super magical (not really)tama log


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Uk England
Well i havn't got it yet but i'm going to get it on wedenesday soooo i won't write anything till that day. see u soon then.

Well it's wednesday annnnnd I got the music star!!!!!!

Ok calm down...OK !! Pulling the tab out.... Beeeeeeeeep ooooh cool egg yay got a girl! Mmmmm I'm going to call her po.hi po

po:........ Me: wait abit she will talk sooner or later so when she does she will talk in ...purple. Well i'm going swimming so pause it's paused until o come back

She changed she's a hitode- tchi ok she wants to say somthing

Hi I'm po. Goooooooog moo byeSo bye see u later or when something happens

Ok so I went to school and luckly my school allows tamas! Well at school the preschool teacher came (on my tama) and gave mea toy dinasor. Then the king came and gave me 2000g then he came again and gave me a pizza slice. Then after that I left school and my tama went to preschool. Just now I went to music city (my thing is JM0303) and made a cd and played games and stuff. So here's a little word from po :

Hi I can talk now well not propo propo proporly yet well I went to musik ciey and had loads and loads of fun well bye now well bye

sorry for not writing yesterday but nothing happened.

well today she turned into .... drumroll please a Ichigo-tchi and finally formed a

band ok her bands called moo( i know random) well shes the lead singer and in the band there a chan mamithci called veronica and a ringo-tchi called thu

ok stats:

1 yr


Hungry 0000

Happy 0000

stress 28

Tone 156

Rhythm 131

original 189

musiv genre

1st gen


wait a minute oh yeah arnt you sad michel jackson died pm me to tell me.

um the teach got her a timpani and sorry wait a moment.


Sorry but want to saysomething

Oh since po's a teen now she can speak ok nso here she is!

Hi um well oh yah huh

woahslowdown noone can understand you.

ok sorry ppl well iwent tomusic school and met veronica and thu they r soo cool we made a band together called moo.ok from now my friends are going to talkas well ok so voni(veronicas nickname) is going to talk in blue and thu isgoing to talk in green ok im going stop talking nd my friends going to say hi then tama65 is going to speak( im not going to call her mum cause shes not shes more like a nanny.

um hi i'm veronica but call me voni so see ya

hi i'm thu umumumumumuumumum BYE!

ok well bye see u tommorow well i won't SEE u but um y'know bye

ok um sorry for no writing yesterday well po turned into a mimi tchi yay shes exactly what i wanted her to be. well voni turned into the charecters with the musical not head and thu turned into a girl version of mametchi well that was the good thing and the bad thing was that i failed all 3 auditions :unsure: well bye i need to change computers.

Okaaaaay... so y'know that you only get 3 auditions and if you fail you become street performers well po had ( and failed) all 3 but got more today is that weird or am i stupid please pm me.

ok well po failed them AGAIN! well not much else ecept somone gave me poo and the king gave me an orange so thats it from me sooo talk to Po.

Ok so I failed all my auditions boo hoo only one judge liked every time! So I know somone hates me 'cause I getting poo in the mail. Um talk to my friends

WE FAILED AGAIN! I mean come on people are we that bad? Well obvasly it's Thu's fault she sang off tune every time! I did not it was totally your fault GUYS GUYS please don't fight it will just make worst. Stay out of it! Ok so movements and actions will be in hot pink or just pink I'm not sure how it will come out.

Thu and Voni fight

Guys cut it out we are not children we are adults.

Thu and Voni pulls Po in to the fight

Ok so I'm going sort things out so bye :unsure:

Oh I almost forgot stats:

3 yrs


Hungry 0000

Happy 000 ( I'll sort that out later)

Stress 6

Tone 347

Rhythm 364

Original 407

Music intrests Hip Hop

Gen 1


I know I know I havn't been on for 3 days well I've been busy y'know with homework and all that well I've finally passed an auidition got my pro debut and got like 1,000,000g and 100,000,00 fans and got nice letters.oh yeah isn't so sweet when they beeband you press a button and they go to shower its so cool. well thats it nothing else happend (Thats why I've not been writing)





My tama finally got married she got married to a ... a... MAMETCHI and got a award for 1st ranking in hip hop. The baby is a girl plese pm me to help choose a name. If not the back up name is jazz.

ok stats stats (get it?)

6 yrs


hungry 0000

happy 0000

stress 00Tone 681

rhythm 706

original 805

1 gen


Star ranking 1st

tama fans 367 877 285

um talk to po

Its raining men hallayuah. oh sorry I'm just so happy i got married to a handsome mametchi and got a little baby girl.WAIT what i'm i gonna name her WAIT I'm not even going to look after her -_- oh well talk to my husband and baby p.s my husband is called tom.

p.p.s. my baby is going to speak in orange and my tom is going to speak in gray

goo goo gaaa mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! AWWW isn't she cute pretending to be a cow coochie coohcie coo hehe oh hi i'm tom and i'm the husband of a lovely mimitchi. oh we both want to say bye cause i think this the last time po is going to speak and then we'll go to tamagotchi world and u will get to speak to our little baby i'm sure tama65 will make a great nanny.

well bye waaaaahhh I 'm going to miss u guys.

ok so what an emotinal leave for conclusion:







Also SCHOOLS OUT on wednesday for me that is :ichigotchi: but i'm going on holiday on sunday so i won't be able to write see ya tomorrow

AND see my goodbye on y'know the thingy tommorow not to day tommrow.


ok guys the parents haven't left yet which is strange but all well so only 1 person pm me. ONE ! well I'm going to call the baby choco thanks to bain bananas

YOU HAVEN'T BOOKED THE PLANE! NO WONDER WE'RE RUNNING LATE! men... Po checks everthingGot everthing?! UM yep WAIT no I fogot my passwordYou mean passport No I mean passwordOkaaaaaay....huh goo? muhmuh waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah AHHHHHHHHHHHH shhhhhhhhh rock-a-bye-choco- OK so I'm going to leave them to that bye


Well I'm still here but I'm going to go after breakfast I know late breakfast weird. So po and tom finally left but we still have choco (bian*bananas pm me she/he was the only person to pm me but all well she/he gave me the name choco heres a shout out thanks bian*bananas) Well there is somthing super annoying they took all the money I mean I had over 12millonp and they took it ALL! Well they did leave me stuff but I rather have money. :( :p ;) ^_^

Okay stats

0 yr


hungry 0000

happy000 ( I will change that )

stress 15

Tone 202

rhythm 207

original 238

Classical music




UM well I'm trying to get a guitar so I can rock'n' roll.

OOOOooo listen to choco talk oh doesn't matter she fell asleep I was going to take to music city all well I'll post more when she wakes up hopefully I'll still be here 'cause y'know I'm going on holiday.


CHOCO=hot pink



TEACHER= purple





Oh shes awake um say hi to choco thn we're off to music city GOO ga huh Muzik pity

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So my holi was great well my tama became a um the same thing as last time and got a weird block thing that says bandai on it. Um then she turn in to a ichigo-tchi and got some turn tables. Her bands called mint and in the band is chanme-tchi (girl vr of young vr if mametchi) called jenny and a ringo-tchi called lydia. Say hi

FRIEND 1 (jenny)= orange

FRIEND 2 (lydia)= gray

Hey...Ummmm hi hiya guys um not much else to say um bye

Well yesterday Choco married a :lol: ( He will speak in green) and had another baby girl and since bian*bananas gave me 2 names I will call the baby yoko (she will speak in normal pink)




Hungry 0000

Happy 0000

stress 00

tone 910

rhythm 918

original 928

hip hop

2 gen


Um Choco band members chaged as well Jenny is a :ph34r: and lydia is a girl version of mametchi they have somthing to say.

WE FAILED!!! AGAIN AND AGAIN Even though I love my familiy its their fault since I got married we cant have any more auditions!


Well bye...

Um hi well I'm guesing since Choco got married yesterday they are goinog to leave today or tommorow well Choco finally got 999 in evrything right so heres a little of what happen with them.

Bye guys! :sighs: Well Jenny and Lydia have gone I'm gonna start packing. Are you going to help me dear? Wha oh um I'm busy You're watching tv urgh men... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I I I I'M MOM!!!! Foo foo foo foo FOO! Huh oh yoko you want foo? ...... OH FOOD! ok here you go choochoo here comes DING DONG (The weird guy who gives you pressies will talk in brown.) DELIVERY!!! UMM Choco??? Yeah?? You've got something from the king The KING!! GIVE ME!!!

Opens packageITS ITS A.... train :huh: ;) it must be for yoko. Here you go baby YAH

well bye

Hi parents have left. Left me with the crying baby. Her name is Yoko she will talk in dark blue.



Yoko=Dark blue

Guy who gives mail=Brown



AHHHHHHHHHHHHH she chged in to a Hitode-tchi

ok back to stats



hungry 00


stress 10

tone 249

rhythm 249

original 249

classical music

3 gen


Well I'm gonna chage the happness and hungryness so bye


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