the search for another one. Just need a good picture of Patchizariku and I'll be set. :)

Ok, thank you very much! Have a nice week!

Violet and Luna

(And, if you're wondering, I can't post pictures on this computer because it "doesn't recognize my iPod USB" or something like that. I'll post a bad quality pic tomorrow of the adult. :p )


I got the right amount of care misses! Luna evolved into a Chamametchi, so then I took her over to the Henshinjo's and she transformed into her alter ego, Hapichamametchi (I think that's the name. Maybe not.)


Um, yeah... if you can see her...

I need to get her happy symbols, still haven't yet. I know one is the wing hat and another is the jump rope, and then the third one is called fuwa-something-or-other. Don't know what it looks like, but it's a snack.

Oh yes.

Speaking of items and snacks and all those wonderful things...

My mom went to pick up mail today and...

it came!!! The cord's here! So now I can get the downloads onto the phone and then onto my iD L! Yipeeyipeeyipeeyipee-


Why won't you go onto the phone?


I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but obviously SOMETHING'S not right.

If you have experience, or don't and just hapen to know the answer, please please please post in my topic on Tamatalk or Tama-zone. Dont' care where, but maybe you have an account on one versus the other. *shrugs*

Remember, bean bags for sale.

Kk, bye. Off to do research for a school thing. -_-

Violet and Luna
