The Ancient Spirits


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"Listen, you better explain what this all is right now!" Cyph yelled, pinning Smoke to the wall ripping the paper up.

"oh we'll never know i suppose....." he sighed and kicked Cyph away from him walking back to the altar

"Hmmm.....i would check the pronunciations of the spirits if your foolish friend hadn't decided to rip them took me 12 years to get that full list too...the name does sound similar to one of the spirits though...which would explain why it seems familiar, but either way, rash actions bring about horrid consequences....." he pushed him off once again standing at the altar "If you wish to speak we should find somewhere Koronius doesn't know'll be searching for a while..."

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Cyph picked up the two pieces of ripped paper, and held them together. "This so hard idiot?"

Marana narrowed her eyes at Smoke. "I believe you know more than you're telling us..." she growled.

"If you haven't figured out the world is falling apart around you then theres nothing i can teach you that you could comprehend..."

"Hmph....I doubt i could explain to a foolish being like you....although your female companion....Marana you said was your name?....she my be able to comprehend a bit...though the process may be painful..."

"If you hurt her, you won't have a chance to explain it." Cyph threatened.

Marana narrowed her eyes and stood there quietly, trying to sort her thoughts.

"Listen, just explain it. You might not realize it, but I know a lot more than you think. So now explain what you're talking about."

he sighed "we'd best find a safer area first...unless you plan on getting us all spotted and killed, the only one i could explain it to quickly would be her, and thats only because she my be a very important person for my mission..."

"Well I'm not letting her do anything with you without me there, so you're just going to have to explain it to both of us." Cyph said.

he walked to her "not with words you fool" he pressed his right hand fingertips against her forehead for a few moments, restoring the rest of the few memory fragments she had into full memories, and allowing her to learn his name "yes...your definately her.....nice to know that your her..." he said with a light smile "now..." he turned to cyph "you are the only one here who currently doesnt know my name..whats yours?...."

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