The Squid V5 Log


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200th Log Entry!


Ok then...


The first Tama just morphed into a Memetchi, and the second one became an Imotchi.




I guess I can make it then!


Sometimes, when I press "C", there's an animation of the dog jumping on the family members. It's pretty funny. I'll get a clip of it.

Awww! There's the cutest animation!


May is standing on a stool, making noise, the little Imotchi girl (I'll call her Emily) is shouting angrilly and jumping, the Memetchi (who I will call Emma) is shouting, leaning against the stool, the poodle thing (which I will call Didi) is jumping on Zoku's head and Zoku is just sippin' on some cofee.


It's pretty awesome. I got a vid and a few pics of it.




By the way, I think I'll make it to the hatch!

Updated Collection List:


♥ Purple With Stickers V1

♥ White With Hearts and a Tamagotchi V2

♥ Green Snake V3

♥ Glow-in-the-Dark V4

♥ Cookie Dough V5


♥ Tamagotchi PC Pack With Globe V4.5


♥ Yellow Memetchi Leash

♥ Purple Memetchi Leash

♥ Kutchipatchi Charms

♥ Mametchi Pouch

♥ Kutchipatchi Familitchi Decoratchi Kit

♥ Green Kutchipatchi Leash

♥ Pink Violetchi Leash

♥ Simasimatchi Pouch

♥ Purple Violetchi Familitchi Leash


♥ Tamagotchi 1997 McDonald's Toy


♥ V4 and V4.5 Log

♥ V5 Log

♥ Instruction Packet

♥ Tamagotchi Station

♥ Tamagotchi Cradle


♥ Tamagotchi House V5

♥ Yellow Kutchipatchi Familitchi Leash


Organized By: Single Tamas, Packs With Tamas, Gotchi Gear, 1990's Tama Stuff, Tama Creations I've Made, and My Brother's Collection.


And, I think that's it.

Well, I was just surfing, and I found this!


Scroll down a little to see it.


It's a V2 True Friends pack! I remember seeing this years ago! Ahh...good times...good times.

Katie! Where's my oatmeal?! It's 2 years late!

Dil? I thought you retired to Tama Planet! I don't think your house can take another battery!

I'm a 60-year-old old Tama and I've been waiting 2 years for my oatmeal! And can you get me a muffin with that?

*facepalm* Oh jeez.



Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds: 0% (I REALLY need to work on this.)

Type: Meme Family

Generation: 6

Gotchi Points: 1080 G




Emma: Memetchi (Daughter)

Emily: Imotchi (Daughter)

May: Mememamatchi (Mother)

Zoku: Memepapatchi (Father)


And, in honor of Nick, I am going to try to update my log as MUCH as I possibly can!

Well, I am going to try to get the bondings up.


And, this week, I just want to give a thanks out to my 4th grade teacher for not caring, that Friday, the second day with my Tama, and didn't yell at me when I took Nick outside to the break, to save his life. Thanks, Mrs. M. for "not noticing it!"


Now I gotta get outside! Later!

I'm in navy! Because I'm talking about Webkinz!


Well, I finally registered Gorilla's (my lil' bro's) Polar Bear earlier, and I saw him playing some games. Earlier, Patrick (my other lil' bro) (not his real name by the way) played on Webkinz to see if there were any new Webkinz and WOW! He has over 15,000 KC. (If any of you try to hack into their accounts, your necks will be WRINGED!

Green! Green is for general stuff or my V5.


It's funny. I talk about my 4th Grade teacher in the log today, and today when my mom took us to the Elementary school to find Patrick's spelling words, and I saw Mrs. M.! I looked at my V5 and said "Are you some kind of lucky charm or something?".


Just to let you know, Gorilla and Patrick ARE NOT the real names of my brothers. I'll call them that because Gorilla's Webkinz user is GorillaLover9 and Patrick's is PatrickFan so I'll call them Gorilla and Patrick, similar to how I call myself, Squiddy. When Patrick begins posting his V5 stats in the log too, I'll let him decide if he wants to post his real name online.


Well, MAIL!


Your Log is Awesome!!!!!! 

I absoloutly love it!!!!


(I think I am the only one on TT that hasn't got a V5!)


Kind Regards



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Well, apparently, I had no athletic ability today, so I guess I'm connecting back to the 4th grade where I was terrible in gym, and also, the gym teacher turned on the radio, and Miley Cyrus's song "See You Again" was on! Yay!


Well, currently, Emma just had to use the potty, and she was very stern.


Also, 80% bonds! Yay me!


And guess who's getting their period...rah...


Well, I'm just gonna go sit with Fanby and do nothing. Later!


And tomorrow I'll do more with my V4, V4.5, and Webkinz! And maybe Petz 5 too.

Wow. Someone has been lazy with her log. Anyway, my parents are tidying up for Easter, and so was May and Emma. Well, I must say a few things.


Well, I read on an Amazon review for the "Tamagotchi Video Adventures" that someone gets it at their local library. I had an old little flashback of a bunch of videos on shelves against the wall, and today when I was sitting in the children's section of the library, I saw that wall I remembered. I walked over to that wall, and sadly, I couldn't find the video. While my mom and brothers were upstairs, I crept back to the children's section to peek at the online catalog. I was gonna sit at the higher thing incase any little squirts were looking for something, but then I sat at the lower chair because my freakishly tall body would cover the screen. What teenage girl wants to be seen looking from a Tamagotchi video from the 1990's? Eemmbbaarrrraassiinngg...sorta...


Well, here's some mail I gots!


Hi!! I was reading your log and I got to the part where your tamagotchi got married for the first time. You said you had one egg. I had two but not one and i'm on my 10th gen. I want one egg now =[ Anyways great logg!!!
Well, here's some events.

3:30 PM: Dratt (V4) got robbed 300 GP! That's all the GP he had left! Poor Dratt!

4:00 PM: Zanby (V4.5) got a fortune! ( :D * :( *** B) **)

4:00 PM: May and Zoku (V5) have been caught kissing!

4:00 PM (I believe this was the time): Dratt (V4) has recieved a fortune. ( ;) * :D * :lol: *) Poor Dratt!

4:30 PM: Zanby (V4.5) recieved a white heart in the mail! He's got a ;) er!

Happy Good Friday peoples!


And may Jesus Christ rest in peace...


Hmm. That reminds me of my little miracle, Nick. Born on St. Patrick's day, left on Easter. Quite a miraculous thing.


Now I'm having flashbacks of my V3...hehe...


I can't wait for Sunday's hatch! It will be FUN!


I downloaded FireFox on my mom's computer so I can log in peace...


I also had a dream once where I had the CREEPIEST fake.

The front of it was extremely cheap. It was a Tama that didn't work. When you turned it around, there was a more advanced side. It worked, and it somehow interacted with the front side.

It was creepy...a two-sided Tama? *runs and hides*

I also had a dream of another fake Tama where instead of Tamas, there was peoples all over the screen. There was an icon that looks like the angel on V1-4.5 and when you pressed it, a new baby Tama would come on the screen. And the peoples can see you. *hides*


Oh yeah. My reading teacher gave us Easter pencils and stickers so I am going to put them on my log! The real life one.


I think that's all I'm gonna yabber on...


By the way, MAIL!

Hey ..Katie? Well, nice log! You might know my sister, Lilangelbaby1989. She wanted to say nice log, and I think so too! But your s is pretty better than hers. Well, see ya!
It's time for it to continue...


Hoppity Hop Hop Hop!

They Hop and They Just Can't Stop!

Hoppity Hop Hop Hop!

I Can't Wait to Eat Chocolate and I Just Can't Stop!


I'm Pretty Sure,

That It's Pure!

I'm Totally Sure!

That They're PURE!


I've Got the Family of Memetchis!


Emma and Emily Are the Daughters of Zoku and May,

That's All I Have to Say!


I Can't Believe It's True!

It's SO Pure to You!


And Now I Have a Pet!

But For Some Reason, It Makes the Family Upset...

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I have updated the list:


Me (Squidward is Cool)


tama 3445521508




















20+! Wow! If there is anything wrong, please PM me!

Now, The Squid V5 Log will also get valuable WEBKINZ information!


If you like sales and rares, then I give you times for 1 sale, and 1 rare. And they are the most accurate times around because the game tells me it itself.


Sale: 2 PM

Rare: 6 PM


I hope you Webkinz fans will enjoy this!


Also, I noticed they retired the Black Fresian. I had a dream that me and my brother were almost fighting over who was gonna buy it since it was the only Webkinz left in the store. I should have listened to my dreams and bought it. *sheds tear* It's ok. At least I'll get another lab squish on my birthday.


And, during the Easter Hatch, I'll be playing on, WEBKINZ! For their Easter stuff!


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