super magical (not really)tama log


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Well yeah SID turned into a kikitchi so um he made a band called busted.I know I know busted is alredy taken but what they don't know can't hurt them.Hey what oh SID just got mail. Awwww it was levi giving him 15000p whoo. Anyway so yeah lets look at the band.

Band name: Busted

Band music genre: Look in Stats later

Band members





I just noticed that Kiktchi looks like Kiki from mew mew power Any way


Please highlight below

1 Year old


Hungry ****

Happy ****

Stress 00

Tone 333

Rhythm 330

Original 361

Music Interest Classical music


4th Gen

Um ok so bye :)


OH YEAH COME ON!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY SAY HEY!! .....[SIZE=8pt]Tough crowd[/SIZE] Ok the amazing Tama65 will tell you what has happen to Sid...[SIZE=21pt]HE TURNED INTO A KURO-MAME-TCHI[/SIZE]Sooooooo cool he looks all punky any way his band changed too. Penny turned into a ;) and Toby turned into a :gozarutchi: .Ok the :( thing is that they failed the first 2 auditions.I'm not sure when the next one is...

Anyway to lighten things up lets see the stats


STATS :rolleyes:

2 Years old


Hungry 0000

Happy 0000

Stress 07

Tone 450

Rhythm 425

Original 483

Music Interest Same as b4

4th gen


Star Ranking: 999th

Tamafans : 35,357

Any way BYE

Ok hi gus nothing happen to sid but i just got fanmail... FANMAIL!!! Here it is

Tama65 your tamalog is really great!I love the wonderful colors!

and PO is a really cute name. :3

I cherish it! I mean I cherish it A LOT!
This ^ is from Heavenly Days <3.

Sadly po is not with us now but I'm sure she can see this from tama planet

bye :gozarutchi:

Hi ppl of the world that are on the internent,SID JUST GOT THE PRO DEBUET.But I guess you know that cause I just told you yesterday. Oh yeah I just remembered I GOT MORE MAIL... WHOOOOO]Here it is(It's from Evil Dazzilitchi)

I cannot see any Tama-Log better than yours.And you're really lucky that you got a Kuromametchi!

I have a Dazzilitchi 3rd generation.

And you should call your next tama Cherry if its a girl,

and rob if its a boy. your tamagotchi log is the best one!
And I am going to call the next Gen Cherry or Rob. :huh:

Anyway Sid had a couple of conerts a paycheack an blahdeedablah


4 Years old

62lb(Hope thats not fat)

Hungry 000 (Gonna change that)

Happy 000 (Ditto)

Stress 00

Tone 680

Rhythm 630

Original 695

Music interest Classical music

4th gen


]Star ranking 2nd (WHOO)

Tama fans 288,364,481

Any way bye :eek:

Sorry I cant do it colour it won't let me

Hi guys nothing happen to Sid but I'm hoping that he will get married soon.So um well...Thanks for reading my log and um...


I love willem Hall from my school :D

4 Years old


Hungry 0000

Happy 0000

Stress 09

Tone 732

Rhythm 689

Original 751

Music Interest Jazz

4th Gen


Star Ranking 4th

Tama Fans 307,835,925

Peace and goodbye...[SIZE=14pt]ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING[/SIZE]

I can't do stats or go into detail 'cause I'm about to go out anyway um Sid got award for 1st in Jazz and got married had a boy named him rob cause of evil tazzilitchi. ok bye.

p.s I'll hopefully do more after i come back. :p

I can't do stats or go into detail 'cause I'm about to go out anyway um Sid got award for 1st in Jazz and got married had a boy named him rob cause of evil dazzilitchi. ok bye.
Hi guys sorry I coudn't do it in more detail so yeah he got an award for jazz and classical and got married to a mimitchi and had a boy named rob.I'm a little annoyed at my dad so I'm writing in dull colours.Any um oh yeah the name is from evil dazzilitchi anyway um



Pleae high light below

6Years old :kusatchi:

69lb :kuribotchi:

Hungry 0000 ;)

Happy 0000 :wacko:

Stress 00 :eek:

Tone 941 >_>

Rhythm 918 :ichigotchi:

Original 999 :puroperatchi:

Music Interest :hitodetchi: Classical music :D

4th Gen ;)

21990060p B)


Star ranking 1st :p

Tama fans 319,590,380 ;)


Ok bye

Well howdy partners :rolleyes: , Sid left today and I named the baby rob just for Evil Dazzilitchi any way thats really it I'm not gonna do stats on this one cause in one hour it will be more exiting ok so bye

Hi again well Rob just envoled into a kuchitamatchi.





Hungry 0000

Happy 0000

Stress 00

Tone 242

Rhythm 240

Original 249

Asian music

5th Gen



I'll post agian when he goes to preschool

Sorry I fogot to post yesterday anyway he got a ship from the pre school teacher and thats really it.Oh and he just pooped and turned into A KIKTCHI. :mellow: I was trying to get a different charecter for once.... :p Any way




Hugry full

Happy ditto

Stress 11

Tone 287

Rhythm 278

Original 277

Music Interest Asian music

5th gen


Hi again I was just reading some off the other logs and they are really good so I was going too use some off their ideas after they pm me back saying its ok so bye for now :hitodetchi:

Quick log Music teacher came gave Rob a Trombone and his band is called BLUE.In his band there is a ringotchi called Colleen and a cha mametchi called Lydia.Rob plays the Bass drum and Colleen and Lydia play the Violin.Bye

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Hi well Girlz rule(which they do) said yes which means I can use her diary idea and I will but not now first ...................................................................................


1 Year old


Hungry 0000

Happy 0000

Stress 37

Tone 357

Rhythm 332

Original 341

Music Interest Asian Music

5th Gen


Dear diary,

My band had a great practice today.I'm so lucky that my band members are both girls,we are the best but what I don't get is that why are we playing Asian music I wanted to do Rock'n'roll but Tama65 told me its already been done which is so unfair.Anyway I'm so stressed I don't know what to do Tama65 says its to change my charecter.


Well bye,


Ok bye

Hi people of America,Euerope,Asia,Antartica,North pole,and Australia and New zealand...Anyway Rob turned in to a [SIZE=21pt]MAMETCHI,[/SIZE] which is ok but I really wanted and diffrent charecters and I'm not good at purposly doing bad care so its annoying but blah.Oh yeah! Colleen and Lydia chaged too,Colleen turned into a :unsure: and Lydia turned into a ;) . Okay so I'll do stats in the next post cause I gotta have breakfast

Hi again ok so in this post we will do Stats and Robs diary so oh wait MAIL Sid gave him make up.okay so....


2 Years old


Hungry 000

Happy 0000

Stress 32

Tone 409

Rhythm 400

Original 413

Music Interest Asian music

5th Gen


Star Ranking 999th

Tama Fans 5,048

Dear Diary,

Today I turned into a mmetchi which is great I'm like my great great great great great grad father.Anyway me an my band failed our first audition but I'm sure we will past our next one.Today I got mail from my father he gave me make up[SIZE=21pt]WHY WOULD HE GIVE ME MAKE UP I AM A BOY!!!!![/SIZE]

Anyway good bye,



If you can't read the following please high light its not white.Hi there nothing much has happen since last time but he is wearing a mocha costume and got some money from the gutiar guy aka band manager so um lets go to ....................................................................................................................................................................


3 Years old


Hungry 0000

Happy 0000

Stress 04

Tone 527


Original 553

Music Interest same as last time

5th gen


Star Ranking 4th

Tama Fans 110,559,874

Ok diary time

Dear Diary,

Yesterday I got a Tama Battery from my dad when I used it this plug I guess came and connected with it and it came to life he gave me a presant then he left.When I opened it inside ws a harp. Also I got the PRO DEBEUT.I'm hoping to get married soon and have a baby boy.


ok bye :furawatchi:

Hi guys quick log he got married to an onputchi and had a baby boy PLEASE PMME WITH NAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
