The Blah family's diary(remodified)


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(Hi! Glitter got married to her boyfreind at his console this morning, and Feather just happened to make the Meme Family. Hmmm... I'm naming them Emma and Janice. Emma in Orange, Janice in red. :) )

Hi! I'm Emma!

And I'm Janice!

How do you like it that we're pure, Janice?

Hmph. I don't.


Because Emma's going to get married.

That doesn't change anything.

Oh, well! *pouts*

*sighs* Here we go again.

The pouting and crying.

BWAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *runs to her room*

What? Is she emo or something?

Emma, that's no way to call your sister. Say you're sorry.

Fine. :angry: *runs to her room* I'm sorry.

It's ok. By the way.. wanna watch a horror movie?


*watches the movie while staring at Furby* Um... nice Furby...

Furby: I am out to kill you...

AHHHHH! *shudders*

And that's the real reason why you don't let Tamas stay up late. :lol:

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May 17

Hi! Emma again!

*sigh* I want Elmo to come and be by boyfreind.

:rolleyes: Of course you do.

Well, he's cute!

Well, guess what? Elmo wants to kill James, and he asked kids who wants to die!

That's very special. *makes a weird noise out of her mouth*


*runs into the living room with a small Sakuramotchi* I caught the intruder!

What intruder?

This one!*holds her up*



She's so cute.

Well too bad. *takes her outside*

Awww.... she was so cute.

May 18

Hi! I like Barbies!

That's special.

See? *plays with them*

*cough*Note to self*cough*: Don't let Snowfang get impatient for the TMGC+ Color. It's not like that Snowfang'll slow down these series.

Yeah, I won't be slowing down these series.

Good. :rolleyes:

That makes me happy.

It makes me feel better.


I heard that it'll be here by the 20th and start a log about it on the 21st.

Will that mean... we're forgotten?

No... the TMGC+ Color log is in the day and you guys are at night. Unless I have to catch up on days.


Yeah... whatever.

May 19


*sigh* I'm getting impatient about things. The TMGC is pretty slow about coming here.

Well, it's a sluggish, bulky-


:rolleyes: Ok. You win.

Well, what do we do?

We go to the supermarket!


*goes to the supermarket with the Blah family*

Can I help you?

*becomes hypnotized* The voices are telling me to kill you.

*flinches* Please? Can I help you?

The voices... *faints*

That wasn't pleasnt.

It's not at all, Janice.

Should we...?

Sure, why not?

*drags her to her house*

May 20

(My TMGC+ Color came here on this day!)


*cries* Elmo said I was an Ugly Girl!

That was an Ugly Girl Elmo. He's programed to say that and sing the song "Ugly Girl".

:lol: That's a scary Elmo.

You got that right.

Elmo: I'm an Ugly Girl!

That very special.

*looks out window* Say, it's raining in where that V3 was.

Could that mean...?

The TMGC+ Color's here? Already?


You never told us! *pouts*

How would I know when it was meant to come?

Oh, well. Now we have to share our days with that Color.

Eh, the TMGC+ Color's diary is as soon as I come from school, and yours is when it's night. How many times do I need to tell you that? I'm going to make sure that this TMGC+ Color talk stops.

That's very special. :angry:

May 21


Hello... I met a Makiko today and she was snobby... grrr. I want to kill her.

Ahem. She's our cousin. We have to treat her with respect.

:lol: Like we need her suppport.

She's not supporting us at all. Anyway, I'm getting married tommorow. So haha!

;_; I can't belive it!


That stinks that we'll only be here untill tommorow.

Oh well. It's a fact of life.

Eh, things aren't so chatty...



Hah! Made you look.

You're such a dork! :D

You're such a loser! BTW,want some cookies?

Yeah! *eats it* It's so spicy.

That's because I added chilli peppers and three-day old brocoli.(sp?) Haha.

Aw, man. :p

(Today I watched Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. It was so funny!)


*sigh* You never found anyone, didn't you.


Oh well...

Lol. I never found anyone.


That's very special.

Is that all you say? 'That's very special'.


Another part of her dictionary. 'Interesting'.




The lions!

What lions?

Haha! Made you look. Again. You're so gullibale.(sp?)

Darnit. :angry:

Heh, Emma is too gullibale.(sp?)

May 23

(Oh yeah! Emma made the Space Family, and had a kid named Moon and had some technical dificultes. :p We now go back to our usual preceedings. :D She will be writing in gray. )


So, Moon, what do you want to do?

Hey, look, an ugly Elmo! Can we blow it up?

Ummmmm....*looks with uncertianty* of course.

Ummm... very nice.

Just don't burn the hou- extinguish it now, Moon!

No. I'm going to let it burn through the patio. > :D

No you don't! Not on my patio!

Oh, well.

:( *extinguishes it*


*looks at her*Are you really evil?

No... :D


Do you like waffles?


Do you like pancakes?


Do you like French Toast?


And why?

Because only stupid people eat them.

:D Did you call your parents and I stupid?


Then why did you say, "stupid peole eat them"?

Because. I feel like it.

How can you feel like it?

That's classified.

Ummm..... you lost me.


Oh well, Moon looks like a lot of trouble soon enough. :(

(I reactivated her today because she was sort of bugging me, just sitting there.)

Can you tell us what's wrong with you?


Ummmmm.... that's no excuse. X_x

Sure it isn't.

You lost me. And you're too serious for a child. o_O

What's wrong with that, Snowy?

Nothing, Moon...

Ok... can I try to drive a car?


*runs to the car* Now... which dial is it?

Don't touch anything.

Who says I can't? *touches the reverse dial*

*slaps face with hand*

*crashes the car into another car* Oopps... sorry sir!

Man:Of course you are. :mellow:

May 26

*looks around* Where is it?! :lol:

Where is what?

My little doll! I named her Annie. :lol:

Where did you get this so-called Annie?

From a store.


Which store?

I forgot.

Actually, I saw you come in with a 20 Gotchi Point and came back with that doll in a garage sale.

Which garage sale?

That one. *points to a crickety house*

Wait, I remember who lived there!


A... I forgot.

Just great. :eek:

Nevermind! I found Annie!

Good for you.

May 27


Well, you'll just have to wait.

T_T You guys never let me have any fun.



Then you need to keep your mouth shut, young lady.

Grrrr... what did I tell you! This family's no fun. I'm moving.*runs away*

Fine. See if I care!


Now... where was I...?

*slams to her house* I guess I'm hungry. I'm going inside.

See? I told you it wouldn't be long before she came back.

May 28

We're going to a farm!

A farm? Whoopdedoo. ;)

Yeah. Horray.


Because I have buisness to do.

Ok. Well, Moon, Snowy, let's go!


(An hour later)

We're here!


Ummm... that's very nice of you. ' ^_^

Good. *drives away*

*drives away*

Farmer: Whatever you do, don't bother the chickens.

Ok! *runs into the chicken coop*

Moon, stop!

Why should I? *looks at chickens* Morons! Idiots! What do you think you're doing?

Chickens:*pecks Moon*


May 29

I'm going to the park. Want to come?


If you say so.

(A few minutes later)

Now, don't go astray, and DO NOT GO IN THE WILDERNESS!

I won't.


*runs into a tree* Darn!

Are you OK down there?

Yeah... just... hit a tree.

If you say so.

*looks at a tree-made bridge and goes into the wilderness*

Be care- wait! *comes in hot pursuit*

Hey! There's squirrels here!

Squirrels: *looks at her in awe*

Hi squirrels!

Squirrels: *attack her*

First chickens, now squirrels? NOOOOO!!!!!


Don't post in other members logs.

Even if they don't report you - it's still against the site rules :p

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Girl: OMG! You're so cute I could just eat you!

O_O Very nice. *runs off*

Hey, where's Moon?

I don't really know... You! Little human girl! Can you tell us what happened?

Girl: Ummm... I told a Sunnyitchi that she was so cute, I could just eat her!

I guess poor Moon was thinking that the little girl could turn her into Sunnyitchi a la mode. O_O

Well, let's go find her!


*tries to find her*

Well. She's not he- wait! I think it's Moon!

*hugs Snowy*

Umm... that's very nice.

(a hour later)


Let's see who it is!

Boy: I belive this little nuansisne is yours. *holds Moon*


What were you doing, running away for something someone didn't actualy mean?

I was scared that she would turn me to ice cream.

Well, don't be scared.

Well, what would have happened is someone threatened you to turn you into Curl Soup?

O_O Well, that's different. I wouldn't have run away.

And Planetitchi sundae?

O_O Stop being scary.

Oh well.

And Kuromametchi popsicle?

And be quiet.

And... O_O


I see someone's house being burnt down...?


I don't know.


Hah! There is no burning house!

Stop scaring us. You're gonna give me nightmares.

(I just realized that my other log had a typo to its name. XD )

Snowfang's stupid! Snowfang's stupid!

How am I stupid?


Because what?

Because you use pizza for a toothpaste!


Any you thought building was a color!


And you thought yellow snow tasted good!

You need to get yourself fixed or you'll never be a parent. A good one, at least. :huh:

What's wrong with being spazzy?

You thought that you would become ice cream...

Did not!

It was on your face! You were scared!

Grrrrr..... you guys still won't let me live it down.

June 3

(Moon got married to a Mametchi! The kid's names are Travis(male), Butterscotch(female), and Lemon(male). Travis is orange, Butterscotch is in brown, and Lemon in lime green. Parents, of course, will be in purple (mother) and green (father).)

I want some ice cream!

You'll get some soon.



Fine. But don't make a mess.

We won't!


*hands ice cream* Here you go!


(1 hour later)

*flings ice cream at Moon for the 54th time*



You wanted ice cream just for that?


:) I can't belive you guys.

June 4

Can we go to the mall?

Ummm... if you want to.


(At the Mall)

Where do we go first?

Well, mom and dad said they'll be going to the bookstore, so where do you guys want to go?

I want to go to the music store!

I want to go to the pet store!

And I want to go to the video game store.

There is no video game store in this mall, stupid.

Yes there is. *points to a Gamestop*


We're back!

So, which store did you go to?

A bunch of bad kids: *starts throwing tomatoes at people and one hits Butterscotch* how dare you! ;_;

Let's go home.


We only came here for a visit!

