The Breakfast Club


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Asher took off his seatbelt, but he didn't move just yet. "Are you going to be alright until you can see him tomorrow, Morgan?" he asked her. He just had to make sure she was going to be okay. "Do you need anything?"

"I'll be fine." she whispered, clentching the steering wheel. She looked up at Asher, her green eyes meeting his blue-grey. "Seriously. I'll just go home and sleep, and in the morning I'll be back in the hospital with him."

"Okay," Asher replied, looking back into her eyes and then nodding. "Well, if you need anyone just to talk to.. You have my number. Call me any time of the night, and I'll be there," he offered, before looking away to open the car door. "I'll see you Monday, then."

Morgan nodded, and watched him go. As she drove back home, Morgan thought about the events of the day. Detention, meeting Asher, Ice skating, telling him all about her life, Asher meeting Cody, Dinner, Asher standing up for her, ice cream, Asher holding her while she cried... "God, he's so perfect..." Morgan murmured.

Asher went inside and quickly just went to his room. His mother popped in to see where he'd been, but she hadn't been too bother about him being as late as he was. He had good reason, after all. He changed and sat in bed, but he couldn't sleep. He was thinking about what had happened today-- all of it, because it had been terrible in some respects, but wonderful in others. And he thought about Morgan, most of all, because she was his first real friend. But he had no idea that friendship could run as deep as what he thought about her, because he thought that she was amazing and beautiful. He just didn't have the guts to tell her that.

Morgan pulled into her driveway and snuck into the house. Her dad was, thankfully, crashed on the couch. Tiptoeing, Morgan made it to her room, and after shutting and locking the door, she changed into pajama's. Sitting on the bed, Morgan looked at the slip of paper with Asher's phone number. Biting her lip, she tucked her hair behind her ear. After setting the paper on her bedside table, Morgan laid on her back and stared at the ceiling, not able to get to sleep.

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Okiedokie :)

Asher finally switched off his bedroom light and laid back. He should have been tired-- well, he was, since so much had happened--, but that was the problem.. Too much had happened for him to sleep soundly.

Morgan wondered if Asher was thinking about her as much as she was thinking of him. These can't be feeling of love, she thought, this is never what it feels like. Morgan turned off her lamp and closed her eyes. She was so tired, but sleep was not coming to her.

Asher turned onto his side, to see if that would help. But it almost seemed wrong, to stop giving his thoughts to Mot-rgan and to her brother, as though it were selfish to sleep. That kept him awake almost as much as his general thinking about Morgan did. She was on his mind an awful lot now, but he denied that it meant anything, because he had no idea about anything like that."

Morgan finally fell asleep, but Asher was still on her mind. In her dreams, he was the hero that rescued her from dragons, the Loch Ness Monster, and evil clowns. Oh, and beat the shxt out of her evil father.

Asher tossed and turned for a little while yet. But soon, he became just too exhausted and he fell asleep. He dreamed vividly, about many things, good and bad. By the end of the night, it would have summed up his whole day spent with Morgan. She was there with him, too, and made things easier to bear.

We're time skipping to morning. Haha.

Morgan woke at six-thirty and yawned. She looked at herself in the mirror. "I'm such a mess." she said quietly, her finger tracing the mascara line of where her tears had smeared the makeup. Morgan stood up and walked to the bathroom, turned the shower on, and got in. Once she was done, she threw her hair up in a ponytail and grabbed some sweats and a tee shirt. Might as well be comfy if she was going to be in the hospital all day.

Alrighty. Sounds good.

Asher slept a little later than Morgan had, getting out of bed at about quarter past seven. He groaned quietly, rolling over tiredly to read his clock. He got himself a cup of coffee from downstairs and he felt much more awake after that, deciding what to do for the day, considering he at least didn't have any detentions. He knew Morgan would be heading down the hospital pretty soon. He hoped Cody was okay and that she was dealing with it alright.

Morgan made a cup of coffee and grabbed her keys. She went back to her room and grabbed her phone, sticking it into her pocket. After putting on a pair of keds and a coat, Morgan walked out the door and got into the car. As she drove, Morgan wondered if Cody was still in ICU. Hopefully, he wasn't because if he was, Morgan wouldn't be able to see him.

Asher eventually got himself some breakfast, something to keep his thoughts from drifting off too far. It was unhealthy, to think about this one person so much. But, she was the only friend he'd ever had, so maybe that explained it' he was just happy to have someone to spend time with.

Morgan pulled into the hospital and walked through the doors. She signed in as a visitor and talked to Cody's doctor. He told her that Cody had an 80% chance of living, and it was increasing. Satisfied with the thought that Cody was doing better, Morgan sat down next to Cody. She pulled out her phone and texted Asher; Cody is doing better :) -Morgan

Asher heard his phone go off from somewhere. Bedroom, where he'd left it last night, of course. He went to go and get it. He sat on the bed when he saw it was from Morgan, and only hoped it was good news inside. He opened it up and smiled to himself when he saw the message. He replied; That's great to hear! Thanks for letting me know, it's been on my mind for a while-- was worried. :) - Asher.

Asher put his phone on his bedside table and went back downstairs, to finish off his bowl of cereal, and watch a bit of the news, he guessed. He was glad that Morgan had told him so soon that Cody was doing alright, otherwise it would have bothered him for much longer. It also meant that Morgan would be feeling a lot better, which was good, too.

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