The Blah family's diary(remodified)


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(RAWR. I just noticed this was a hot topic. Also, a new generation has begun!)

Hi! This is Gina, a Violetchi! RAWR. How come we grew so fast?

Because you and your Kizatchi brother are part of a Pure Family.

What's a Pure Family?And I'm Spencer, the Kizatchi!

*sigh* Do we have to explain this again?

I want to learn how to fly!

Violetchis can't fly.

But Ura Violetchis can fly, so why can't I?

Because you are not a V4.5.

*turns on TV and sees some Sesame Pudding* Ohhh, I want it!

We already have it, sweetie.


I think that's enough, let's stop before this family has an argument....

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(I posted my 100th post today! <_< )

I wonder what we should do right now....

I know! We can go murder a Kuromametchi!

Spencer! Are you nuts?!

I was just joking...

Well, you'd better be!

*comes back with Chinese food*

...What on Tama-Planet are you doing, swetie?

I brought dinner...

You look like a mix of a Papakizatchi and a Kuromametchi!

How come?

I think you forgot this! *grabs his pink scarf off his neck*


So, bye!

Hi! Gina here!

She'll never guess who will spend his life with her when she's a parent...*snicker*

*whispers* Do you think she will be happy with him?


If you say so...

I know so.



... Oh yeah! I remembered a Mamekatchi who hopes to be a Kuromametchi when he grows up! And he's cute already!

*whispers to Papakizatchi*Told you...

I'll tell you the secret I'm hiding from Gina when it's time! :angry:

March 23

Hi! Gina here! Still no Kuromametchi! Grr!

You are going to have to wait...

But she does not want to wait to start a family of her own...

Well, she's gonna have to wait!



When will he GROW UP???



So, bye!


Hi! Gina here!

You are not getting a Kuromametchi for another 72 hours, ok?


Deal with it!

*bawls on the floor*

I think she's getting impatient...

Tell me about it...



Nothing, now go to sleep, sleepyhead.

So, good night to you all!

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(My freind wiped out my hard work on my Platinum, and I discovered a Music Star glitch! If only my dad could make a picture of it... :D )

I saw my boyfreind today! He's a cool Kuromametchi! What do you want to play, Spencer?

Mismatched sayings! I'll start! "I made you a kookie.... but I eated it." ;)

"You eated my kookie?" :)


*slaps him* "That's what you get for eating meh chocolate."

Cut it out!

I agree, please stop, you too.

Please stop!


What a mismatched day! :)

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To culo34:I can tell and understand that you're new.I hope I don't sound mean, but you can't post comments on a Tamagotchi log unless it is your own. Please examine the rules. :)

Yayz! I can't wait! Ohwhenohwhenohwhen?

Soonohsoonohsoon. Happy?


Finnaly! *gets a boom box, and this song plays:

*Shut up. I heard our human got bad-mouthed by a fourth-grader.

That's none of your buisness!

Fine, sheesh.

Turn that down!

It's giving me a earache.

Ok. *turns the boom box off*

This will probably her last day with Gina and Spencer, so see ya later!

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(I messed up, possibly tommorow is her last day... :D )

Can we pet the monkeys today?


Have you ever been in love?


Do you like Maplestory?

I know a freind who plays it, but I have no idea what it's about.

Can you take us to the arcade?

Sure. *takes them to the arcade*

(5 hours later...(oh noes))

*is asleep on the arcade game*

*picks Spencer and Gina up and takes them home*

*wakes them up* I think you have one last thing to say to them...

I think that today will be our last day together, so... Bye, my fans!

Yeah, bye! We had fun!


I'm PRETTY sure this is Gina's and Spener's last day together, so bye!

March 28

(Wow... I missed two days! My dad was remodifying my computer... so I got a new one! Gina got married while I was gone,to... her little Kuro boyfreind!Oh yeah! They had 3 kids named Fire, Twinkie(how original :p ) and Blue. Fire will be writing in red, Twinkie in pink, and Blue in...well, blue! :gozarutchi: )

I heard that our human will make us all in Meme Family, since it already had a Mame and a Violet Family...

Human, can you tell us "what happened to Kopa" theroy?

Sure, this is what I think happened... (for those of you questioning who Kopa is, he dissapeard before The Lon King 2) He grew into a lion full of mischef, so he went to what will be later known as the Outsider's turf. There, he met Zira, and fell in love with her. But he caught her one day hanging out with Kovu's father. He became enraged and attacked Kovu's father and Zira killed him.

:eek: That's amazing!

That was only a theroy...



There's still more!

March 29


OMG! Bibarels will destoy us all! RUN!

Yeah, right, freako...


Sorry... :eek:

Thank you. :gozarutchi:


OMG HYPERNESS! *dies of hyperness*

What the...Can you tell me what happened?

Oh, he got a hold of the treat room...


Lol, I wuv my treats. :3

We just evolved! YAYZ! *spazzes*

Great. Not another Treat Room robber.



Me too!



AHHH! *runs*

That will be all, sorry it's so short...

*locks the Treat Room door* There!


:lol: You've been on sugar for the last two days...


I'm thinking about joining Maplestory soon...



The Japanese version of Be Prepared sounds strange...


I'm tired...

Let's go to bed!

Ok, good night...

(Idiot computer. Won't let me post my glitch. -_- )

Hi all!

I heard that-mpph!

You shouldn't be reporting stuff that's not about you!


Yesterday, did you go to a river?

Yes, why?

Have you swam anything that's taller than you?

Yah, swam at an 18 feet pool.




Why the creepy faces?


Good, now go to bed.

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Hi! It's Fire! I became a Mumutchi!

I'm Twinkie, the Onputchi!

And I'm Blue, the Nemutchi.*yawns*

I learned how to scan pictures today!


Yeah... Here's the site!


I have to go to bed...*yawns**snores*

You always want to sleep since you evolved!


Oh well. You should be hitchhiking to bed, too.

Ok. *runs to bed*

*runs to bed*

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(Gosh, I knew that I shouldn't be staying up late to listen to YouTube videos... I can barely keep my eyelids open...)

Hi all!

Hey, Fire! You nearly squished my Twinkie that I was eating!

Lie too much, I think that I've had enough. Am I too much?! She said that she's had enough.

He's singing this song... again... Wait a second. I thought you just wanted to sleep.

A little kareoke never hurt anyone.


...I want a cookie.

It's locked untill Easter, silly, and you'll have at least 1 generation.


But here's a cookie anyway! *throws it to a mean dog's backyard*

*jumps in there* Nice doggy... YEOWWW!!!!

Hehe... that'll keep him!

What's going on?

Nothing, Gina.


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(Lol. In all my life, I have not seen many videos as funny as This one.)

Hi! Fire again!

So who's going to get married?

It's going to be... Twinkie!

Nice, Twinkie!

*whispers to you guys*I'm going to expirement if cousins can marry... :D I got yet another Kuromametch...


So, how did you feel when that huge black dog attacked you?

^_^ I thought I was gonna die...

*slaps Snowfang*

Hey! ;)

Don't ever do that again. Clear?


I've noticed parents play more of a role than ever. :)

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(Sorry about not posting last night. Parents wouldn't let me stay up. :( )

April 5

Hey! Cut that out!

Since when were you the center of attention?


Good. That's what I wanted to hear.

:ph34r: You meanie! Wahhh!!!!

That's no way to treat your sister.

:furawatchi: It wasn't his fault!*dozes off*

Ok, chill... :wacko:

Too much angriness... TOO MUCH ANGRINESS!

That's it! *grabs Papakurotchi by the ear and locks him away*

HEY!!!! :wacko:

Wait a second... too much angriness? Has he figured out the code of the treat room?


Hi! Fire is in da house!

"In da house?" Proper grammar usage please?

You aren't a teacher. This is Tamatalk. Not a school. :lol:

Well, you have a point. But now you're making me feel stupid on the internet. :wacko:

Stop it, you two!

Fine. I was just giving my brother a lecture. :ph34r:

Well, no more lectures.

Fine... :(


...Where on earth is Twinkie?

At the movies with her cousin.

Where are mom and dad?


Both: :furawatchi: Oh...

For some reason, you remind me of Pokemon Red and Blue. :)



Ok, chill...

(Sorry I haven't been on! My Pokemon Platinum just intrests me...)

April 7

I don't like my cousin anymore.


I just don't like him anymore and he doesn't like me. Sheesh.

Well, I fell for his big sister, so things work out.

Well, if you say so...

Oh well. I'm not a lover.

Ok... I calmed Papakurotchi down.




I thought that you could never calm him down.

Well, I learned he's hypnotized by chocolate.

Yayz! I'm cured!

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