The life and times of 3 Tamagotchi V3's


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Just a quick update to say that Gary has now evolved into his teenage stage! He's a Pirrorirrotchi, aka my favourite teenager!


He's in tama-town now.

P.S. We're on the 3rd page now! :D

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Well guys, this is an eyewitness report. It was bad at first but it's okay now.

I was just on the computer and things, when I heard Derek doing the 'death beep'. I have no idea why he was doing this, as I've never made him ill and I've topped up his hearts whenever possible. It was really awkward, so I jumped off the sofa like a ninja and reached into my school pencilcase. I squabbled to find a pen to poke him in the back with. He was just flying up to the screen when I managed to poke him in the back and press download. Now, he is doing just fine and he left off from about 6pm earlier, when I connected him to my V3 (Grace.) It was very freaky, but atleast he's alright now.

Anyways, that's enough posting for today. I'll post more tomorrow!



Hey everybody! Today was pretty average at school, and quite frankly the same for my tamagotchi's.

There actually isn't any tama-news at all aside from the fact that Grace and Josh are now 3 years old. I expect Gary to turn 2 years old today. Derek turned 6 years old at school so I set the time to 6.59pm. The matchmaker came and he mated with a Sebiretchi. Now he's got a baby Girl which I'll be naming Alice.

Aside from the mainstream tamas, here's some side trivia!

My OTTB is now 13 years old and happy.

My Pink Ribbons V3 is a Billotchi and my Yellow V3 is a Pyonkotchi

My other V2's are oniontchi, ringotchi, and kuribotchi in respective order of birth

I got sick of my other music stars so they're paused.

The V4.5 is a toddler

On my Black V3 I have a Debatchi and on my Grafitti V3 I have Mimiyoritchi (sp?)

Glow V4 and Glitchy V3 (15 years old) are Gozarutchis

Other V4.5 is the ninja pig who's name escapes me (I think it's called Tsukkomitchi or something?)

Cream V3 and Frogs V3 should evolve soon

Next part will come with a bunch of pictures! Sorry if this part bores you, I'm just in a cbb (can't be bothered) mood today.


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I promised pictures for this post, and they're gonna be here!

Here's the tama news!


Grace evolved earlier this morning, at 4 years old, into a Billotchi! I must say that I like Billotchi. She's a pretty good character, but she reminds me of my 17th gen Billotchi called Venus that died. :(

Overall I'm glad about what she turned into. I'm going to take her to tama-town later!

I played a game of Memory with her to celebrate her evolving. Memory's quite hard.


Josh also evolved not so long ago, at 4 years old, into a Kuchipatchi! I'm really pleased with this one, as it's my first legit Kuchipatchi. All the others I've obtained have been through debugging or coughThe V5cough.

I love Kuchipatchi as a character, but I'm even more thrilled to have him for reals. He's really cute and Kuchipatchi is among my favourites.

I played a game of Sprint with him to celebrate his evolving, and he's up to tama-town after Grace!

I'm glad that the two didn't evolve into the same species, for once.


I hate to admit, but I keep forgetting to turn his lights off. I don't know how this will affect what adult he turns into. But other than that, he's doing good!

I'll play some games with him later to get him to lose weight.


No news for him, but I took him to his job and he got a bit of salary. Jee, it sure does get boring to log after the adult stage.


Look at the picture.

That is all that needs to be said.







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Hey everyone! I've just named Cindy's new baby boy. He's called Isaac. :) At the moment he's just a baby, but I'll edit this when he evolves.

At around the beginning of 8pm, he evolved into a Kuchitamatchi! I'll post a picture tomorrow as it's bedtime now. :)


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Hey people! I'm at school again, so I'm on tamatalk through a school computer. Got to use this 'scratch' program thing. Will edit later when I get home, as no tama news for now. :)

I have 2 of my v3's with me - a hawaiian flowers v3 and an orange with flowers v3! They're both adults - Mimiyirotchi and Gozarutchi.

See you later!


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Hello! I'm back from school now, so I can post pictures of my tamagotchis.

I don't have much to say. Derek left his baby girl last night, who is called Alice. She's still in her baby stage.

The others are all still the same. Josh and Grace are now 5 and Gary is 3. Gary should evolve first thing tomorrow.

Josh and Grace went to tama-town yesterday and both got up to their max of 9999gp!

Here's some pictures of the newly born Alice and Isaac (Cindy's baby boy).





Later on in the day, while I was enjoying a cup of tea (I sure love being British), Alice evolved into a Mohitamatchi! I seem to be getting a lot of Mohitamatchis.

My OTTB is now 15 years old by the way!

That's about all the news for now. I do have something I want to talk about.

I'm going to add my lifesavers (white) V2 or my blue lollipops V2 into the log! I've been dying to log either of them, so that will be the last addition to my log. I got terribly bored of my Tama-Go's so they're in stasis for now. I didn't want to add a V5 because that would be too confusing, and I can't add my V1 as it's debugged.

Which one do you think should be added?


Votes open until June 1. If there are no votes by then, it'll be an eenie-meenie-minee-moe.

Little Update: The blue one is a Kuchipatchi now, not a Ringotchi.

That's all for now!


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Gary has just evolved at the age of 3 years into a Masktchi! Although I get Masktchi a lot, I still like the tamagotchi character itself. He looks pretty cool in my opinion, better than Pyonchitchi/Kotchi. I'm glad I've got one as I haven't had this guy for a while. I am slightly surprised at what he turned into, as I thought I took fairly good care of him. But, I digress.

Here he is!


Gary looks pretty cool.

Also, to add on to that, Isaac evolved too, into a Kikitchi! That's the only teenager on the MusicStar I like, boy-wise. The other 2 are repetitive and bland, respectively in order of care.


Here's Isaac!

I'll post more tomorrow!


Hey people of earth! It's the May holiday! Woop Woop! ^_^ Now we can play with our tamagotchis as much as we want with no time changing and headache inducing.

Here's the news!

Josh and Grace (hint hint? :D )

They mated just right now! Since they are both 6 years old I thought I would try and mate them. It worked! They now have 2 baby boys! I think I'll name them Paulo and Jake. I really like those names! I like Paulo especially because it has a Spanish-y feeling.

Now they're just bobbing around on the screen.


Josh and Grace kissing!


Grace having her twin baby boys.


Listen, Jake! Unfortunately you can't stay with me. But you can go to your Papa Josh!


Here's Grace and Josh with their babies. :)

Jake will be Josh's boy and Paulo will be Grace's boy.

Other News:

Basically, nothing much. I think Alice will evolve soon, but not just yet as she only got her pre-school invitation slip just now. She now attends pre-school. And this time, I will go out of my way to make sure it's not a universal character that Alice turns into. I'm sick of them up to my eyeballs. I'll just play jump rope with her until she evolves, so I can determine what adult she'll be.

Gary is just sleeping. He's now 4 years old.

Isaac's okay. I think the school teacher will send him an instrument soon, so he can add to his already massive instrument collection. strums guitar He currently likes classical music. I'll be taking Isaac to Tama-Town now, so if you want to see him, I'm RB7908 on there. Add me as a friend if you want!

EDIT: At 10:46am, Isaac got his instrument from his teacher and met up with his band. He now has a Karaoke machine. He's with a Hinotamatchi and Ringotchi, and the name of his band is the Dignity band.

He performed well at school, so that's a good start!

That's about all for now. I'll post more later!


P.S. Current vote standings!

Blue: 1

White: 0

Thanks to all who vote! :D

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Now, this might seem really fantasy and unreal, I had one of the most scariest dreams in a while. You'll see why below!

Well, in my dream I was begging my mum for the golden tamagotchi v3. I went on and on and on about it 24/7. In the end, she said 'we'll see, I guess.' That made me really happy. So I dreamed about getting the golden tamagotchi in my dream and the dream in my dream was horrible. There was this big chubby bully smashing up tamagotchis. He had nearly all of the designs of tamagotchis ever made, all being thrown about and stamped on. I said to him 'Stop smashing up the tamagotchis!' and he said 'Aren't you too old to be playing these rubbish toys?' and I said 'NO! NO I'M NOT!' so I marched back home (in my dream) and cried. When I woke up from my dream in my dream, I could hear beeping noises. I looked under my bed, and there they all were. All the smashed up tamagotchis the boy had smashed in the dream of my dream. I screamed as loud as I could... and that's where I woke up!

tl;dr: You're never too old for tamas, and stop them from getting smashed!



"hey, just wanted to say I really like your log! It's really entertaining, especially the conversations they have! Also, I don't know how old you are but if it helps, I love tamas and i'm fifteen!


PS if voting is open, I'm voting for the one with the lolipops!"

First of all, I'd like to say thankyou so much *tamateen* for the fanmail!

Thankyou so much! I didn't know my log was entertaining ^^ I'll do another conversation with them later on today (Jee, I forgot about the little tama-stories! D:)

I'm just 12 years old, but I'm going to be 13 in November! It seems tamas aren't just for kids, as everybody says to me. :/ I don't know why people bash on the poor toys.

Thanks for your vote! Now the Lollipops tama has 2 votes! (Thanks Violetchiluvr3 and *tamateen* for voting!) :D

It seems like I'm the only boy nowadays who plays with tamas... any boy tama fans here, kudós to you!

I'm glad that you tamatalkers like my log, and there's definitely more to come!

There will will will will will will will and an extra will for the willness of being willing be a tama-story next post!


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builds up a ton of air, and then lets it out


My V4 FINALLY turned into a character from the Kuchi family!

Alice just turned into a Young Dorotchi, so I have a chance at getting a Kuchi character for the first time since dinosaurs played with tamagotchis! :D Yattatchi here I come!

Here's a picture of Alice!


Here she is.

I'm going to play a load of Flag now so I can get Yattatchi.

More later!


Hey TT-ers! It's Sunday today, aka Lazy day! A day dedicated to my tamagotchis. I watched Saw 6 yesterday and it was pretty gorey, though I've got no aftershocks.

Erez deh nhewz!


When I woke up this morning to check my tamas, I saw that he had evolved into a Kuromametchi! I love Kuromametchi, better than regular Mametchi to be honest. He just looks cooler. And he's emo. His close-up animation is awesome! He's also one of the healthiest characters to get on MusicStar, so I'm happy. It's nice to have Kuromametchi again on my tama after such a long time.

Then, he went to perform with his band. In shock, they evolved into Kunoitchi and Shimashimatchi. I failed the concert (O O X) so I didn't get Pro Debut.


Here he is in his evolved form!


The Dignity band is currently into Jazz music. (subject to change :L)


Here's Isaac close up!

For everyone else, so far not much has happened. Josh and Grace should leave tonight and Gary will be at mating age tomorrow (considering he's 5.)

I seriously need ideas for a Tama-Story as I'm in a writing block at the moment. Cheers.


I didn't expect this, but I let one of my other tamagotchis use the love potion to marry Gary. I connected a second time to see if they would mate, and I was right! Gary and the other tamagotchi were moving left and right. The other tamagotchi, who I call 'noname' since it literally has no name, gave birth to two healthy girls. One of them went to Gary!

I'm uploading a video to youtube of it. I'll edit this once it's up.


Here's Gary with his baby girl!

Go to for more tamagotchi videos! You should be able to see the mating video there, since I don't think you're allowed to post video links in replies.

P.S. Thankyou atheistcanuck for your vote and PM! Here are the current standings for the two tamagotchis.

White: 1

Blue: 2


P.P.S. I caught Josh doing a cute close up!



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Hey TT-ers! I'm so tired today. I don't know why, I only woke up about 10 minutes ago (10.30am-ish) and I'm really tired.

Here's the tama news!

Paulo and Jake

Grace and Josh have left Paulo and Jake to fend for themselves. I didn't see them leave. But I woke up late this morning and I saw the 2 new babies crying. The red one is Paulo, and the blue one is Jake.


The 2 babies before they were named.

Now, they have been named and are doing good.

They were born at the exact same second so they beeped in sync with eachother.

Later on Paulo and Jake both evolved at the same time into the same thing - Mohitamatchi!



Just been playing a lot of Bump with him to get him a lot of GP. I went out and bought a ton of stuff from the shop for him, so he's playing with what he's bought. I didn't buy any food because to be honest, it's a waste. Other than that, he's connected to the babies.

I caught him doing a close-up but I didn't get to take a picture in time since he already stopped just as I was getting my webcam.


She hasn't evolved yet, but since I've took good care and evened out her skill points I don't think she'll become Universal. fingers crossed

I spent all of yesterday morning getting her skill points and evening them out so she still won't turn universal. I've got her mainly flower points (50) and in the other 2, there's 25 and 27 respectively. (Pencil and Star.)


No wonder the poor dude's emo. I forgot about him yesterday and when I came back to him, he was STARVING! I quickly got rid of his illness and fed him, and played games with him to try and make up for it.

I'll also take him to Music City later so he can socialise.

I haven't got him pro-debut yet but I've been taking him to practise with his band 3 times a day. Hopefully that'll work out.



Soz, mi no internalise.




Aww, but Dad, I don't wanna go to school...


I just caught Gary doing his close-up!

I'll update more later!


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YAYY! Alice finally evolved! She's 2 right now and an adult, I'm not sure if that's normal or not. She evolved into a Yattatchi! :D Exactly as I had planned it! It seems like evening out the skill points lessens your chances of getting a universal character. I think she looks really cute now. Not that she didn't before, but it's just that I've never had Yattatchi before. :)

Here's Alice! :D



Here she is close-up!

More to come tomorrow, or if anything else happens. :)



Hey everybody! Anybody from the UK will understand what I'm saying. Ronan Parke was AMAZING on BGT! :D His voice is beautiful... not trying to sound like a girl, but it was!

Also, remember, that today is the last day for voting of which tamagotchi you want in my log! The blue one's winning, so if you want it to win, vote for it! If someone else votes for the white, it's a random pick. :)

Gary has left his baby now to live the tamagotchi life... I remember the old tama adverts you see. :D

Gary must've left at some time in the night. He was only 6 when he left. Tamas sure do grow up quickly, huh...

Anyway, since I haven't thought of a name for the girl yet, I'll think of one now. Hmm...

I think I'll call her Ruby, since 1) That's what my old best friend used to call me XD, He's called Sapphire. Pokémon addiction much. (His real name is Raul), 2) It's a nice girl's name, and 3) MAX&RUBY! That show was cool.<3


Here she is before she was named!


...and after!

More to come later. :)


Paulo and Jake were woken up on their first birthday and they evolved not long after!

Paulo is a Young Mimitchi!

Jake is a Hikotchi, just like his Grandad Sam was!



I had to pause Ruby while I went out into town, but I'm going to unpause her now.

EDIT: She evolved into a Tamatchi! :D


The other two are very uneventful. I'm going to try and get Isaac pro-debut. I think Alice will get her job interview pretty soon, and she has the skill points to support her.

Next post will feature a lot of pictures since I'm in the mood!


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Hey everybody! It's the first of June already! Time sure does go past. It'll be a month on the 7th of June that this log will have been running!

Today is the closing day for the voting! So I shall announce the winner...

The winner is.... *drumroll* The blue lollipops V2! Starting from the post after this, it will be featured in my log!

Thankyou to the 3 people who voted, and I'm glad you all like my log! All yours are fab too! n_n

Anyways, back into the tama-news.

You know what, nothing's happened really! I've accidentally neglected Isaac a bit since I don't have enough food for the poor soul. He's 4 years old now so the matchmaker should be coming today.

Ruby should also evolve today. I really don't mind what it is as long as it's not a Nikatchi or a Patapatatchi. I've got those loads and loads of times.

Alice is happy and well at the age of 4. Tomorrow, she should also be able to get the matchmaker. I'm not sure whether who you mate with affects what family your child goes into.

Speaking of the new tamagotchi, it's a Kuchipatchi called Lucy with a baby boy. I'm trying to get her to leave so I can start her fresh.

More to come later!


Hey! My MusicStar (Isaac) just got pro-debut. FINALLY! I didn't get a picture but fanfare music played and it said on the screen 'Pro debut'. So I'm guessing he's going to become successful!

That's all I have to say for now. There isn't much other tama news really.

Catch me on TamaCHAT if you want to talk to me!


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