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Tahita's hand started to ache.She let go.

"Oh poor willie.I'll get you to hospital"said Danielle

"HEY!!!HE IS MY BOYFRIEND"yelled Tahita

"BACK OFF!!HE IS MY BOYFRIEND"exclaimed Danielle

"BUT.........."shouted Tahita

"CAN IT"inturupted Dannielle.

"nice work Dannielle honey"said Will softly.

"no problem.theres nothing i wouldnt do for you"said Danielle.

2 hours later Will got better and they both went to Danielle's house for a date.

One word, kupatchithelover. NO. You're not the starter, cute_kitten is. So you can't just end it. Go make your own if you want to have a happy ending or not. Since cute_kitten said to make it tragic, might as well.

Tahita sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. She was crying into a shrine pond, and then..


A goddess appeared in front of her. "Why are you crying?"

Tahita sobbed, "Will, my boyfriend. This-" She sniffed soo hard. "Girl n-named Danielle took him away from me.....I-I loved h-h-him soo.... much. H-He's g-g-one now...."

The goddess smiled, and then a black figure appeared next to Tahita. "Take that fairy with you, he'll bring misery to the girl, I shall also do something."

Tahita thanked the goddess, and ran to her home.

"Black fairy, could you please do something bad to Danielle?"


Suddenly, a thunder bolt hit Danielle where she was walking with Will. Danielle fell to the ground. Danielle was holding Will's neck so hard, that he fell with her. Will's head cracked open.

Danielle blacked out.

Will remained, crying in pain. He was very close to death. Almost this: - close.

Tahita was laughing evily at Danielle so much she forgot about Will.


Danielle bought a lamp at the store.She used it to grant her three wishes.1.She wisjed Tahita was dead 2.She wished Tahita would go down there 3.She wished Will was alive.

This is supposed to be tragic.... Ah well.

But the lamp didn't work. Nothing happened.

Danielle began to sob and sob.

3 Days later, Will's funeral came. She sobbed as she came up to the coffin.

Tahita attended. Only, she offered to take the coffin, and the minister said yes. So Tahita took Will's body to the Goddess's pond. She dropped Will's body in.

Will became alive again.Only he loved Tahita sooooooooooooooooo *5742956829385618356 more o's* much and he hated Danielle soooooooo *999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 more o's* much.

Tahita took him on a date to the amusement park. All went well for them- They had fun.

Will was smiling and then, they found a great place to see the sunset. Will had a diamond ring that Danielle had gave him. He slowly handed it to Tahita. "Tahita... Would you marry me?"


She shouted.

They kissed, and Tahita put on the ring.

Meanwhile, Danielle sobbed and sobbed. She cried and cried and cried and cried and cried, she was spying at them. She cried.

Danielle began to hate Tahita soooooooooooooooo*5745637856123785617825413751274527144517451 more o's* much,she deicded to make a plan to kill her.

But then Danielle knew how upset Will would be, and Will wouldn't like her, and would kill her back. She had to do something else...

Tahita and Will had a wedding the next day.

And they both said yes, and kissed.

Tahita had two babies, who were a boy and a girl. The boy was Mark, and the girl was....

Suddenly, Willlooked at Tahita and then looked at Danielle. "JUST KIDDING!!!" He shouted. "OK, I will marry,....." He looked at them, he pulled them next to each other. "You." He said, kissing Danielle.

Danielle smiled. She cried tears of joy. "I love you."

The day of their wedding arivved. As the song 'Sin Sin Sin' played, Danielle walked up the aisle. The vicar, :( smiled. He said all the things, the two replied "I do." As they kissed, they'd be together forever, and nothing could change that.

The girl baby that Tahita and Will made at the last minute had actually been black, and so was a boy. They were twin boys.

Mark and Matthew(The so called girl baby) didn't like Danielle. They ran away. And lived.... as outcasts. Soon enoughm they called each other Blue and Red, and soon forgot their true identities. Blue(Mark) and Red(Matthew) lived off of scraps. They were small, and didn't care, one stale apple was good. They lived in this alley, and would check the garbage cans in a nearby elementary school.

Will totally didn't care about them.

Danielle didn't even know.

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But it was actually the two twins from the house next door from Danielle and Will.

Tahita got arrested, and the two twins were crying and angry, their parents were very enraged, they made the bail for Tahita, 43584585858585858488568689050320339939393999999999 Gotchi Points. Tahita went to jail, with no money anywhere, her bank account was sucked out, her wallet was empty.

Meanwhile, Blue and Red soon grew.... to live strange. They snuck into a local Baseball Stadium, and felt baseball was amazing. They found 3 5 dollar bills on the ground. And they had 15 dollars. They spent 10 dollars for a packet with a baseball bat, a glove, and a ball, and 4 bases. Blue let Red had the glove in the packet, Blue already had one, which was one he stole from the Baseball Stadium. They spent 1 dollar on 5 water bottles, 1 dollar on 5 Gatorades, 1 dollar on 5 cans of peaches, 1 dollar on 5 hand sanitizers, and 1 dollar on five bags of four apples, they would have 20 apples.

EDITED: Never mind. I was only reading page two (oops) didnt realize a third page.

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You can't make the ending, only cute kitten can, unless a guide closes this, then it won't end until cute kitten posts the end.

Tahita broke out, she grabbed Blue and Red, then abused them. She left them in the middle of the road to die, then ran to a park and killed herself by running into the pond.

Will ran out and grabbed Bluer and red. He cared for them...

Like everyone said, Kupatchi, No. Go make your own story based on this if you want to end it so bad. The ending you had is already almost happened, Danielle married Will, and they had kids. Only kids who forgot.

But once again, wrong two boys, Tahita had no good memory, and she had lost her glasses, and since she was in a town next to the little town Blue and Red had there feet on, She didn't know which town was which, and had abused two random little girls. Will mistook them for the real ones, unable to remember the true ones. The girls were fine at Will calling them Matt and Mark, but eventually got sick of it, it wasn't fun.

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