Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai


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As much as I wanted to be supportive of this L.I.f.e. thing, it's not aimed for me. I'm a guy in my 20s and what have I got to do with overly pink ladies' clothes with pixellated icons? What have I got to do with the latest ladies' fashion trends?

As for testing for brand loyalty... they don't have to do that. There is a term called "feasibility study" that a company should conduct first before releasing products to see its market viability. And apparently, they either:

a) did not conduct a study; or

b ) performed market research on an entirely different demographic.
I agree with you. I don't think this is a very smart venture... From what I know, 20-29 year old women aren't likely to be into tamagotchi product. Period. They really should have targeted someone else.

As much as I wanted to be supportive of this L.I.f.e. thing, it's not aimed for me. I'm a guy in my 20s and what have I got to do with overly pink ladies' clothes with pixellated icons? What have I got to do with the latest ladies' fashion trends?

As for testing for brand loyalty... they don't have to do that. There is a term called "feasibility study" that a company should conduct first before releasing products to see its market viability. And apparently, they either:

a) did not conduct a study; or

b ) performed market research on an entirely different demographic.

Again, you dont know what MAY be in store i promise you, that you will want to support things!

Please keep it cool guys. If you want to support, Thats cool. If not, that is your opinion. Tamagotchi Life, has many veiws being thrown out to the world. Its a choice people make themselfs.

I myself am still hoping it turns out well, but the current things I am seeing, I don't mind for. They have my support... But it doesn't mean I will be buying.

I am sure lots of others here still have support. Just maybe not the current direction Bandai America isnheading.

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I do give tamagotchi LIFE one thing: I guess it MIGHT sell!

Think about it for a minute.. This isn't meant for us fans, it's meant for people who vaguely remember tamagotchi! People who are like "OH MY GAWD I REMEMBER TAMAGOTCHI I HAD ONE WHEN I WAS 4!" those kind of people. You know, girls who are obsessed with "Retro! XD" today.

With those people, it MIGHT sell I guess. I just want BanDai to not forget about us. ;^;

I do give tamagotchi LIFE one thing: I guess it MIGHT sell!

Think about it for a minute.. This isn't meant for us fans, it's meant for people who vaguely remember tamagotchi! People who are like "OH MY GAWD I REMEMBER TAMAGOTCHI I HAD ONE WHEN I WAS 4!" those kind of people. You know, girls who are obsessed with "Retro! XD" today.

With those people, it MIGHT sell I guess. I just want BanDai to not forget about us. ;^;
Trust me when i say, They havent. We need to be supportive though, because we DONT want to lose Tamagotchi forever, and when i say that, i mean "Tamagotchi" not "たまごっち"

Trust me when i say, They havent. We need to be supportive though, because we DONT want to lose Tamagotchi forever, and when i say that, i mean "Tamagotchi" not "たまごっち"
Companies don't think like this you know, it's kind of, uh, irrational?

There's a few possibilities. For one thing, this could be separate from whatever BanDai America is apparently "planning".. And then, this could be the only thing they are planning.

Also, companies don't really listen to their fans. Especially Japanese ones. Nintendo has been churning out disappoint after disappoint for me :/

I prefer the Japanese series anyway. I love the anime series. ;^;

Well...To be honest...I don't like supporting things that I don't like. Not being a 20 year old girl and being 11...It's just not for me. Not that I don't want to support it, but if I do, would there be anything I will look forward to? No. I really do want a new Tamagotchi, but I think I will stick with my opinion. ;)

Well...To be honest...I don't like supporting things that I don't like. Not being a 20 year old girl and being 11...It's just not for me. Not that I don't want to support it, but if I do, would there be anything I will look forward to? No. I really do want a new Tamagotchi, but I think I will stick with my opinion. ;)
We never truly konw, their might be, how do we know BanDai and SyncBeatz aent listening? just give it time!

Strangely, I sent an email to them and used the exact address, but my email said the address didn't exist! So the Tamagotchi LIFE site is giving a fake email...?

Ah well. They'll be surprised when they check the Hometown Heroes entries and see what I sent them...lol, I nominated Ikemen Mametchi. XD

Guys just seriously trust me on this, if super important, you have to be more supportive! If we dont, who knows what will happen!
I hate to be rude, but I don't think you should be forcing your own opinions with the rest of the people who thinks otherwise.

As part of the non-L.i.f.e. crowd, I will tell you that we support Bandai in a way that we criticize its actions which we think does not cater to us fans. If we didn't support Bandai in the first place, why should we care? Why were we in this forum? What are we doing here, right? If we never really cared, we'll just let them do all the things they want, be it good or crappy and not waste time discussing things about it. But supporting does not only mean giving positive feedback, but giving negative feedback as well. This kind of information gives Bandai crucial information about what their customers REALLY want.

Yes, we get your point in supporting Bandai - and no one is forcing to you withdraw it. We respect and value your response. You should behave likewise. We are all entitled to our own opinions.

If Bandai America really does do something that interests us in the near future, I don't see any reason why we should not support it. After all, we're all here for that very reason.

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If BanDai is just "testing our loyalty" or anything like that, they've been testing it too long. Haven't they seen the statistics of people quitting TamaTalk? We had loads of members before the Tama-Go, I seem to remember, and a lot of them have gone or become uninterested in Tamagotchi. This was almost entirely because of the release of new Tamas, which I have nothing against but were not an overall success. Even I have become uninterested in Tamagotchi, and I used to be obsessed with it. We ARE loyal to Tamagotchi, but this isn't Tamagotchi that we're supposed to be loyal to.

One unsuccessful release and a few groups of haters is normal. Three unsuccessful releases in a row, and even old fans hating a brand, is not normal.

Well it seems that the "stories" section on tamagotchilife.com is up and running with a total of 1 story

Interesting how the single story has a tamagotchi ID in it! Maybe I should make a real story with my Tamagotchi P's for the heck of it..

Yea I was considering doing something like that too. Maybe instead of saying negative things, we should all say positive things about the good days of english tamagotchis and add in some positive feedback on how much we love what japan has been doing with tamagotchi

Yea I was considering doing something like that too. Maybe instead of saying negative things, we should all say positive things about the good days of english tamagotchis and add in some positive feedback on how much we love what japan has been doing with tamagotchi
Ah, positive constructive criticism.. :p It can work! Lets do it everyone!

Meh I don't support tmgc life at all I think it's lame and girly and obviously bandai America rant listening to people if we have repitively told them that there are male fans yet beats sync and bandai USA still ignores us

I now only support bandai Japan because even though its for Japanese audiences they still listend to what people wanted from tamagotchi and look how great the p's is turinging out to be

I subscribed to the website with my spare email address (the one I use for subscribing to stuff that might send me junk mail), so I'll post anything they send me here. So far, this is all they've sent:

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EDIT: I just wanted to add a suggestion about that stories section...I recommend not sending rude or insulting posts. Tamagotchi LIFE probably already know they have haters, and they're not going to publish insulting stuff anyway. I'm not going to stop you from doing it, but that's just what I think. I'll probably say something about good memories of Tamagotchi, then how I felt when Tamagotchi LIFE was released, then something hinting that I hope the new product is good. This will tell them that not everyone is happy with their release but we don't completely hate it.

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