Mametchi 4ever
Well-known member
But Pie was still upset. He was angry. Very angry. He was going to get Maybeth back no matter what.
Meanwhile, Alyssa got married to a punk
named Kratos. He rode a motorcycle, and she always got to get a ride on the back of the motorcycle. He was part of the rock band too. He was the electric keyboard player. And singer. She was the rock guitar player. Also singer. And as for Zakuro, she still wasn't married. She hung around cafes often when the band wasn't playing, she was a background voice and a guitar player. They also had a boy and a girl, who were twins named Sammy and Sally, and they also had the single male play who everyone loved so much. Riley the other guitarist was so popular in their band, he got about 500000 love letters a day, he wasn't married.
Meanwhile, Alyssa got married to a punk