The Blah family's diary(remodified)


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(Gosh, they're acting finky. It's as if they don't even want freinds. -_- )

Ok.. so what do we do?

Let's use Kovu as that guy from Line Rider and play Line Rider!

:eek: No way are you even do that. I'm not gonna do the ultimate splits! :D

Ok.. oh well. You weren't a great paintball Tama, anyway. :(

Yeah, oh well...

I <3 Line Rider! The guy's like a slinky. He's useless yet it's so fun watching him. :p :lol:

Yeah. Have to agree with you there. :)

Yeah, as if Line Rider is very important. I bet you guys can't live at least a day without Line Rider.

Can so! :)

Yeah! We can so! :angry:

Then prove it.

Ok! B)

*1 hour later*

*plays with Line Rider*

*watches Nuka* OMG! That move was so funny! :lol:

Aha! Caught you!

;) Aww, man... :(

Did any of you noticed that 3 days ago, I made a hillarious typo? Gotta love those guys. :lol:

(Again, finky. I'm filing a complaint to Bandai. :rolleyes: )

What's wrong with you! You ugly- Gah! *runs to her room* :wacko:

No need to say it. You're stupid anyway, you *******.

:D Nuka! Where did you learn that repulsive word?! <_<

A song.

"A song" aint' gonna cut it.

*throws a mushroom* That's a dumb rule.

Well, live with it.

I'm not, you ***********. :mellow:

Again? What happened? First, you were an innocent Kuromametchi, and now, you're just a cusser!

Well, here. *hands her a paper filled with nothing but cuss words*

Ummm.... thanks? *rushes him to a counciler(or however you call it)*

What's the problem?

He won't stop saying cuss words! *cries*

Um... I'll help with that. *puts a chilli pepper in his mouth*

What'll happen?

You'll see....

OMG! MY MOUTH IS ON FIRE! *runs around*

That's what happens to cussers... :angry:

Lol, but still the complaint...

(I filed a complaint to Bandai on my Celebrity. Now I have to wait 24 buisness days. I think I can wait that long. :( :) Emberwing(my sister) will be disscused in some episodes a couple of times.)

*sticks a bar of soap into his mouth* That should stop it!

Hey! Mhmhhmhmhm... mhmhmhn!

Snowfang's getting Emberwing a- MHHMHMH! :eek:

:p Shud up!

You never said shut up at me. Oh well. B)

I want a Tamagotchi+Color!

Um.... you ARE a Tamagotchi.

No duh. *plays with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and gets a Monster House* Awww, man! *Pokemon faints* That's even worse.

Serves you right, you ***. *plays Line Rider* YaZ!

:) *puts a chili pepper in his mouth*

Ok, that's enough, my parents are knacking at me...

(When oh when will that letter come? :p )

I wonder what they're doing?

YAHHHH!!! *gets pulled*

Not so big and strong, now are you?

I don't care! JUST LET ME GO!

Not yet... *lets go*

Ugh! You stink...

At least he learned his lesson, because he stunk. :eek:

*bursts into the room* CUPIDS! :eek:

WTH? What are you talking about, sweetie?

I overreacted when I saw a Cupid and he gave me this arrow! Use it and whoever gets it throws it at their love will fall in love with them![/color[

That's interesting... GIVE ME IT! *snatches it from Papamametchi* *throws it at the Makiko next door*

Say... can I tell you something?

Yeah... *blushes*



Cupid: Because you can't cheat you're way to love!

Oh well, she loves me anyways...

Isn't it a little late to be seeing Cupids? :(

please don't reprt me, i just really like this aND I'M ALSO AN ASHFUR HATER........ we can be pals???? talk about all that stuff..........

(Hi guys! I'm back!)

Hi! Nuka again! :D

Sorry we're a little late!

Ohhh... pretty sunshine.

You don't want to stare at that, Nuka. It may blind you if you're looking directly.

*tilts his head even more torwards the sun* AHHHH!!! I CAN'T SEE!

I told you!

Where are you guys? I can't see you!

That's a no-brainer.

I'm sorry. Now he'll never see his own repulsive face again. Haha.

That's mean, Kovu!

I dont care.

URgggG! Will I be blind forever?


Poor Nuka... he's blind...

please don't reprt me, i just really like this aND I'M ALSO AN ASHFUR HATER........ we can be pals???? talk about all that stuff..........
(To shelltchi44: I'm not going to report you, but I think you should have PMd me instead about this. :( And I don't mind being pals. :wacko: )

Hey guys! We're soooooooooo far behind!

Yeah... we noticed that. :wacko:

I'm trying to make breakfast. Anyone willing to help?

Ok! *puts a Barbie in the oven thinking it's a loaf of bread because he can't see*

Wait... how do you know where the oven is?

I've been a tour around a house from when I was younger. You think I'm that stupid?

*oven explodes* Ummm, guys? What's with a bunch of melted wax?

Nuka, did you put a Barbie in the oven?

But it wasn't all my...

*oven sputters and spills melted wax on Nuka, Vitani, Kovu, Zira, Papamametchi, and Snowfang*

...fault. :(

I'm a Barbie girl! In the Barbie world! Laughing plastic, it's fantastic...

Be quiet with the Barbie songs!

What's next? I go deaf?

W0oT! Let's do that again!

Um.... no.

I have to clean these guys... :wacko: This is it for the night, ok? There's more tommorow!

(Happy Mother's Day!)

So, what do we do now?

Let's pour maple syrup on Nuka's head! > :D

That's mean! Think about it and go into Nuka's shoes.

I don't have any shoes, stupid.

Whatever. Anyway, take life into Nuka's veiw. Stop trying to act more mature, you're just acting more immature. :lol:


*throws a mushroom at Kovu*




Come on, mom and dad, take us to the zoo!

Yeah, so Kovu can reunite with his long-lost family.

You guys are hillarious.

Maybe we can teach him hyena talk.


No, we aren't going to the zoo.

No zoo expiditions. Tommorow, you guys have to deal with marrrige. All three of you.



Oh well...

YOU'RE WHATTTT?????!!!!!!

I'm leaving.

But.. you can't leave!

So? I found a Kutchipatchi and I wuv him to the bottom of my heart. <_<

But...but... but....

But nothing.

Well... bye....

Bye... ;_;

So long, Vitani... Hope it works out with you two. Maybe you'll get married.

Oh, I hope so... see ya! *goes off to the V5 Celebrity*


So long!

See ya another time!

Ok, shut up with the farwells, ok people?

Sheesh. You don't have to be cruel.

I'm clueless on what to say...

I'm leaving to go with Kiara.

;_; Not you, too! We've already lost Vitani!

We'll miss you!

Ok... So long, loser!

T_T Oh well. I'm going to Prinsess' house.

*ding dong


Hi Prinsess!

Hi Nuka! What happened?

Kovu left.

I'm sorry.

That's ok. It's my fault I'm blind, that Vitani left, and that Kovu left.

That's not true!

And how do you know?

I just do. Now stop blaming youself for problems.

Fine, I'll stop...

... That's just cute... Makiko and Kuromametchi confronting each other.... <_<

(Nuka and Prinsess got married while I was gone, and now they're teens. But let's just go to the fact that their names are Feather, Leaf, and Glitter! Feather in red, Leaf in blue, and Glitter in magenta.)

Hi! Feather here!

I'm Leaf!

And I'm Glitter!

Hey guys?


Why is there melted wax on the walls?

:mametchi: I'll tell you later.

Papa, how come you're blind?

That's another story that's too painful to tell.


Why won't you tell us, dad?

Because he doesn't want to.


Oh well. Let's just go to bed.

Nothing to report right now...

Let's visit the Familitchi next door!

No way.

Yes way.





Ok, whoever blinks first loses!

That's sounds good!



*stares and blinks*

Haha! You lose!

Let's go!

*checks mail* I wonder what it is? *feels it and find Brallie* OMG. He's overreacting. But it's Kovu.

Let me read it. It's in writing too.

"Dear Nuka,

I've left my daughter with Kiara and I'm now at Tamatown. Good bye.

From Kovu"

OMG! ;_;

Don't feel sad for Uncle Kovu, dad.

I'll try... now go along to wherever you were going.


This will be all for today... I'm almost done, so hold on there! :mametchi:

You're gonna play the piano? "'o_O

Yeah.Do you have something against it?

Um.... no.


Fine. :)

*plays it almost perfectly*

Hah! You can't play the piano!

Yes I can!

No you can't!

This will be a disaster...

5 hours later

*plays it perfectly*

Nice, Leaf!

Where'd you learn this?


Grrr. I swear, I will kill you, Leaf.

Umm... you're kidding, right?

Yeah. :p

Let's watch a movie!

Ok! Which one should be watched?

Let's watch the time when Taka's head went though the roof of the Game Corner!


If you say so.

Wait! We forgot the popcorn!

And the drinks!

Ok. *sighs*

2 minutes later

We have it!

:) Ok.

That's very special.

:p What?


Ok, if you say so. Now, let's watch it!

*Watches it* OMG! HAHAHA!


Sunday(Mother's Day)

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Why thank you,Feather, sweetie! *hugs*

*runs off*

Well, now that's settled...

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!

Why, thank you, Leaf.

*runs off*

Happy Mother's Day.

Ummm.... thank you, Glitter.

*hugs and runs off*

*finds a box of chocolates* :) What's going on?

Happy Mother's Day, my love. :p

Thank you, Nuka!

Eh, no problem. I knew you would like them. I just got a lot of bruises while I was walking to the chocolate place. It's hard to find places when you're blind! :D

It's ok, Nuka, you didn't have to go though all that trouble...

Well... I'm stumped on what to talk about.

Let's watch the Planet of the Apes!

What's Planet of the Apes, Snowfang?

I don't know...

How can you not know?

I just don't.

Never mind Planet of the Apes. If you win, Glitter, you're kicked out, Feather. If Feather wins, Glitter has to wear a gorrila coustume tommorow.

Is that so? On what?

A staring contest.


> B) I will beat you, Feather!

No, you won't!


I win! Rent the gorrilla suit, Leaf!



(Finnaly, I caught up!)

Hi! I'm a Memetchi! B)

I'm a Sukatchi. B)

And I'm a Hotteatchi. :p

We have 100% bonding!

That's boring! Can we watch Blue's Clues?

No. I'm watching America's Most Wanted.

> :D I hate you!

Say it as much as you want. Never gonna hurt me.

:( Great. Just great.

Oh well. Can we have ice cream?


Yay!*eats ice cream*

*bounces off the walls*

*his Snowfang in the stomach*

:eek: Whoof!!!

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May 13

*eats a part of a sandwich*


Well, too bad. *eats the rest*

*leaves fuming* BTW, I didn't tell you about my new boyfreind!

You... have a boyfreind? :wacko:

Yeah. What's it to you?


Good. So, what do we do now?

I don't know... -_-

I know! Let's beat up Glitter's boyfreind!

I don't think so!

:eek: Let's egg his house!

No! You do nothing to my boyfreind!

We don't care. *runs to egg his house*

NOOOO! What's he going to think of me? ;_;

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May 14

Ok... so we egged his house... so, Snowfang, what are you doing?

Writing a book called Duckhunters.

Cool. *thinks: :) *

You're such a nerd!

Am not! :angry:

Are too!



Who says who's a nerd?

I think Snowfang's a nerd.

Leaf, why are you even insulting Snowy?

Because I feel like it. :)

Well, that's not nice!

Well, too bad!

:angry: Ugh! You're imposible!

:p Ignore him. He's being a jerk.

Am not!...

And here we go again... :angry:

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I'm gonna go marry my boyfreind tommorow... he's so dreamy...

:) Yeah. Nice. I'm not coming to your wedding. :angry:

Ok. Whatever. You're creepy, anyways.

:angry: What did you just call me?



Hey! Chill!

So? She won't chill.

Well, that doesn't give you any right to try to kill her, especially when she's going to be a mother tommorow.

Will I ever get to be a father?

...Um, no.

T_T Wahhhh!

Don't be such a baby!




So, why are we in silence?

I don't have a clue.

Hm. LOL. So hyper. :angry: I made something Nuka couldn't do three days ago. Watch televison. He heard it, though. :)
