The Squid V5 Log


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I am going to try to start lightening up the contrast at night to save battery power. I want my V5 to last longer.


Also, man the Easter Egg hatch just keeps growing!


Me (Squidward is Cool)


tama 3445521508















Well, I decided to do a little stats thing.


Current Tamas: May, Bobert, June, Cheese, and Louise

Generation: 5

Current Stage: Adult/Parent

Bondings: 100%

Next Scheduled Hatching Date: Easter

Group Hatch?: Yes

Design: Cookie Dough

Log Hits: 19,400+

Log Entries: 180+

Page of Log: 13th Page

Family Name: Sugar

Number of Comments (PMs) I've Recieved: 15-20+


Yeah that's all I can think of for now.

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[SIZE=10pt]The Treehouse...[/SIZE]

Well, I used to call it the clubhouse, and it's really part of a swingset, but for some ridiculous reason, my parents call it a treehouse. Ah well. I'll call it a treehouse too.

Well, my brothers and I would usually climb up there when we were a little younger. Mostly my brothers do it, but we need to catch up on that because it is spring, you know? Well, these days, I just like to take my V5 up there. I'd walk across my large backyard, and about halfway there it's "the treehouse." Where you climb in, I drew a Masktchi in honor of Nick, my first Tama. Then I would climb in. Then on the sides, I drew Mametchis and mostly Mimitchis in honor of Maddy and her grandchildren. On one side, I kept track on stuff about my Tama until generation 5 when I stopped doing that. Well, I was halfway through generation 5.

To sum it up, I always was up in that treehouse with my V1, and it's always nice to climb back up with my V5 to run across a few memories...

Well, the Sugars pooped twice and had only 1 heart left each when I woke this morning. I know that they won't leave me. It takes a whole lot for Tamas to leave me behind.


Also, I went up to my geeky dad and said "I bet you have every camera known to man. Do you have one with a macro setting?"


And, I GOTS A BETTER CAMERA! Now I can have better vids too.


(It's called a Sony Cybershot 3.2 Megapixels and it is real good!)


Oh boy!


(And, 11 days until my lil' bro gets his V5.)

To All Log Mailers,


I have received a lot of mails saying "Can I call you Squiddie/Squiddy?" in the mail.


The answer is YES. You can call me Squiddie/Squiddy. I actually like it if you do. I don't even care if you call me SIC or just Squidward! Or you could call me by my Webkinz user, {it's a secret}!


At this forum, I don't really care. I used to yell at people at another forum for calling me SL. You know why? BECAUSE SL IS THE SAME INITIALS AS MY LITTLE BROTHER AND DOG!!!!


So you can call me Squiddy, Squiddie, SIC, Squidward, {it's a secret}, Squid, and maybe even by my first name, Katie!


Just don't call me SL because that drives me nuts.

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I am now going to continue my hopping song.


Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

They Hop and They Just Can't Stop.

Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

I Haven't Eaten Chocolate in DAYS and I Just Can't Stop.


All My Problems Are Gone!

They Hop All Over the Lawn!


They're Hopping On Their Way

To the Treehouse Where I Like to Stay


I Just Used a New Camera That is Great!

Now My Photos Are Something Less to Hate!


Yay Me!

My Tamas Like the Game With Tea!


My Last Generation Was Cheese

This Generation He Married Louise!


I Have Three

That's All I Need

On the Screen

And With Two More as Parents, That Makes Me as Happy as Can Be!


Look Who's Joined the Doom!

May, Bobert, and June!






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Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 100%

Type: Blended Family

Generation: 5

Gotchi Points: 780 G




May: Memetchi (Daughter)

Bobert: Sukatchi (Son)

June: Chantotchi (Daughter)

Cheese: Memepapatchi (Father)

Louise: Mememamatchi (Mother)

Full Hopping Song:


Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

They Hop and They Just Can't Stop.

Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

I'm Eating Chocolate and I Can't Just Stop.


They're Hoppin'!

My Tamas Are Hoppin'!


And They Won't Stoppin'...

With the Hoppin'.


Selena, Stuart, and Zee.

Stop Hoppin' Please!


But They Say "We Just Can't Stop!...

The V5 Character's Hop!"


Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

They Hop and They Just Can't Stop.

Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

I Ate Chocolate and I Can't Just Stop.


New Generation

The New Sensation

(I Have No Clue What That Means)


Carly and George Have Joined The Family!

New People To Join Selena And Me!


But Carly's Hoppin' Alone.




I Miss That Craziness of Three.

Now It's Just Carly Hoppin' and Me!


I Hope The Next Generation Will Arrive Soon!

She'll Marry On the 14th Under The Moon!


Not Much That Carly Hops.




Carly Please Hop Again!

But She'll Say: "But I Have No Friends!"

Don't Let This Be The End!

She'll Say: "Today The Hopping Will Depend."


So For Now...


Enjoy The Hopping While You Can!

Before You Make Those Wedding Plans!


Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

They Hop and They Just Can't Stop.

Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

I Can't Find My Chocolate and I Just Can't Stop.


This Is The Second Generation In a Row!

I'm On Generation 3, You Must Know!


Where's The Hoppin'?



Ned and Miley Have Joined The Gang.

I Think My Head Just Needs a BANG!


Still No Mad Hoppin'!



I Only Have One.

That's Not Enough.

It's Like None.

This Is Tough!





I Think I Must Change the Way I Care.

This Seems Like a Dare!


I Treat My Family Without a Flaw

I Need Three On the Screen.

That Is All.



Please, Oh Please.



Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

They Hop and They Just Can't Stop.

Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

It's Too Late to Eat Chocolate and I just Can't Stop.


The Little Happy Tune Returns.

The Happiness Will Continue to Burn.


My Loneliness Has Finally Taken a Bow, At the End.

I Have Some New Friends.


I Figured Out That My Problem Was the Bonds.

Not That the Fact That I Dropped It In the Pond.



Three Little Blobs, Hopping Up and Down.

Suki, Cheese, and Jackie, HAVE COME TO TOWN!


Now I Will Continue to Prance.

And My Little Triplets Will Dance.



What Generation Will I Be In, In May?


Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

They Hop and They Just Can't Stop.

Hoppity Hop Hop Hop.

I Haven't Eaten Chocolate in DAYS and I Just Can't Stop.


All My Problems Are Gone!

They Hop All Over the Lawn!


They're Hopping On Their Way

To the Treehouse Where I Like to Stay


I Just Used a New Camera That is Great!

Now My Photos Are Something Less to Hate!


Yay Me!

My Tamas Like the Game With Tea!


My Last Generation Was Cheese

This Generation He Married Louise!


I Have Three

That's All I Need

On the Screen

And With Two More as Parents, That Makes Me as Happy as Can Be!


Look Who's Joined the Doom!

May, Bobert, and June!






I have updated my album with lots of new good photos and taken out some really bad ones. There are also more videos. You need to find a way to make them tiny to see clearly. I'm sorry that my camera does that.


Also, I have been noticing people are asking this a lot.


"What Is a Group Hatch?"


To answer that, a group hatch is when a group of people (2 or more people) get together and either have their Tamas get married and have babies on the same day or same time, start their Tamas on the same day or same time, or they simply reset on the same day or same time. It is called a "Group Hatch" because your little virtual Tama eggs hatch with a group on the same day and possibly at the same time.

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Wanna play with May on Earth Expo?





And tell May who was playing with her!




Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 100%

Type: Blended Family

Generation: 5

Gotchi Points: 1080 G




May: Memetchi (Daughter)

Bobert: Sukatchi (Son)

June: Chantotchi (Daughter)

Cheese: Memepapatchi (Father)

Louise: Mememamatchi (Mother)

Hello everyone! My name is May, the Memetchi! I would like to hold a diary!

Dear Diary, 

Today was fun. I got to go to Earth Expo, and I got to walk in a parade! It was a St. Patrick's day parade! I was swinging on Katie's neck for about 20 minutes as she searched for her parents. We finally found her mom after seeing dogs from the dog training school, and her brothers! I will soon meet her brother's Tamagotchis! Well, my kids will meet them and they will tell me when they get back to our little house egg! I can't wait! Today I got to go inside the little treehouse and see some stuff from Katie's history with her V1! I also looked at the Easter Bunny and his eggs today with my siblings! I also raided the fridge with my mom! She's cool!

On Easter, I will be part of a purebred family! I bet Grandma is jealous that I will be in the purebred family! Well, she got an interesting family but I will be a Mememamatchi on Easter and meet a Mumutchi and he'll become a Memepapatchi! Then we'll have a Memetchi that looks JUST like me, and also, we'll have an Imotchi! They'll be beautiful! I certainly can't wait! They'll also meet Katie's brother's Tamas! It will be SO fun!


Well, that's all I have to talk about. I love my family!


From the Blob,


Sorry I haven't posted today. I feel like an idiot. But they did need some training today.


More people are joining the hatch.


After this, I am going to mate whenever I can. I won't be scheduling anymore hatches until further notice.

(Louise) You know what tomorrow is?

(May) No...

(June) St. Patrick's Day?

(Cheese)Katie's 4th Tama Owning anniversary?

How did you guys know?

(Bobert) Mom told us a story about Tama Anniversaries and Dad remembered.


Tell her the story, Mom!

Well, there is a legend, that as a person's Tama Anniversary, the connection between the owner, their first Tamagotchi, and their other Tamas, become clearer in a specific spot. There have been rumors that the owner and its first Tama meet up once more.

Louise, get back to reality. I do remember Nick, but there's no crazy connection blabber.

Don't you feel some kind of connection in the treehouse?

Well, yes. But only because that treehouse holds own doodles and memories.

And Kiki's grave...

(Kiki) I heard that!

Well, I'll see what happens.

Write a story about it.

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My Dear Readers,


I have mated May today. I now have a Memetchi Family. But, please understand that I may not be able to participate in the hatch on Easter. I am real sorry, and I will do the BEST I can to make them grow fast.


I apologize again.


If anyone wants to take over if I can't make it, just tell me.


Maybe they will take as long as Nick did...




I will name everyone later, but I just wanna go do stuff.


Also, I hatched in the treehouse.


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