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Ella frowned. "YOU HAVE NO PROOF" she cried in a rather bad french accent

"Nah. And now I will eat your first born child"

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Ella grinned at Teri. "Online, if you go to the Flying Mint Bunny site, you can buy a Canada" she offered, patting her China on the head.
Teri all of a sudden had a big =D smile on her face. "Thanks Ella!" she said, and she raced back to her Survivor-themed bedroom, got her laptop, went on the Flying Mint Bunny site (WTH Ella? xDD) and ordered a Canada!

Ella glared. "I won't have your bbyz. My bbys will be from some dude from Europe or something similar"

Ella frowned. "I would prefer it if you were, say, I dunno Greek or something. OR ITALIAN. THAT'D BE AWESOME. LIKE, I DON'T KNOW"

"It's okay, Alex! There's an easy way to sort this!" Eleanor did an epic pose. "USE YOUR SUPER SPECIAL POKEMON ABILITY ON JARED!"

Ella smiled. "You're a hobo. I'm off to watch TV" and with that, she poofed to her room, to watch some..uhh.. Ireland vs Aussie.

Then she ordered an America. Then ate with France. LIKE A BOSS

Teri raced out of her room, and saw her Canada. "YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!" she said, and she huggled her Canada and fed him pancakes WITH MAPLE SYRUP!!! <3

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