I subscribed to the website with my spare email address (the one I use for subscribing to stuff that might send me junk mail), so I'll post anything they send me here. So far, this is all they've sent:
Thank you for subscribing!
Look for future emails from us with the latest news and updates about our Apps, products and activities.
Thank you!
EDIT: I just wanted to add a suggestion about that stories section...I recommend not sending rude or insulting posts. Tamagotchi LIFE probably already know they have haters, and they're not going to publish insulting stuff anyway. I'm not going to stop you from doing it, but that's just what I think. I'll probably say something about good memories of Tamagotchi, then how I felt when Tamagotchi LIFE was released, then something hinting that I hope the new product is good. This will tell them that not everyone is happy with their release but we don't completely hate it.