The life and times of 3 Tamagotchi V3's


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Hey, everyone! It's a Sunday today, so we get to lounge around to our heart's desire. ^_^

There isn't much tama news yet as most of them are still sleeping.


I woke her up last night to see if she would evolve, as she was 1 year of age. And I was right! She evolved into a Hashitamatchi! I like those kinds of tamas. Hashitamatchi's pretty cute, even though he's a bad care teenager. Then she went straight back to sleep after her evolution.

The rest of them are in bed.

Pictures will come in the next post!




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Hey everyone! I decided I would add only one tamagotchi to my log.

And that one is...

A black with headphones MusicStar!

I was pretty nasty to the poor old Star, and I just came to automatically hate them after a rough few generations. But I decided I wanted to give it another shot.

Now that I think about it, it's a really good version. I just didn't give it a chance to grow on me.

It's battery-less for now, so I think I'll take the battery out of my V5 and put it in my MusicStar. :) I have a genuine reason to hate the V5's. They are soooo boring! :p

Later on, I took the battery out of my V5 and popped it into my MusicStar. There was Download and Re-Set. I chose download to see who the character was, but it was a tamagotchi that had ran away. So I pressed A+C and the next gen was born!

When when the baby was born, she got a Panda, a trumpet and 3000GP. It's a she and her name is Cindy!

I fed her 4 meals and 4 snacks and now I'm just playing games with her. :)

Later on (about an hour later) she turned into a Hitodetchi! I love Hitodetchis ^^ I'm really glad the V4.5 brought Hitodetchi back to life, and so did MusicStar.



Here's Tulip as a Hashitamatchi. Had to pause her as she's STILL asleep!


Here's Cindy, my MusicStar!


Go to my account (ExplodingHeatran486) and watch my tama videos if you want!

More to come later! I'll update tomorrow if there's nothing of interest today.



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Hello! Just a quickie update before school starts.


She should evolve later into the day!

I had to play a few games of sound blocks to fill her hearts. (I'm useless at the other 2 games.)

I woke her up to feed her, but she didn't really like the idea of it.

The Pre-School teacher came and gave her a Panda! :)


He's 4 now, so I'll let him mate with my glow in the dark V4 tamagotchi! :)

He tried to get a job but he got rejected on every single one.

Sam and Kevin

They are now both 3 years old! I think they'll change tomorrow morning, assuming I don't have to pause them.

They're now best friends on eachother's lists!


She turned 2 years old in the middle of the night.

She seriously needs to lose weight Dx.

Side Trivia

I put a battery in one of my V4's and re-hatched it. It's a Puchitchi right now.

I've been playing on my de-bugged V1 quite a bit.

The oldest-tama-to-be is 6

I'll post more later, with a tama-story aswell!


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Hey everyone! At the moment there's no tama news as I haven't taken any of my tamas to school today. I'm in ICT and I'm typing this from one of the computers! I'm surprised they didn't block this site.

Everyone's looking at me like 'omg what's that site? o_O' and I said 'it's a tamagotchi site!!!!' so they are all surprised.

Greetings from Lucie, Lauren, Erin (my girlfriend <3) and Charlie!

I'm so doing this every ICT lesson! :D ^_^

I was in a rush, so I didn't take a tama with me. Though I'll let them speak!

At home

Tulip: How is Ryan updating about us at school? o_O

Sam: I know! It's so cool and like so modern! :D

Kevin: Woah. :eek:

Ryan: I know! Technology's awesome, right? After all, you're a peice of technology too.

Sam: I guess so. Though I wish I was real. I don't wanna be sad like Pinocchio! I'm a real boy!

Ryan: You're real to me. :) You're awesomely real!

All: Yay!

Cindy: I'm just playing my violin, and things. 8)

Ryan: Sweet!

Cindy: I know right! I also got sent a gift from my pre-school teacher!

Ryan: Wow! What is it?

Cindy: It was a Panda!

Ryan: How cool! And since it's an endangered species, that's even cooler

That's really all they have to say for now. They'll speak more when I get home.

More to come once I'm at home! I've got to go on this program called 'Scratch' on this computer. God knows what it's for. The teacher's out for a few more minutes so I'll hang around and look through the forums!

Woops, got to go, teacher's getting suspicious...


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Hello everyone! I'm back home from school now so I can check on my tamas. :)

At school today it was very violent, but I just stayed out of it.

I made a Croque Monsieur (Ham, Tomato and Cheese toastie) in home economics today. I let my mum eat it as I didn't like it.



He's lost a few of his hearts and he's asleep. I'll wake him up!

I hope I can get another job interview invitation, as I've got more skill points and a higher chance of getting a job. I don't want him to be on the dole! D:

Harry is now 4 years old, as expected. That means a Matchmaker visit tomorrow. But I want to get him a job before I let him marry.


I played a few games with her to get her weight down. She now weighs 58lbs. I want to get it down into the 40lb-50lb range so I can maximise my chances of getting a good character.

I'll be taking her to Tama-town tonight. Kevin will get his turn tomorrow.


He's in the same boat as Tulip, he needs to lose weight. He's 69lbs so I want to get him into the same range as Tulip. (40lbs-50lbs.)

He went to bed with a poop beside his bed yesterday. Oops! I hope he still turns into a good character.


Same as Sam really. He needs to knock off them pounds too.


I really wanted her to evolve into a Chamametchi, though I found her as an Ichigotchi asleep. I didn't know MusicStars can evolve in their sleep? o_O

Oh well, I still like Ichigotchi. Maybe later today she'll form a band! I'll call it the Mango band. 8)

She doesen't like her violin anymore so I got her some robot singers. She likes them much better.

Side Trivia

Unfortunately, both of my Tama-Go's died. :(

The V2's evolved - Debatchi and Dorotchi.

Black V3 got offered Matchmaker and accepted

Oldest-tama-to-be is still 6

Red MusicStar left it's baby behind

Pink MusicStar is a Chamametchi

My V4.5's mated!

V1 died :(

PICTURES! (Because I feel like it!)


Cindy liked her violin as a child. What happened?


Sam getting ready to knock this Hinotamatchi into oblivion.


Quick, head the ball!


I remember this little dude. I left him in my school bag off-pause and he had to suffer a tragic death. :( I will miss him.



I also made a video of my V3 (Sam) using a chest.

That's about all for now. I'll update later!


P.S. Later on in the next post I'll do a tama-story! If you hate mediocrity (or even worse), then don't read.

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16/05/11 Continued

Hey everyone! Quite a bit has happened!

First, I'll start with Sam, since he evolved! I think Kevin will evolve quickly after, since they're only a few minutes apart.


Guess what? I got Sam to 36lbs, after many continuous games of bump. Not long after, Sam evolved into a Mimitchi! I love Mimitchi's, they're so cute :) . Mimitchi, I'd have to say is my second favourite character, second only to Minotchi! (The worm thing off V4.)

I was really happy when I heard the evolution beep. I rushed to Sam's screen and I watched him evolve. ^_^

He's now just taking a bath!


He's still a Hinatchi, for now. I think he'll evolve any minute now. I also played games with him and got him to a lower weight. He got in a mood so I praised him. After all those games of Bump, both of them have 9999gp.

EDIT: Kevin just evolved, and he looks just like his brother! He's a Mimitchi aswell! I guess since they're brothers, they're both the same character. Which I don't mind, since 1) Mimitchi's cute, and 2) It's a healthy character.


I got her down into the 30lb range too. She got in a mood and did some poo's. And she beeped at me for no real reason. Since her Dad's a Kurokotchi, I think she'll grow up to be something unhealthy, despite my seemingly good care.

She's okay right now, just bouncing around the screen and things.


He still hasn't got a job yet. He has 50 for each skill, so I don't see what's wrong. Maybe the interviewers just don't like him? :(

Harry tends to lose hungry hearts very quickly. It could be due to the fact he's a Universal character. Though I remember him being a healthy character on V2, so I don't know. :S

20:30 - EDIT Harry mated with my Glow in the Dark V4 (Masktchi.) He's a proud Dad of a baby boy. :) I'll post a picture of him tomorrow.


This one's a pain up the backside. I still can't get over the fact that you can't get more than 2 hearts from feeding your tamagotchi 'Baby Food'. Even though I use the King Trick, I still don't have enough GP or Food to keep her going. This is the primary reason why I hate MusicStars. As a result, I think I'll most likely get something like Kunoitchi. It's so annoying. And if you don't do well at the concerts, you're basically a wreck.



Here's Sam and Kevin the Mimitchi's together. :) They can't be gay and get married, obviously, so I'll let them get married through the Matchmaker. I heard that the character you marry influences your next gen adult character, so I'll experiment with that.

More to come tomorrow! :)


P.S. There's an easter egg in that pic. The black v3 is the one that you can see Mametchi brushing his teeth.

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Hey everyone! It's a late update as things have been, well, depressing at best. School issues, you see.

Here's the tama news.


She turned 2 today. She should evolve tomorrow (when she's 3.) It's hard keeping the hearts up seeing that it's hard to get gotchi points.

The school teacher came and gave her a Harp. She isn't particularly fond of it, though.

She did well at school and won the game easily. :)


She's 3 now! One more day until her evolution. I still need to get her to lose some weight, first.

Sorry, not much else. I haven't played on tamagotchi's much today, and there's not much news. A lot of much, much? :p

Though, I do have the picture of Harry with his baby! Here it is.


:) . I'm calling the baby Derek.

That's about all for now! Cruise by tomorrow for more updates and a tama-story! (I've had some serious issues today, so I'm not in the mood.)

Also, tomorrow, I'll be posting a gargantun amount of pictures of my tamagotchi's. If you're interested, I also have a load of old tama photos I want to put on my photobucket.


17/05/11 Continued

A lot has happened to my music star, so I'm going to write about that in this post!


She evolved into a... you probably already know. But for those who don't, it's a Mimitchi! I thought it would turn into something unhealthy since I neglected the poor thing a lot. Just before she evolved, the Mango band was formed. There's Cindy, a Chantotchi called Vicky and a Togetchi called Norman. :D

Cindy's band seems to like Jazz music. It's pretty catchy!

She failed a music play thing. I don't know how to get your tamagotchi into 'Pro Debut' or whatever it's called.

For everyone else, nothing's happened at all. I'll post Cindy's picture tomorrow! :)

I think Tulip will evolve tomorrow morning, and Sam and Kevin will get the matchmaker in 2 days. Harry should leave his baby tomorrow night also, though maybe tonight. Depends on if he's fed up of me or not. :p

Sam and Kevin will both be 5 tomorrow!

And I also can't wait for my Pink Ribbons V3 to come!

Here's my Tama-Wishlist!

A P2 any design

Green and Orange V1

Pink and Orange V2

Choco Silver V4

2 more V4.5's - Yellow Mood and Lava Lamp

Orange and purple MusicStar

Tamagotchi Colour, any colour (lame pun, I know)

I want all these by when I die. I can imagine me, when I'm 80, in my rocking chair playing tamas XD

That's about all I have to say! ^_^


P.S. I thought I'd let you know, so you can be prepared. On the 21st of May I may (another lame pun, I know) not be able to log about my tama, because I'm going to my best friend's birthday party. He likes tamas though, so I'll take a few with me!

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Hey guys! Actually a sizeable amount of news has happened!

First off, I'll start with Tulip.


She's now 4 and a grown up adult! She turned into a Dorotchi, the ghost guy! :D I've never had a Dorotchi before, so this is really cool! I like how she moves across the screen.

I'm happy it's not a Mimitchi though! :p

Anyways, I'll play more with my tamas later.


She had another music play thing, and they seemed to like it. I got a few people in the audience cheering. Her star ranking is only 999th, though. I want to know how you can get awards and win big, because I've done it before. D: MusicStars are so demanding!

Harry (Well, now Derek)

Harry left his baby boy Derek in the night. To be very honest, I don't think poor Harry got all that love from me. Maybe because I didn't like his character... oh well, he's going to be happier in tama-town! And his baby will live a happy life.

I'll name the baby after school. :)

Sam and Kevin are both okay. No specific news for them. They're 5 so that's cool.

Side Trivia

First matchmaker visit ignored for oldest-tama-to-be (OTTB), is now 7

V2's are Kabutchi and Butterflytchi

V4.5's left

Other V4 left

V1 died again

Tama-Go's are Monpatchi's



Here's Sam and Kevin on the seesaw. ^_^


Here's Tulip, the Dorotchi! I think she turned into Dorotchi because I accidentally left the lights on, and she's a heavy weight.


Tulip: Hey, wait a second. I feel a little quimsy.

Sam: Oh, don't sweat. You'll be fine.

Tulip: I hope so...

Kevin: All tamagotchi's get like that...

Tulip: Oh. Good.

Harry: Yeah.

Cindy: Yeah.

Tulip: Okay.

10 minutes later

Tulip: Woah... I feel even worse! GAAHHH HELPP!!!

Kevin: OMG, you're evolving!

Sam: Woah!

Harry: Don't disturb me! I'm saying goodbye to my baby. >_>

Cindy: OMG!

Energy outburst

Tulip: I... I look freaky. I'm a ghost!

Kevin: Woah... You really are a ghost... not an attractive one I'm afraid.

Sam: It's unusual, but I second Kevin. Nobody's going to date you.

Cindy: I'd date you if I were a boy!

Harry: Ask my baby to date you.

Tulip: I guess I can live. And I can spook out Tamatchi's and Mizutamatchi's!


Sam: I'm turning on the TTV (Tama TV.) turns on TTV

TTV: Good day to you fellow tama-watchers! Today, I shall bring you the news. Reporitchi (sp?), would you please read the news?

Reporitchi: Okay, sure! Let's start here:

There was a tamagotchi crime scene last night. Together, 3 gozarutchi's bombarded the tamagotchi bank and stole every single gotchi point! The good thing is, though, is that the 3 have been caught and they are in police custody. The money will be put back into the bank as soon as their account has been accessed.

Sam: Woah!

Kevin: turns around Woah!


On a happier note, I can now reveal that the Tama-Skate-Park is now officially open! Please give us your feedback and possible improvements!

Sam and Kevin: Yay!

Tulip: goes though wall TAMAGOTCHI-SKATE-PARK? Oh shucks, I can't go on it. I have no legs. :(

Sam: You can fly around and spook people though! Something we can't do!

Tulip: I guess so!

Cindy: Ehh, I think I'll lay back on this one. I'm not much of a sk83r-g1r|.

Kevin: Hey, mind your text-talk and l33t$p34k!

Cindy: But it's soooo coool, right?

Sam, Kevin, Tulip: No.

Cindy: Oooh. Olraht den blad.

---Reporitchi: And that's all for tamagotchi news!

Sam: Hey, we missed some of it, thanks to Cindy l33t$p34k.

Cindy: (>_>)

Tulip: There's always the seven-o-clock tama news!

Pictures of the baby Derek will be after school, and maybe even a Tama-Town Adventure with my MusicStar! :D



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Hey everyone! No tama news for those that are in this log, but...


I've just hatched it now, and it's a girl called Trudi! I've also made a youtube video of it! ^_^

Here's a picture! It won't be in my log though.


Here's my brand new pink v3. ^_^

I've named baby Derek, and he's just been born!

More to come soon!


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Hey peeps! I've sadly not been able to look after my tamagotchi's much due to a bombard of homework last night. But I managed to squeeze in about 30 minutes of tama time before bed. I didn't get to take my MusicStar to tama-town, but she'll get to go tonight!

Any time that I did have for my tamas was mainly focused on my new V3 and my glitchy 9 year old V3 that's now a child... o_O

Here's the news, 'man.


His babyhood and most of his childhood have been very depressing, I hate to admit. I was unable to attend to him about 20 minutes after I hatched him, and I didn't get back until a good 3 or 4 hours. By the time I was back, he had evolved into a Harutchi with no hearts, loads of poo's and a headache. So I cured the poor boy of his illness, and fed him up. He seemed happy afterwards, but I don't think he'll forgive me anytime soon. Other than that he got the Preschool teacher knocking on his doorstep and now he's at preschool! To attempt to eliminate the chance of getting a Universal character, I've gotten him some skill points (15 in each).


I'm still puzzled about how to get this 'Pro Debut' thing on my MusicStar. I haven't got an award since my first ever MusicStar band. I'm just wondering how this works. Whoever sends me a PM about it will get a free cookie(s) and a mention in my log! :D

Anyway, Cindy's just fine. She failed her Music Play thing again... though I did get her to win that floating blocks game (not sound blocks, the one where you press puttons in time with the blocks.)

Sam and Kevin

They are both 6, but they still haven't been offered matchmaker yet. I'm thinking about letting Kevin marry Tulip and then Sam will marry by matchmaker. By the end of today I would have decided!

Oh by the way, they both have full training bars. My tamas usually do unless I can't look after them for whatever reason.

I saw them both taking a bath, so that was really cute! Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture.


She's just fine. Tulip turned 5 years old today. :) Other than that, not much to report about her.

Side Trivia

My Pink Ribbons V3 is a Tamatchi

My Glitchy V3 is a tamatchi

My Grafitti V3 is a Tamatchi

My Yellow V3 actually isn't a Tamatchi! It's a Mizutamatchi.

I still haven't named some of the other babies that parents left them.

The oldest-tama-to-be is 8

Waiting for my V2's to get the matchmaker

Pink MusicStar still isn't an adult yet and it's 4 years old...

Notice how I've swapped some of my batteries round. Most of my running tamas are V3's.

The Tama-Go's evolved - The Green one is a Kuchipatchi and the Blue one is a Gozarutchi

That's about all for now! Au Revoir!


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Konnichiwa! I'm back from school now, but not much has happened. I took Kevin to school today and he connected with my friend Oleg, who also has a V3. They are both boys, so they can't get married. Other than that, nothing's happened really. Sorry for such the short post, but I'll edit if anything happens.

UPDATE: Derek has evolved into a Young Androtchi! I want to get him to turn into a Zukyutchi so I'm getting him some fashion points.


Here's Derek!

UPDATE 2: Sam had a baby boy! :D The Matchmaker came at about 6.30 and gave him a BunBuntchi to marry. He accepted and now he's got a baby boy who will be called Josh.


Here's Sam proposing to BunBuntchi. :) They're getting ready for their first kiss!


Sam and Josh! :D

Also, Kevin mated with a Decotchi and he now has a baby girl! ^_^ She will be called Grace, and will eventually mate with Josh.


Here's the Matchmaker ready to offer a mate!


Kevin sees a Decotchi. It's love at first sight!


And now he has a cute little girl to be named Grace. :)

More tomorrow! Going to have a relaxing bath now.


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Bienvenidos! Before I start with the log, I'd like to mention mimitchi ^o^ as a thanks for the fan-mail and support (answering my question!) Thankyou so much for the friendly message and I'm glad you like my log!

Running 19 tamagotchi's is quite easy, believe it or not. xD What I do is whenever I don't feel like using them, I set them to sleep. It isn't all that hard if you have a lot of time. I find it the easiest in the holidays. I also set the time so that they go to sleep while I'm at school. Though sometimes I do feel a bit like a bad owner if I forgot to set the time or simply the fact that I don't give each and every one undivided attention.

I had to have a haircut today and it actually doesn't look all that bad.


I'm in the mood to post a lot today. :p

Once again, thankyou to mimitchi ^o^! Make sure you check out his/her (sorry mate, don't know which gender you are) profile!

Anyways, a long-winded post deserves... another long-winded post!


She finally got her Pro Debut after a lot of hard work at lunchtime today. I took Cindy to school today and kept her in my backpack throughout my lessons. I checked her each time we swapped classes. She was happy and healthy throughout the day. At lunchtime I went crazy and played with her the entire time. An older child, most likely year 11, walked past and said 'OMG I remember those! They're like so retro!' XD. I played about 15 games of each. The skill points are now: 451, 476, 465. After I got all those skill points, I got the Pro Debut, so now I can actually do something with my music career! Her star ranking is still 999th but it'll probably go higher. :)

She's going to Music City later!

Sam and Kevin

The two of them stayed at home, as did the other tamagotchi's. When I got back home, I just connected them a little bit and punched in some of the 'secret' shop codes again. I want to take both of them to Tama-Town later!

Tonight will be their leaving night. When I was younger, I used to get very sad when my tamagotchi's left their babies. I remember when my first ever tamagotchi Scott left his girl. I was devastated and got no sleep that night. But I learnt that's how things go.

I hope next generation will be something a bit poorer care. I'm sick of getting Mametchi and Mimitchi all the time. I don't have anything against them, I just get them a lot.


She turned 6 years old this morning, so I think the matchmaker will visit today! I want to get her to marry something from the lower-care groups, as I heard this affects the next generation. I'd like another Warusotchi or a Megatchi. Even a Wooltchi would be nice.

Aside from that, I got a bit bored so I played a bit of Sprint with her. She's actually pretty good at it!


I'm still in the process of getting him skill points. I want to get him 30 for his intelligence and fashion, and 50 for his kindness by his evolution time. I'm sick of getting universal characters on the V4. The reason I prefer V1-V3 than V4 is that it's more-so about skill points than actual care. I prefer getting tamas from care than skill points.

I'll edit later with some pictures of my tamas and some tama-town pictures! I've figured out how to use the snipping tool, so I can post pictures directly from my computer screen!

The actual reason I'm typing a lot today is because tomorrow I won't get to write much. I'm going to my friend Alex's birthday party from 2pm-9pm. I'll be able to squeeze in an update in the morning and maybe later in the night.


Dinner at the gotchi-table

Ryan: Tamagotchi's! It's time for dinner!

Tulip: Mmmm! Dinner! I don't need to eat though, because I'm a ghost. But it is very tasty!

Sam: Mmmm! What's cooking?

Kevin: Tasty.

Cindy: Yum Yum!


Kevin: Your voice is freaky...


Cindy: So you're saying I'm ugly too?

Derek: WELL...

Sam: and me? We're all Mimitchi's...


Kevin: You'd better be.

Tulip: just watches

Ryan: It's coming! I bet you can smell it already!


Kevin: It smells like wet gym socks.

Sam: I actually like the smell!

Cindy: I have a cold so I can't really smell it. I'm just going to chug down some gotchi medicine and it should help.

chugs down gotchi medicine

Cindy: All better!

Tulip: That's good!

Ryan: puts food on table

Tulip: Oooh! I've got Sausages!

Cindy: I've got tandori chicken!

Sam: I've got brussel sprouts and carrots. I'm a vegetarian, you see.

Kevin: I have curry.


Ryan: Enjoy your food!

Ryan leaves room

Kevin: You know what, I don't think I'm going to eat this.... but I'm going to try it. I have to live up to the sincere, polite, courteous and adventurous nature of a Mimitchi.

Sam: And you're acting mature for the first time since never.

Moral of the story: Make sure you try something once before you instantly come to hate it, food or otherwise.


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Hey everyone! Here's a quick update before I go to my best bud's birthday party.

I've hatched both Sam and Kevin's babies. They're called Josh (Blue one) and Grace (red one). They left in the night, I got to watch them as I stayed up late last night watching a thriller. Tamas look really cute when they look at their babies and give them their last words. :')

They were just born about a minute ago, so I'll update when they're toddlers. I have a good few hours left so I can definately squeeze it in! Babies are so needy. I wonder if I can get a toddler other than Mohitamatchi or Tamatchi. It would be nice to get a Kuchitamatchi, I haven't had one of those in ages...

In other news, Tulip hasn't got the matchmaker yet, and Cindy's doing good. As for Derek, he's going to evolve later today and I still haven't got him his skill points! D: I don't want another Pyonchitchi...

Side Trivia

The oldest-tama-to-be is 10, but he still hasn't evolved yet. I predict he will evolve later today.

I'm just going to take my debugged V1 to my friend's party for the lulz.

My other V3's are all teens - 2 Patapatatchi's, A Nikatchi, a Young Mimitchi and a Hinotamatchi.

My Blue V2 (Butterflytchi) and White V2 (Kabutchi) mated.

My other MusicStars died because they're just so high maintenance. I'm not planning on starting them up again any time soon.

Glitchy V3 is 11 and a Hinotamatchi

I've got some pictures of the babies that I want to post!


Here's the two of them waiting to be named. :) [ZOMG 3rd Gen already!]


They've been named! signs birth certificate and waits for the beep of life

That's all for now, but I'll post more later!


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Hey everyone! I managed to squeeze in a tiny amount of computer time after the epic party. All of my tamas are paused right now, but I can say that my 2 v3's evolved into children. Grace is a Mohitamatchi and Josh is a Kuchitamatchi! :)

Can't get pictures because I have little time and this computer has no webcam, ;/.

I'll unpause them and let them grow in their sleep.

See you tomorrow!



Hi TamaTalkers! I'm a bit annoyed at my V4 right now but other than that I just have a semi-hangover (not from getting drunk, just really tired.)

I'll get started on the tamas now!



When will this agony end...

Sigh... he's a Pyonchitchi...

I swear to god if I get another Pyonchitchi, I'm taking the battery out of my V4 and putting it in one of my V4.5's. I'm sick to death of Pyonchitchi/Pyonkotchi. I had about 30 skill points for all stats and in the last one there was 50 (to get Zukyutchi) and STILL A UNIVERSAL CHARACTER? D:

What am I doing wrong??? I'm taking seemingly good care and got it a good amount of skill points.

Whew, now that's over and done with, let's get on to the more happy stuff.

Please note: Growth times have been delayed due to a 11/12 hour pause last night.


To my surprise, she turned 7 this morning. She's still a single pringle right now, though. I'm going to get the matchmaker to come (6.59 ftw!)

Other than that I just played some games with her last night.

UPDATE: The Matchmaker came and gave her a Hashizotchi (My 2nd favourite tamagotchi!) so I said yes and Tulip now has a baby boy! I'll call him Gary. Pictures up later in the post!


Josh evolved as soon as I unpaused him last night into a really cute Kuchitamatchi, just like I was hoping for!

I'm going to exercise him a bit as he's 43lbs. ;__; Soon he'll be healthy though!

I've connected him to Grace loads and they're the best of friends.


Grace also evolved as soon as I unpaused her into a Mohitamatchi! Atleast it's not Tamatchi.

She's even heavier than Josh so she needs to go the extra mile (very poor and irrelevant pun) to lose weight.


6 years old.

No band manager.

Lost pro-debut.

Ryan sad.

Seriously, why???

MusicStars are such a pain in the rear end. Since I have literally no money I can't buy any food from the shop, resulting in Cindy's starvation and depression.

That's all for the updates.



Here's the matchmaker reading her book of matches.


Here's Tulip's future partner, Hashizotchi.


Baby gary has now been born!


Grace and Josh playing flag!


No words are to be said.



The oldest-tama-to-be evolved this morning into a Ojitchi! It's now 10 years old!


My other V2's that mated together.


My previous attempt at an oldest tamagotchi run.




Young Mimitchi

A tama-story will come later in the next post!



Hey'all! Updatern in deh mornehn, yarh.

Josh and Grace

Both of them have evolved into Young Mametchi! They look quite cute, especially when they connect together. But I hope they don't turn into Mametchi's like they did on first gen.

I need to get them to lose some weight, as 70lbs is a bit too much. :p

Josh is quite the crybaby - he cried 3 times in his childhood but Grace only cried once.


Here they are!


She's 7 and still no band manager. I don't know what's taking so long. Other than that, she just failed her music concert thing.


He got a job interview and he got the fireman job! :D That game is fun. He also got some unlucky mail, and I've played some games with him. Contemplating taking him to tama-town.


I accidentally sent her to bed with a headache, though her stats are 3 for each. I was a bit puzzled. She's still with her baby but she should leave by tonight considering she's 8 years old now.

More to come later after school!


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Hey everyone! This isn't much of an update as I'm typing this on my mum's Iphone. But Tulip left her baby after school and I've called him Gary! Pictures will come tomorrow. He's a baby right now.



Hai peepz! Not much news (as of the morning anyway) but I have something to say about Gary and few of the others.


He's now evolved into his toddler stage! He's a Tamatchi! He's pretty good for weight right now. I did play a few games of bump to get him some gotchi points. Other than that he's just connected to the other tamas and I plan for him to go to tama-town later after school.


He's doing just fine. Derek's still 4 years old. I took him to his job yesterday and later on he got job salary! It was 5000gp. I guess that's because I go to work often, and that I've improved my skill points. I accidentally forgot about his clock so I came back to see him ill and with 4 poops.... poor tamagotchi. :'(


She's 8 and still no band manager. I've set it to the exactamundo right time and she never comes? I'm starting to get worried that she'll never get married.

Other than that she just did a few more of them concert things, won them and got like 1 million gotchi points. And now her star ranking is 5th!


She's doing great. I played some games with her to lose some of her weight. Then after that I took her to the tama-shop and she bought a ton of items!

Grace seems to be really low maintenance, as I hardly even need to check her at all. I can leave her hours on end without her beeping at me at all.


He's also doing great. I played some games with him not to lose weight, but for the points. He also went on a shopping spree, and later on he connected with Grace.

Josh on the other hand is really high maintenance. I can't leave him 30 minutes without his hearts going down. :S



Gary =D


Josh and Grace playing heading by connection!

That's all for now. Tune in later! I'm just gonna go watch Phineas and Ferb before school.


Hey people! I've got a fair amount of news. Let's start with Cindy, since... you'll know why in a minute!


After a long, unusual wait, she finally got married! At about 4.30pm I answered the door to find the band manager there. Then, he offered me a Kuchipatchi. Since I like Kuchipatchis, I accepted. They instantly fell in love! A display of fireworks crackled and they had an egg! A minute later, that very egg hatched into a baby boy. :) I'll name him Isaac, since I love that name.


Love at first sight!


Here's their newly made egg.

For the rest of the tamas, it's been very uneventful. I had to keep them asleep while I was at school.

A ton of the tamas not featured in this log turned into teenagers of various species.

I'll edit this later if anything happens!


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