The Breakfast Club


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Morgan finished up her food too, and said, playfully, "Good luck. I'm already in enough trouble as it is, so anything you do won't be a very good punishment." She grinned, knowing that he really would have a tough time figuring out something to "Punish" her.

Asher had to laugh at her good comeback. "Well, I suppose you might be right there. But I personally think that the fact that you're going out with me is punishment enough. I still think you're crazy, but I hope it lasts, in that case." He smiled and asked Troy for the bill-- since they weren't getting coffee here due to his mother's offer earlier--, who apparently looked in an even more foul mood than before; he must have spotted them holding hands. He finished paying and giving tips and such and then asked Morgan, "Okay, you ready?"

"No, you are most definitly crazier than I am. You're the one with the pregnant girlfriend. I'm the one with the normal, sweet, but shy boyfriend." Morgan pointed out as she stood, put on her coat and picked up her purse. She giggled a little at Troy's obviously upset mood. "Sucks to be him." she murmured, taking Asher's hand and intertwining it with hers. "Yeah, let's go!" she said, tugging him towards the door, almost childlike.

"Say what you will, but I can only disagree," Asher replied as he stood up and put on his coat, "You could have pretty much any guy, I know because of how many talk about you, but you picked the one who nobody else likes, the weird one." He then chuckled at her comment about Troy, who was watching them with obvious annoyance, and willingly let her pull him out of the restaurant and to his car. "Alright, so you'll have to direct me to the studio," he said as he fumbled for his keys with his free hand.

"It's only because you're new and don't know anyone besides me. You could get plenty of girls, too. And the only reason I got so many guys before is because of my vagina, and don't even try to tell me otherwise, because I know that you're the first one who genuinely cares about me." Morgan said, letting go of his hand so he could find his keys faster.

"Trust me, it's always been this way with me. Doesn't matter where I've lived, I just can't get to know people. You are just a very special person, clearly," Asher said, finding his keys and then opening her door for her before getting in the driver's side. "And, well, then they just have no idea what they're missing when they don't want to know about the rest of you," he said as he put his seatbelt on and switched the engine on.

Morgan decided not to argue with him, even though she thought he was just being humble. Asher could get so many girls that were so much better than her. Morgan buckled her seatbelt and leaned back in the seat. She gave him the directions to the dance studio.

Asher followed Morgan's directions to the dance studio, which wasn't too far away at all, but then, it was a smaller town than the one he'd lived in before. He parked and suddenly felt slightly daunted by the idea of being taught to dance considering he barely knew how at all, and hoped he wouldn't be too awful at it. He got out, let Morgan out, and took her hand, gesturing for her to lead the way.

Morgan lead the way inside of the studio and headed straight for her favorite room. After she closed the doors, she looked around, smiling happily. The walls were all covered with mirrors, so no matter where you looked, you saw your reflection. This was a positive for the dancers, because whatever angle they were facing, they could still make sure their technique was right. Morgan let go of Asher and told him that she'd be right back. She left out of one of the other doors, and changed into a leotard, some tights, and a pair of shorts. They would obviously be more comfortable to dance in over her skintight dress.

In the meantime, Asher took off his tie just so that it wouldn't get in the way, and then waited for her. He found himself trying not to look at her too much when she came back-- he wondered why it was that he found her so attractive, he just thought she was beautiful. He appeared shy again, both due to that last fact and his lack of dancing know-how. Still, he was surprisingly excited about it at the same time.

Morgan smiled when she saw Asher's bashfullness. She skipped over to Asher and grabbed his hands, placing one of them on her waist, and holding the other in the air. She then placed her free hand on his shoulder and said, "We're going to start without music, so you can get the general feel of it. Just follow my lead." She stepped to a tempo and counted out loud, "One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four."

Asher followed her lead. He already had some musicality, at least, and he didn't find it nearly as testing as he feared, though he was slightly tentative for a while so as not to stand on Morgan's toes or anything. But his confidence built, as did his fluidity, and he became a lot less unsure of himself.

Morgan picked up a remote control that was sitting in the corner and pushed play. Some classical music came on and Morgan walked back over to Asher, and resumed the position that she had been in before. She started to dance.

Asher took a moment to adjust to the music, but then he got there, and, dare I say it, he was dancing, too. Hardly surprisingly, he didn't have exactly the poise an finesse that Morgan had, but he was a lot better than he thought he'd be, and that made him smile, and he actually felt like he was getting into it.

Morgan grinned at Asher. "I don't think you understand how happy I am right now." Morgan said, spinning under Asher's arm. "This has been the best date in the history of dates." she added, still grinning like a child on Christmas. She closed her eyes and let Asher lead the way as they swayed to the music.

"If you're anywhere near as happy as I am, then I think I might have an idea," Asher replied, starting to lead her a little more as she let him. He couldn't help but smile at everything that had happened. He was having such a great time, with a beautiful girl, and she had told him that she'd had the best date ever with him, of all people. It was the nicest thing now that he could be completely himself around her, because she knew how much he liked her, and he could really tell her how he felt. He pulled her a little closer to himself then, and to her second comment, he chuckled before saying, "Well, I'm sure you're probably aware that my dating experiences are, well, non existent until right now. But I'm pretty sure that if I had been on any dates before, this would be better. And I can say it's the most fun I've ever had. So, thank you."

Morgan smiled sweetly and stopped dancing for a moment. She kept holding onto Asher, but moved her hands so they were both around his neck. She was a lot closer now, just inches away from his face. Softly, Morgan kissed him. She just couldn't wait anymore- it seemed like the right time and place. Especially since he had learned to dance just so they could dance together. When she pulled away, she looked at him, searching for a reaction.

Asher had to hide his utter bewilderment when she kissed him, because he didn't want her to get the wrong idea and think that he didn't like it, perhaps. Really, he was just afraid because he didn't really know what he was doing since he'd never kissed anyone before. But above all there was one thing he knew, and that was how much he wished she hadn't pulled away so soon; it was impossible to ignore the way his heart had skipped a beat when her lips touched his. All of his thought processes took a few seconds before he moved his hands, one around her waist and the other holding her face to pull her back in for another kiss. And suddenly he forgot that he hadn't been sure what to do, because really it was the most natural thing in the world; it was just her and him, at the right moment, and he loved it.

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