The Ancient Spirits


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I'll let her introduce me...i must find some supplies that we'll need for our journey, she is one of theancient spirits, i can't allow her to roam and hide from destiny..." he walked toward a bookcase

Marana finally remembered everything, she was the Spirit of death. She ran through her now full memories. "His name is Smoke..." she said quietly, glancing over at Cyph.

Cyph nodded, not really sure what to say. "And how am I involved in this?" he asked. "What's with my scythe being like possessed?"

he searched the book case and pulled out a book "the ancient hero of the flame, kurokai, said to be imbued in the end of the scythe of neverending flames' hilt....i'm afraid i need the end of your scythes hilt..."

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"I'm not asking for your weapon,. merely for Kurokai. By birthright and the spirits choice, I am the proper owner of his soul."

"Well I think he would disagree, he seems pretty happy with me." Cyph said.

He shook his head and sighed "You'll regret that decision when the world ends and we are all destroyed because of your foolishness..."

"Well how bout we compromise? Is there a way I can merge with this spirit?" Cyph asked.

Marana looked back and forth between Cyph and his weapon with Kurokai's soul in it, staying silent.

Marana met eyes with Cyph. "I believe Smoke is wrong.... you and Kurokai seem quite strong as a pair."

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Cyph couldn't help but give a small grin of victory. "Well, two to one Smoke. I'd be willing to merge with him if you guys think it would help, but you two know better than me."

"And you know this how? Let me guess, you're him right? Well, guess what Mr. Warrior #^%+#^%, you're wrong!" Cyph yelled. "Kurakay or whatever his name is speaks to me, and he wants to merge with me. And I'm sure the spirits know a lot more than you, so I'm sure there is a way!" Cyph was red with anger, and looked to Marana, frowning at how he was acting, he didn't want to scare Marana off.

Marana simply looked over at Cyph, her face impossible to read.

"Yes i am the Warrior of the spirits, i was chosen at birth, I am the last human who still follows the spirits and their laws, were it not for you being friends with one of them, you would already be dead, now you can either help me fight Koronius, or get out of my way...and only he who knows the chants can so much as pray to the spirits and request a merging with the soul of a spirit, oh, and all the books with that information have been burned, and if you were to find a copy I'm the last person who can decipher the ancient language...even if you were to request it would never be fulfilled though."

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