The life and times of 3 Tamagotchi V3's


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100th log post! Woo! Also on the 6th page!

Sand just evolved into a Kometchi! (I think that's his name.) He looks a bit like a farmer. Awesome!


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Well, so far this morning, nothing happened. I accidentally left on Betsy's light.

Fred has left his baby and I will name the baby after school.

I tried to get Emily matchmaker (she's 8 years old now) but she failed. I think I'll mate her with Zac, one of my other V2's.

They did end up mating! Now Emily has a baby boy! The other tamagotchi was a Tarakotchi, on my red V2.

Pictures will come after school!

P.S. I want to get something along the healthy lines for my V3's. I'm only going to marry high level characters from the matchmaker when they're ready so that they have healthy parents. Also, I'm stopping most of my non-logged tamas.

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When I got back home from school, I saw that Tasha had evolved into a Hashitamatchi, just like Betsy did. I like Hashitamatchi, but I did want something else. I don't really like having 2 of the same character, but it seems to happen a lot.

Niall, my Kuchipatchi, got married earlier on to a Makiko and he had a baby boy. I don't know what my MusicStar has against girls. Oh well, there's always next generation.

I've named Fred's baby boy. I called him Ronan! Right now he's still in his baby stage but I'll update when he evolves.




The entire family




Husband and Wife Zac and Emily


Woahh, already? I thought it wasn't ready to leave yet. But I guess I was wrong. Emily has now left behind her little baby boy for me to care for. I'll decide the name for him and name him later!


Yesterday I went on Music City with my MusicStar since I was really bored and just played a few games. You wouldn't have noticed me.


I also got the V3's weights down by playing bump. That's just about the only game I can win.


I'll update later when I name the little boy (after school)! Speaking of after school, Sand should evolve after school!

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I called Emily's little boy Logan just now. I went to the after school cooking club at my school so I got home about an hour ago. Logan is still a baby but I'll let you know when he evolves.


Ronan evolved while I was doing cooking into a Hinotamatchi. I like Hinotamatchi's, so I happy with what he turned into. I played some bump with him and then some flag. I bought him a boombox and a trumpet.



Sand also evolved, into a Ura Kuchipatchi. I've never had that character before! I do prefer normal Kuchipatchi, but I'm happy it's something different. :) His close up is cool.


Hey people, sorry I didn't get to update yesterday. I had to do end of year reading and writing assessments. That also affected my tamagotchis. (They didn't die, just affected them.) Also, since I had to do that I never got to name Niall's baby. I'll name him after school since I have no work to do today.


Betsy evolved into Warusotchi, the pineapple thing, just like her grandad Jake. I really wanted something different. Bleh.


Sand also got a job and stuff.


My green V3 will evolve later today. (Hopefully not into a bad character.


Logan, my V2, was really badly neglected yesterday all throughout his childhood and if it weren't for me checking on him just before bed, he would have died. Thus, he evolved into Puroperatchi, one of the worst teens on V2.

My V3 has been in the wars today (the snakeskin one) and it's had some paint removed and a huge cut into it's antenna. Poor thing. :( Though to pay off for it, the V3 still loved me and decided to evolve into a Bill! I've had Bill, the 'secret' character once before and it's nice to have him again. Not fitting for a girl, but still cool nonetheless. My yellow v3 not featured in this log became an Urutchi so it's been a good day for character evolutions.


By the way, I called Rigby's baby Finn. He's a Kuchitamatchi right now.

My tamagotchi was injured since I forgot it was in my backpack keys pocket and it went in with my keys. Somebody must have kicked it around a lot since it's in really bad condition now. The screen was virtually unharmed but bits of paint came off. It was also a bad day since it's my grandad's birthday and I had to let off a balloon for him since he's dead.


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I was busy yesterday and I did not get to update my log since I had to help out at our school carnival. I had all of my tamagotchis paused for 4 hours or so during the carnival.


Here's some news for you.


Finn evolved yesterday into a Nonopotchi. Ehh, it'll do for one day.

Logan is now 3 years old and he's a Puroperatchi

Sand got the matchmaker and he married an Ura-Zukyutchi. He now has a baby boy.

Ronan evolved into the same thing that Betsy evolved into, a Warusotchi. They have to be twins. >.<

Nothing's up with Tasha.


That's about all I have to say, for right now.






Earlier this morning, soon after performing in his band, Finn evolved into a Dorotchi! I like Dorotchis, so that's cool.

Logan also evolved earlier today into a Gozarutchi. Meh. I seem to get those a lot.

I also got a close-up of Betsy.




I was doing some matchmaking tests with all 3 of my V3's. The only one that got the matchmaker was Tasha (7). Betsy strangely didn't get it (8). Other than that, Caleb evolved into a Kuchitamatchi and I really don't have much else to say.

Well, fellas, I have to say that a part of this log has died. The character, that is. It was on my blue V3. Betsy must have died soon after I went to bed. She was perfectly fine with full hearts and everything. Then I awoke to find her dead... The time was correct also. Maybe it was because she's been sick a few times before. Oh well. The family tree for that tama's 6 generations is now broken. I think I'm going to restart the tamagotchi after school today. The good thing about Betsy's death is that now I can start fresh and get healthy characters again.


Rest in peace, Betsy the Warusotchi!



On a happier note, I'm going to get Ronan married later. Probably after school. Caleb also evolved into a Kuchitamatchi, and then into a Daiyatchi! (The diamond teenager.)


I've been thinking about this for a while, but I've come to a conclusion. I'm taking a long hiatus from tamagotchi logging. Now, I'm not completely abandoning this log. I'm just taking a long break from logging about tamagotchis. I'm still very into tamagotchis. I still love playing tamagotchis. I just want to stop logging about them for a while, for these reasons:


1) I feel like I'm being pushed to update in my log every day rather than enjoying it. To me, keeping a log is meant to be a fun, enjoyable thing and it's just putting pressure onto me. Certain users (no names involved) are nagging me to update in my log and spam my inbox until I've done it. It's really annoying. It's also taken the interest very slightly out of my tamagotchi fad. By stopping this log, I get to spend more time with all of my tamagotchis and not just the ones in this log. That brings me onto my second reason.


2) I feel like my other tamagotchis aren't getting enough attention. I'll let you into a secret. All of my tamas not in this log feel really unloved. I want to even out my love for every single one of my tamagotchis and not feel that one is superior to the other.


3) People are starting to discover my tamagotchi interest. People have been getting suspicious at school when I go on this site, when I talk to my friends about them and when I sneak them into school. I am stopping my log since a lot of people in my class know about my log and I'm getting bullied because of it.


4) I don't have much time to go on the computer or play tamas right now. It's the last few weeks of the year and quite frankly the most stressful. I've had fleets of homework thrown at me for the past 2 weeks and my log, the computer and tamas have been holding me back. I want to focus on my school projects and exams.


5) I'm going on holiday for the entirety of late July, August and Early September with no computer access at all. I'm going to the Island of Man to visit my Nana for the whole of the summer holidays and I can't keep a log over there. Even if I do manage to get a dongle, don't forget I'm on holiday, not spend the entire summer on tamatalk holiday. I didn't mean to sound rude just then, but it's true. I want to enjoy the time with my family and old friends who I rarely get to see.


6) Parents. My parents think I am too attatched to my tamagotchis and to my computer and they are putting time limits on my computer. Not so much my tamagotchis, more so my computer. They think I'm spending too much time on the computer. They've also seen my log since they've got all this parental viewing access stuff. They think I might have OCD because of the fact 'I take so many pictures of my virtual pets and it's unhealthy.' They're fine with me playing tamas, they just think I'm going a bit over the top about them.


7) This might seem harsh, but I have better things to do in my life than sit on the computer all day and play tamagotchis. I'm turning 13 this November, and I need to start acting like a 13 year old. I'm not saying tamagotchis are dumb and for little kids, but I feel I need to concentrate on other things than tamagotchis and the computer. I need to go out and get some fresh air, and make some friends. I have practically no social life and it's bugging me. I feel like my only friends are on the internet. I need to get a life.


I'm not trying to act like a drama queen or seek attention, I'm just saying how I feel.


I hope you understand my reason for putting this log to rest. I'm not stopping logging forever, I'm just taking a significant break. Once the above issues have been solved (or atleast lessened), I will restart my log. When I am ready to restart my log, I will make a status update and then find out if I would be bumping my log or not. If so, then I'll continue the log in a sequel. If you'd like to know about how my tamas are, you can always drop a PM or go on TamaCHAT. :) I'll still be on TamaCHAT a great deal if you want to talk to me. And, if you'd like my MSN, Skype or Facebook profile, you can click the links in my signature.


I'm also going to be active on Tamatalk, still, just not a great deal. School and social reasons are getting in the way of my computer. No offence, but tamatalk is a tad boring. All of my good friends back in the day have moved on, just like I plan to do.

I hope I haven't upset you or made you angry. If I have, then please kindly PM me and I can sort things out.


I am still going to run all of the tamagotchis that are in this log and my others, I'm just not going to post about them anymore. I've decided the only kind of 'logging' I'm going to do now is draw a table for my tamas (like a family tree) with the name and a picture of the characters they became. I am still running my oldest tamagotchi to be. I will regularly post videos of him onto youtube. This brings me onto my next paragraph.


I will still make youtube videos about tamagotchis. I find it easier to get my point across on a video than on a log. I won't just exclusively feature my log tamas, and I won't just post videos once they've evolved. I want to make videos about tamagotchis in general. The link to my youtube is in my signature.


Thanks for taking your time to read what I have to say. I'm sorry for the sudden, unexpected end to my log. It had to be done, though.


Any further questions will be answered through the PM system.

RubyKuchipatchi98 :)

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Well, I'm not technically restarting my log. I just want to give you an update.

My problems;

1) N/A right now since I'm not writing a log right now.

2) Taken care of. They're turning into much healthier characters and I feel they have equal love.

3) I don't think this is ever going to stop. I'll have to live with it. I'll stop taking my tamas to school, but I'll still go on tamatalk (discretely) at school.

4) This is waning a bit. Main exams are over. Possible temporary restart before long holiday and defo restart in September.

5) This is still the same.

6) My parents are getting used to it a bit. I'm not using them as much now and am spending more time with them so they can't moan really.

7) I hate to say it, but this hasn't changed either.


Now onto the tamas in my log.


V2: This has begun to get the [X] disease. Heavy usage. It's been doing good.

Logan: Dead (died before he had a baby.)

New family:

Steve: Ginjirotchi, married, left.

Karen: Mimitchi, married, left.

Tsuno: Kaerutchi (Krokodile man), married, left.

Josh: Nikatchi, [X]


Red V3: It had to have a battery change not long after the log ended. Ronan got married and left.

Then there was James the Hidatchi, left.

Will, Bill, left.

Simps (Simpson), Violetchi, left.

N the Pirrorirrotchi, currently in my care.


Green V3:

Tasha - Had a baby, left.

Rick the Mimiyoritchi, had a baby, left.

Camel, Tamatchi, battery died.

I might put a new battery in soon. We'll see.


Blue V3: New family started.

Kim the Mametchi, had a baby and left.

Zac the Decotchi, had a baby and left.

Fred, the Cho-Mametchi, had a baby and left.

Battery died.

New battery.

Jinx the Young Mimitchi, currently in my care.


V4.5: Caleb turned into a Sumo guy and had a baby and left.

The baby turned into a weird japanese man and died.

New family.

Sue the Ura Violetchi had a baby and left.

Jack the Hitodetchi, currently in my care.


MusicStar: The Dorotchi grew older and older until he turned into an old man. He died at age 14.

Now the new family is a Hinotamatchi who died.

I took the battery out as it got frustrating.


My V4 still doesen't have a battery. I got bored of it.


I've got 3 more V2's, a V5.5 and an ID L since I ended this log. Might put the ID L into the log again in September. :)


That's about all! I'll talk in the log again in September, kudos!



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