The Squid V5 Log


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This is Peach Bunny. He is the smelliest peach-smelling Easter Bunny present you could ever get.

Don't be fooled that it's something else that's smelling! IT'S PEACH BUNNY!

I wonder if he'll get a new friend this Easter. Like VANILLA Bunny, BLUEBERRY Bunny, RASPBERRY Bunny, and all kinds of weird smelling bunnies!

Well, I was reading some V5 logs, and I found this in NeoMame's loggie:


Pictures of Tamagotchi Cards!


Cool for spicing up some Tama notebooks. I'm gonna use them.


NeoMame, I hope you don't mind I post that link in my loggie too.


Well, to view cards, just click on the blue buttons and click on those question mark words. They are actually linkies.


Then, I realized I forgot my V5 in my room!


Luckilly, they just needed training!




Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 100%

Type: Meme Family

Generation: 6

Gotchi Points: 2630 G




Emma: Memetchi (Daughter)

Emily: Imotchi (Daughter)

May: Mememamatchi (Mother)

Zoku: Memepapatchi (Father)


And don't forget! The big hatch is tomorrow! Open them eggs!


I was just on Webkinz. I went to the Clubhouse (Pink Zone/Garden Yard/Room 8), and there were these two weird Webkinz. They kept on using the "♥" emoticon to each other and then they put themselves right in front of each other to make it look like they were...EEEEW!!! I am going to report this to Ganz so maybe they might remove the "♥" emoticon. It was perrty disgusting. Then, a new Webkinz Friend of mine pulled me into their house so I wasn't in that nightmare anymore! I forgot who was who but I was hanging with a Beagle and a Raccoon. At least I was no longer in that nightmare. Then I went back to my house (I was playing with my lab, Madeline) and I took pictures. Yes, I am crazy. Yes, I do know how to take a screenshot yet a took a pic anyway. Well, that's, pretty much it!

Zoku and Emma just cleaned up their house a little. And Emma and Emily just needed some food. I'll post any updates later.


My mom also just made Bunny Cookies!


And, Emma's wedding is tomorrow! BRING ON THE EASTER HATCH, CANDY, AND CHOCOLATE!!!!!

Emma: I am marrying tomorrow!

Zoku: Pssst...marry a Mumutchi!

May: Yeah!


Zoku: Sorry.

Emma: I'm just gonna go with the flow.

Emily: Lucky! I want a boyfriend!

Ok, I don't mean to brag and stuff but hey, it's my journal/loggie!


I just finished up my last entry, and I see the little FireFox Popup Blocker thingy pop up, so I thought "More log fan mail!" or something to that effect. I go to my Inbox, and the subject was "Karma", so I thought it was just someone asking about Karma. Then I see it's sender, TamaMum. I open it up, and I saw that I got a Karma point!


Yay me!


Sorry if it seems like I'm bragging, but I'm just a happy girl, eating her cookies, and finds something nice in her inbox today and hey, it's my journal-whatever!

Well, I just got back from my gramma's house.


Before, I was at my friend's house and I think her and her brother want a V5.


Ok, so when I was going to my gramma's house, I saw...TURKEYS! And people have turkey on Easter! Irony, right?


Well, I went to John's Best at my gramma's, and they gave my brothers cake for their birthday, and it was a tasty chocolate moose me and my ma liked, then we went back to my gramma's house and my brothers opened presents, then I watched iCarly, then, THERE WAS A FULL MOON! AND IT WAS YELLOW! IT'S THE TAMAGOTCHIS CALLING ME! Ok, I've gone insane.


Well, that's all I must say about my day.


Happy Easter!




And the Sugars needed training a few times.




I just wanted to say i love your log and just keep up the good work  I think you have the best log on so keep on posting
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[SIZE=10pt]Happy Easter, Y'all![/SIZE]

Well, today, I just hatched! Emma met a Hatugatchi and he turned into a Mametchi Papa. Emma turned into a Memetchi Mama.

Here are the babies:




I'll name them later!

And, the connection between me and Nick, is complete. I shedded a tear this morning, remembering that guy, and, yeah, I'm crazy.

I looked in my basket, and saw, a chocolate bunny, a creme-filled egg, and...A LIL' BLACK LAB! THANK YOU EASTER BUNNY! I AM GOING TO ADOPT HER AND NAME HER MADDY! I GOT A LIL' LAB INSTEAD OF A SCENTED BUNNY! YAH!


Ok. So I did a buncha stuff. I also managed to get full screenshots of the easter letter for those who were glitching out like me.


Also, my brothers got Lil' Labs too!


Also, I was at Arte's. I found a Pearl Egg, and got times.


Sale: 5 PM

Rare: 6 PM


I also got some cool stuff with my Lil' Lab, and Madeline is wearing egg shoes.


I'll say anything else later!

The kids, have morphed!


1st: Sakuramotchi

2nd: Mousetchi

3rd: Belltchi


I am also going to try to get a Watatchi again so I can get a Makiko.


Happy Easter and I'll post updates later!



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I was just playing Nickelodeon Scene It? and the Sugars needed bonding TWICE!


I has decided, to name the Tamas.


Daddy: I was going to name him Joe, but then I though "Eeew!" because that's my Math teacher's first name, so, I shall name him Brad.

1st Girl: Nicole

2nd Boy: Evan

3rd Girl: Anna




Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 10%

Type: Blended Family

Generation: 7

Gotchi Points: 2760 G




Nicole: Sakuramotchi (Daughter)

Evan: Mousetchi (Son)

Anna: Belltchi (Daughter)

Emma: Mememamatchi (Mother)

Brad: Papamametchi (Father)




Woah. I had WAY too much CHOCOLATE!


*Runs around like a nuthead.*


I learned something very important today: Squirrels like reeces cups. Why? Because I found two broken eggs in small pieces of it off, and, two reeces wrappers.


Oh and I caught my dog, Sparky (the Doodle Noodle), with an egg containing a Reeces, so I chased him around and he finally dropped it. And while I was hunting, the Memes were still there, so, I gots inspired!

Emma: I found another one!

Emily: No fair!

Emma: *sticks out tongue*

May: Girls...

Emily: Sorry, Mom.

*Emma catches Didi walking away with an egg in her mouth*

Emma: Look! DIDI!

*Emma and Emily chase her*

Emily: Get back here!

*Emma catches Didi*

Emma: Ha!

Emily: Um, I think that should be mine!

Emma: Well I found it!

Emily: You have more eggs than me!

May: Girls! How about your father eats all your eggs.

Zoku: How about Grandpa eats them?

Emma: Not Cheese!

Emily: Not Louise!

*Scratches head* Why are they still looking at a Bunny? I guess they think Easter is in April, or they live in Canada! (They have Easter Monday.) Silly Tamas!


Well, they currently have 10% training. Makiko, here I come!


Also, my brother's b-day is on Wednesday so you'll be hearing from him in two days!


It's time for my *checks watch* 5:30 Clifford!


See ya in a bit! By the way, the Sugars will have the change to go to a B-Ball game!


I gotta go watch Clifford!


By the way, MAIL TIME!

Hi I love your log its the best log ever! No joke!I also have a V5 and my first one talks to the frige alot! He kinda looks like Oniontchi exept he's not!

Tell your Tama's I siad Hi  ;)

Well, I was not able to get on the computer earlier due to sun and slow compooter, but, here's what the Sugars morphed into!


Nicole: Ichigotchi

Evan: Bakutchi

Anna: Chamametchi


OMG. I FORGOT THEIR NAMES LAST NIGHT! Ok. I will repeat them to myself, and, yeah. I'll do my best.


And tomorrow's my brothers' birthdays! And he pops into the scene! If anyone wants to send him a b-day note, PM me! (OR ELSE! LOL, J/k. :gozarutchi: The only way is to PM me, really.)

Well, I have been doing LOTS of things on Webkinz today. I've been cleaning through my inventory, and I found something clogging it up! Clothes! So, for the first time EVER, you guys are going to see a Lil' Log Shop! Only, EVERYTHING'S FREE!


I'll post stocks later, but I just want to say, that Webkinz announced earlier that a spell was broken, and even though I have not cared for my garden in MONTHS, everything was ready to be harvested! Magically! I made A LOT of cash!


Well, look out for my shop!


